| Ten Years Later |
"Come on, Jake, let's hunt." Jack beckons to his twin as they approach me, seeking permission from the Alpha, Alexander.
"Hey, kiddo, it's dangerous alone." Alexander warns from inside, emerging to attend to them.
"No, Dad. We're warriors." Jake smirks, drawing his bow and firing an arrow at a figure by the pack gate.
Shuddering, I step back. "What was that?" I ask Jack.
"Jake handles rogues well. Can we go now?" Jack requests from the Alpha.
"I'm not sure." Alex whispers, the pack gate falling as a commanding presence emerges—Dominic, flanked by fiery Betas and numerous rogues.
He smirks playfully at me, but Alexander intervenes.
"Orion? Orion Blackwood?" Dominic says in confusion, glaring at Alexander.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I stutter.
"Nora, you've been hiding at my brother's pack for years now. You've been very good at hiding the pack scent and location from our view until recently when we were able to access here." Dominic says, grunting.
"Alexander, be patient. Don't be ready for some bloody scene here. I'm less concerned about the brother issue because I believe you can't lie to me. But save your pack by resisting the urge to shift." I plead with Alexander.
"Stop it!" Dominic growls. "This is Orion, my own brother. We both escaped from our father's pack because we were maltreated. On our way to find shelter, we were attacked by rogues. While he tried to escape, he was caught and tied down. He was told that the only requirement to be free is to kill me. Or I kill him, to be free." Dominic narrates, his words beginning to sound true.
"D-Did you harm him?" I tearfully ask Alexander, but his face remains cold, not saying a word.
"Orion didn't hesitate to grasp the sword from the rogue leader. He stabbed me severely. Thanks to my father that trained me on how to pretend to be dead. I pretended, and they all left me in the lurch." Dominic claims.
"Enough!" Alexander growls.
"If I detail how bad you were when we were still in Dad's pack, your wolves will turn their backs on you, I promise." Alexander says, glancing at me and then at Dominic.
"If you can find me, why not find Dad too and reclaim what you lost from him? Warriors don't have emotions, brother. I thought you were dead, and even right now, I can swear that all I think of is that this figure standing in front of me is not my brother but a clone. A deceiver. Did you come to take your revenge? Then maybe not on my kids."
"I'm not too concerned about your story. I can't say if you're correct or not. But I want you to go back to your pack." I say, clinging to Alexander.
"Nora." Dominic silently calls.
"No matter how bad Alex has been, he saved me, welcomed me to his pack, turned me to a wolf, and didn't leave me alone. And now I have kids." I state.
"Fine. I'll leave, but not without getting what I came here for." Dominic says.
"The kids?" Alex smirks. Jake and Jack cuddle towards me.
"Nora, these are our kids. We need to improve the pack. Let my wolves meet our kids. Please." He pleads.
"That isn't happening." I state. "Jack and Jake, get inside."
"If my request is not granted peacefully, I'll grant it myself, and trust me, in a violent way." Dominic says, revealing his warriors. I know what they are capable of doing.
"Alex, do we not have warriors with the same power as those people?" I inquire softly.
"Brother..." Alex approaches Dominic. "You found me."
"I did." Dominic smirks. "Dad trained me better than you."
"You'd regret finding me." Alex warns, a sword with his name thrown at him by a wolf from his pack - "Orion", same with Dominic.
"This shouldn't end in a fight. Fine, I'll release the kids, and you can go." I declare as they halt their quarrel.
"You said what?" Alex questions angrily.
"For the safety of the pack, Alex. I'll visit my kids every weekend." I say, winking at him and giving Dominic a stern look.
"Can I have them now? We have more missions ahead." Dominic requests.
"You'll have my kids?" Alex suddenly switches the topic.
"Your kids? Didn't Ethan confirm this? Ethan!" Dominic growls as Ethan rushes forward. I seize the sword from Alex and stab Ethan in the presence of everyone. He bleeds profusely, and I sternly declare for no one to come near.
"This is the very first action that will trigger war." Dominic fumes.
"Ethan deceived me. He infiltrated the pack. Alex, it wasn't me who imprisoned our pack doctor. It was Ethan!" I disclose.
"Kill him." Alex commands as I deliver another fatal stab, ensuring his last breath.
"There'll be too much bloodshed if you attack. All of you, retreat!" Dominic directs his wolves. "Except my closest beta, who stays behind."
He retrieves a paper from his pocket, proof of his claim to the pregnancy. Offering it to me, I instead take it and tear it into pieces. His wolf takes immediate control, his eyes gleaming with dangerous warning signs. I halt and swiftly run to Alex's quarters, with my kids, leaving him outside with Alexander.
Before I look back, they've both shifted. I shakily sigh as Jack steps forward to encourage me.
"Mum, you once told us a story about how Dominic saved you when wild dogs attacked. Now, it's your turn to save him." Jack says.
"We'll follow him to his pack and make sure we're safe." Jake states. I watch my two boys speak confidently, hoping it will be that easy. I fall into deep thinking until there's a knock on the door.
The door swings open wide after Jack unlocks it. Dominic drags a severely injured wolf into the room. Upon closer inspection, I realize it's Alexander.
"Alexander!" I scream, running to him, but he scoffs and corrects me.
"Orion Blackwood, you should say." He remarks. While I'm busy assessing Alex to identify the spot needing healing and planning how to address it, I hear the door shut.
I look back and can't find Jack and Jake. Dominic left with them already.