Nope, I am not going there.
“I thought everyone had left for the day,” I said, my tone gruff.
“I was on my way out in a few minutes. So this was the last file I had.”
She crossed the room and opened one of the filing cabinets, thumbing through several files before sliding the one in her hand away. It was only then that I noticed she had kicked off her boots.
“Making yourself comfortable?”
Gina looked over at the ankle boots on the ground before shrugging. “If I’m going to spend an entire day filing, I may as well be comfortable while doing it.”
I bit back what I wanted to say. I didn’t want to tell her she had completed a task that would take several days. The last thing I would do was admit that I had misjudged her.
Which I would admit only doing in the privacy of my mind. People her age didn’t often like to work. They were usually more involved in what was happening with their social lives than getting a job done.
She had moved quickly and gotten more work done than I anticipated. Of course, after she was gone, I would ensure that she had filed everything correctly, but I am confident she had.
“Are you going to keep blocking the door, or will you move so I can get my things and leave?” Gina asked as she pulled on her boots.
She gazed at me with those warm brown eyes, her look teasing though she was frowning as she pulled her boot on.
I didn’t know what to think about her, which bothered me.
Years of owning a successful, worldwide real estate company have taught me to read people well. I could get a good feel for who they were moments after meeting them.
Not Gina, though. There was nothing about her that made sense to me. She didn’t fit into any of the preconceived little boxes already in my head.
It was hard to know how to act around her when she was so different from anyone I had ever met.
“Sorry,” I said, stepping out of her way.
I followed her to the door, my gaze dropping to the sway of her hips now and then. Before unlocking the door, she grabbed a small leather backpack behind the front counter.
“Have a good night.”
She shrugged. “Maybe. After I get home, there’s much unpacking and a wedding dress to burn.”
While she walked down the street, I tried to figure out if she was joking or not.
By the time she disappeared, I still hadn’t figured it out.
I didn’t know whether that made me more attracted to her or less, but there was a part of me that wanted to find out, no Mateoer how wrong it was.