Pop my cherry daddy.
Chapter 5.
Author’s Pov.
I leaned my head on the window and watched as the city just moved in a blur. My head was hurting and I couldn't even tell what the actuall reasons were. Was it because I was leaving my aunt? Or because I broke up with Nathan? Or the fact that I had a taste of my father like cock? Perhaps it was.
Mr. Ignaxio was sitting right next to me, but he was keeping his distance and I kind of appreciated it. My mind was a mess at that moment and I just didn't know how it changed from loving today to wishing today never existed.
The ride went on for a while till we arrived at a massive Estate, and at the top of it was crested boldly. “IGNAZIO VOCANZO THOMPSON’S CRESENT.”
My hand made its way to my eyes and I rubbed on them, trying to clear away the dizziness in my eyes to be sure I read correctly. I cast a quick glance at him and then back at the estate that we were already heading into.
I swallowed in, trying to think of how wealthy he was to own a huge estate. Aunt had told me several times that Mr. Ignazio was the top 2nd richest in the city of Italy. I never believed it, but this confirmation cleared every one of my doubts.
We drove past the estate gate and now we were in the huge estate trying to make our way into another gate that I suspected clearly to be his residence.
We got into the compound and immediately some guards opened the door for me and Mr. Ignazio giving us gentle bows.
I stepped out of the car, and my jaws dropped at the mighty sight of the house my eyes beheld. My legs froze and I literally felt my hair curled up, my eyes drooling over the skyscraper glass house. Did I call it a house? I definitely didn't. It wasn't a house it was a manor. It was huge and beautiful, large and tall. It was like a sky scrapper and it was all glass, surrounded with lots of body guards.
“The road is this way, Isa.” Mr Ignazio’s hot and sexy voice pierced through me and I felt my heart racing from hearing him speak so hotly.
I swallowed the lumps that hitched in my throat and I began to trail behind him. My eyes took in every one of the guards that roamed around the house. A lot of things felt weird to me.
Mr. Ignazio is not just a zillionaire, he has over 7 men walking behind him whenever he walks and over 70 soldiers hanging around his compounds with guns in their hands then lots of Security around the estate and the estate gate.
We got into the main building and I took in my first breath of wealth. Fuck! The air, the atmosphere. It felt so cool. The glass house had a classy decoration nice interior and lots of portraits, I didn't forget to add, lots of maids in black and white uniforms, in straight lines with their heads bowed the moment we walked in.
“I will show you to your room, Isa.” his hot voice pulled me out of my admiration and I batted my lashes softly at him before giving a reply.
“Okay, sir.”
He took the lead and as expected I followed.
Walking behind him. We got to the elevator and he stepped in, I gulped down the lumps of fear in me and stepped into the Elevator with him, trying to conquer the fear in me.
My hand fidgeted and my palms turned sweaty from how much I reassured myself that everything was fine.
Softly I felt a strong hand reaching out for mine and locking our fingers.
I gulped down the fear that had been replaced with streams of pleasure and safety. Then I stared up to look at him. Heck! I looked really small and my hands against his? It was way smaller. He gave me a subtle stare and I took my gaze immediately my legs turning jelly.
“You shouldn't be scared to tell Daddy anything.”
Hearing him say those words made my inner churn even more. My heart leaped and my legs wobbled immediately, the image of how I moaned loudly to his fingers invading my mind turning my legs more jelly and making me crave for more of him.
Slowly I looked down and my eyes fell on his cock, but it was still peacefully asleep.
“You shouldn't be staring down at Daddy’s crotch Isa. You are my daughter.”
I gulped down nothing. Not knowing where the word came from.
“But I took your cock at the restroom and no daughter should know a taste of her father.
Mr Ignazio didn't say a word, he went silent, and his grip on my hand tightened reminding me of how my pussy walls squeezed around his finger.
The elevator opened and I stepped out. He took the lead and I followed.
We walked for some time before getting to a particular door. He picked the remote and he pressed few numbers in the door throwing it wide open.
My eyes almost widened as I met with mini heaven. A living room with a four-seater, a water dispenser, and a flower verse at each four corners, magnifing the beauty of the house. There was a portrait on the wall and a large television on the wall also.
He walked deeper and I followed him till we arrived at a room. An all-white room with just a large ceiling-to-floor wide-length, a bed and a huge mirror to the front of the bed.
He didn't stop and I wondered if this was another house. He got to a door and he pressed a code, the door opened and I realized that my jaws never really dropped, they just dropped from seeing this heaven.
A walk-in closet, a glass walking-in closet, filled with clothes collection bag collection, and shoe collection.
“This is your room, Isa. The sitting room, main room, and this”
My heart fluttered and I felt tears burning the back of my eyes immediately. I stared at him and then back at the room. I didn't realize when I threw myself up, jumping on him.
His hands gripped me immediately and I wrapped my legs around his torso, while his hands dug into my ass.
“This… this is so beautiful Daddy.” my voice came out softly and I felt his cock throbbing against my ass.
He stared into my eyes and I felt his emerald green eyes piercing my soul and leaving my pussy wet.
“I know you love it, Isa.”
My heart flipped and my stomach flicked at the hoarseness of his undertone that got me wetting my pants.
We remained in that position for a while, my hand wrapped around his neck, while his hand held my ass, our nose drawing closer and closer.
“Daddy…” I called softly and his cock throbbed again.
“Fuck!” he cursed throatily and before I could fathom a thing he had slammed his mouth against mine. Kissing me roughly yet pleasurable and making my inner churn my pussy dripping and wetting my pants, his hands fondling my ass even more. Our lips crushed against each other and I suddenly wrapped my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss and making him moan into my mouth aurosing me even more.