Wrinkling my nose, I took a big bite of muffin before I could say something regrettable. Like ‘I’m not cute’ or ‘Isn’t that the point of me doing the damn job?’
“What was that thought?” Luther grabbed my wrist before I could take another bite. “You’ll have to get used to me thinking you’re adorable. You’re not used to this world and you have an idealized outlook. I appreciate that. It’s refreshing.”
“I won’t always be. Aren’t I supposed to become part of this world?”
“Yes, but I think you’ll keep the best qualities that you’ve earned through survival.” He released my wrist. “Xavier’s survival turned into obsession. He’s a good man, but he rarely sees beyond how dark the world could be again if he loses control of the power he’s gained. Remember that when you’re with him. He’ll fill every free moment you give him with work he doesn’t trust anyone else to do. And there’s always plenty of that. If you can offer him some distraction, it’ll help, but don’t count on it.”
“What if he wants to be distracted?” I couldn’t forget where this might lead if Xavier was interested in me. It wasn’t a hardship to imagine myself on my knees under his desk—the man was fucking gorgeous.
But I didn’t see him taking his time like Luther was. He probably wouldn’t seduce me.
Maybe that was part of my job. The part that remained unsaid.
It would be up to me to seduce him.
Luther was watching me, a sly smile on his lips. “Him wanting to be distracted would be very good. But it won’t be easy to get him there.”
“Which is why you’re going to teach me how.” I licked a crumb off my thumb, grinning around it as Luther’s gaze dropped to my mouth. “You must be good at it.”
“I like to think so.” He inhaled slowly. “But he keeps me too busy to tempt him as often as I’d like.”
I sucked on my finger. “Is that why you found him a new toy?”
Shaking his head, Luther laughed. “You’re cheeky when you’re well fed. I like that. Now finish eating and stop teasing me. Unless you want the one thing I ask of you is to bend over my knee?”
My lips part. I gulped. “You’d do that?”
“I will, eventually.” He lifted his shoulders. “Pass me the syrup, please?”
The rest of the meal was spent discussing my duties, which didn’t sound too difficult—except for the repeated warnings about how specific Xavier was about his files, how many times the phone was allowed to ring, and under which conditions I was allowed to enter the office.
We spent the most time on the latter. Luther seemed to want me to find plenty of reasons to be around Xavier. To ‘get to know him’, of course.
He frowned for the first time when I repeated the words with air quotes. “Yes, you actually do need to get to know him, Alec. If he doesn’t feel close to you, no amount of flirting will draw his interest. He may find you attractive, but he’s indulging me by having you around. The job, the contract…he will give you a chance, but he’s not convinced you’re any different than the last boy.”
“Oh…” I looked down at my empty plate. “What did he do wrong?”
“He was fake. A very good actor, but once we started getting deeper into our favorite…games, the act slipped.” Luther glared at his plate. “He’d been playing along, trying to get close to Xavier for his money. Xavier got attached to him before I did. I was happy to see him relax again, so I wasn’t as careful as I should have been. It created issues between us. We’ve spent the last year rebuilding what we once had.”
“Then why involve me? Why risk ruining your relationship again?” I wrapped my arms across my chest, feeling a little sick. Here I was, lusting after a man who was with someone else. Beginning what had almost destroyed their relationship before. “Are these ‘games’ really that important?”
Lifting his head, Luther smiled. “Damn it, Alec, you’re something else. I told you that so you’d understand why Xavier will have a hard time trusting you. Don’t feel guilty, this is something we both need.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You don’t have to. Not yet.” Luther took my hand. “Come here.”
Inhaling roughly, I slipped out of my chair.
Turning his, he pulled me down to straddle him. His big, muscular thighs spread my legs wide and my heart pounded as he framed my jaw with his warm, calloused hand. “Two things.”
There were so many things I wanted. Being in this position, I wondered if ‘Do whatever you want’ would be considered one thing. His body was hard everywhere. The musky aroma, mixed with a hint of coconut oil and shea butter made me hungrier than the food had. He grazed his thumb over my bottom lip and it took every ounce of restraint I had not to suck it into my mouth.
“I can’t.” The words were little more than a whisper, but I could tell he’d heard me. I couldn’t relax like I had last night. Not knowing what I did. “Maybe once I’ve been doing my job for a bit and I’m sure he’s okay with this.”
Nodding slowly, Luther rubbed my thighs. “That’s fair. This is a very…different kind of arrangement. I won’t have you feeling uncomfortable.” He placed his hands on my hips. “Do you want to get up?”
No. I bit into my cheek as I nodded and he closed his thighs so I could regain my balance and stand.
Slow clapping came from behind us and I jumped.
Xavier spared me a glance when I spun around, then turned his focus to Luther, his tone dry. “I’m impressed. You already have such a soft spot for the boy, I expected to find him in your bed.”
“I won’t rush him.” Luther rose from the chair, moving to my side and folding his arms over his chest. “You know that.”
“He’s willing.” Xavier lifted his shoulders and leaned against the doorframe, hands in the pockets of his black slacks, looking much more relaxed than he had at the office, but no less intimidating. “In any case, his proposal is intriguing. He wants to prove he’s fit for the job and that I can trust him before you fuck him? This should be entertaining, at the very least.”
Stepping forward, Luther lowered his voice. Not as though he didn’t want me to hear, but as though he was fighting not to shout. “Don’t start being a cold hearted asshole. I love you, but I can’t stand you when you’re like this.”
Eyes narrowing, Xavier pushed away from the doorframe. “You brought him to me like some kind of gift and now you’re coddling him. Look at him, he’ll never fit into our world. He’s innocent and unrefined. To make him ours, we’d have to destroy the very things about him you enjoy so much.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“Keep him for yourself.” Xavier shrugged and checked the gold watch on his wrist, looking bored now. “He’ll make the perfect pet for you.” He shot me a slanted smile. “Luther is an amazing lover. A little too dominant for my tastes at times, but having you should temper those urges.”
All right, I was getting pretty tired of them arguing about me like I was an ugly vase they couldn’t agree where to keep. Walking out and telling them both to fuck off was tempting, but I had nowhere else to go.
And I’d signed a damn contract. I wasn’t losing the job before I’d started, not even for a chance to be with Luther. Mind-blowing sex wouldn’t keep me from ending up back on the streets.
“You said you liked my suggestion.” I folded my arms over my stomach when both men stared at me like they’d just remembered I was capable of speaking for myself. “I can do the job. I’ll be discreet and I’ll work hard. Isn’t that what you need?”
Stroking his chin with his forefinger and thumb, Xavier came closer, looking me over much like he had last night. Something had changed in the way he spoke about me, but the interest he’d shown hadn’t left. Maybe seeing Luther holding me had caught him off guard.
Had it meant more than finding me in Luther’s bed would have? Probably. From his point of view I was exactly what I’d expected to be. A sex toy they’d both play with.
One didn’t cuddle their vibrator.
Not that I was aware of, anyway.