The scent of burning flesh was unlike anything he had ever encountered. Sticky with death and suffering, yet sickeningly sweet. Throughout the past few months, Gage had been sickened by a smell he had hoped to never encounter.
As the house caught fire, orange and yellow hues spread across the street. Over the parked vehicles of those who would rather be lying on the couch at home than facing the prospect of another day at the office.
In any other context, a child would be delighted by the fire truck's bright red colour. The flames transformed the bright, cheerful crimson into a darker hue. The firefighters who had been labouring to put out the fire were covered in grime, but that didn't obscure their resolve to do anything they could to rescue the three people who were trapped inside.
"The arsonists almost certainly made use of some kind of accelerant." Lark watched as she stood next to Gage, still favouring the side where she hadn't been shot. Helena, her sister, also kept a close eye.
The purpose of this trip was to learn new spells and share information. The family would be forced to attend even more memorial services because of this.
"They had better goddamn back off in my town or there'll be hell to pay," said the mayor. In contrast to Lark, Helena lacked sass and ferocity. Yet, she possessed her own unique form of strength, and Gage had faith that the Hunter in charge of Gennessee's protection would eliminate the wicked jerks who had set fire to a house while its occupants were trapped inside.
People. Others. To be precise, witches. There were five of them living together, all students at nearby UCLA. The fire woke up three people who were at home at the time. Strategically. So that no witches within could get out through the doors.
The firemen had made an effort. Attempting to reach the bedrooms on the second floor, two were harmed when a section of the landing gave way.
Gage's muscles clenched so tightly out of helplessness and rage that he developed a headache. He knew the odour of these young men's deaths would linger in his system for days, but he was confident the memories would last much longer. This was just next to the image of his old employer Edwina Owen, who had been shot a few short weeks earlier.
"At this point, I don't see how we can resolve this peacefully." Fists clenched, Helena's hands dangled by her sides. Intense anger radiated from her in waves. Even when Lark ran a hand up and down her sister's back, sparks of power emanated from her body.
The answer is probably not; I doubt it ever existed.
* * * "SO of course you realise that this... attention you've acquired of late is damaging to the firm."
Some of the mahogany pieces of furniture in the room caught the sunlight and shone brightly. Elegant. Picked with great deliberation.
Molly turned her head away and bit her lip. Her palms were down on the table in front of her. The woman sat with her legs crossed and her back erect. No one would ever realise how much effort she put into keeping everything together.
"I get a lot of it, Paul. After all, this is how we make a living. Moreover, you are just as aware as I am that negative attention may be turned into positive if one tries hard enough. One of the partners was a guy named Paul Weller. Weak. Any man who lived in constant terror lost her respect.
Their industry was not for the faint of heart. The frightened or those who are afraid. He fit within both categories. The only reasons he was allowed to eat at the same table as her were his family's wealth and his talent for interior design.
You should not have such high hopes that this would simply go away. Angelica Reynolds, who was standing to Molly's right, started talking. I understand how challenging things have been for you, but this will not go away. This is a financial drain on us.
Hard? I was wondering how many people had perished. I mean, how many of the last ones were completely broke? Just like she was at this very moment. Molly had to exert a lot of restraint not to hit Angelica across the face. That was challenging.
This company is what I've worked hard to create. Last year, I had the highest salary of anyone in our company. Likewise, last year, and the year before that. My most successful clients are ones I personally attracted. In spite of the noise the outsiders may be creating, this is my company. I built it up to where it is now.
Before he spoke, Aaron inhaled deeply. Absolutely no one denies that. Nonetheless, Angelica does make a valid point. It seems like this won't just go away. Some cities have seen riots. Bright and Cleen called this morning to say that if you aren't dismissed, they will end their campaign. At this rate, we will lose four of our most valuable customers in the near future.
The other diners were easier to deal with. Nonetheless, it was a blow to find out that Aaron Davidson wasn't supporting her.
Because of you, Angelica chimed in.
She gave Angelica a warm grin before returning her focus to Aaron. It would be preferable, in my opinion, if you were more forthright. If not, then I'm wasting my time here.
Perhaps if she isolated herself and kept cool, she could make it through this. She kept placing herself in that position over and over again for a month and couldn't pause to consider the cost. I don't think so.
We have put together a very fair severance package. Let's tell everyone you're taking a sabbatical so it looks like you're leaving for personal reasons. Since when is that so distant from the truth? Once Aaron's eyes blinked away for a second, she managed to keep a straight face. Attempts to keep herself together caused her muscles to burn.
The feeling of nausea changed to one of cold, numb nothingness.
You're firing me, right? Listed as an investor in a company that you all know I founded. So what?"
You didn't tell us what country you were from. This is a serious breach of the terms of your relationship. Paul had trouble speaking at the introduction.
The United States of America is my home country. My mother was a native of Chicago, and I was born here. My mother's side of the family has lived in this area for the past eight generations.
A look came from Aaron's direction and was directed at Paul. Naturally, you are. You have broken various provisions of your agreement. Due to your actions, we have lost several of our most valuable customers. Every day you remain on the stationery is a cost to us.
What I did was wrong. Exactly how is that the case?" It's what they'd say. If they made her feel ashamed, she would not just run away. This is just bigotry on its most basic level.
You're a secret member and you didn't even know it! For the love of God, leave this place now; you're an abomination, and no decent human being would ever want you around. By the time she was done, Angelica's face was flushed with anger.
“Allowed? Certainly not one of whom?"
You're a witch for crying out loud!" I mean, how can we even trust you after this?
It's more than enough, Angelica. Aaron's gaze at the other woman caused a harsh line to form in his mouth.
Molly cast an eye in Aaron's direction. In excess of what's needed? Aaron, you can be upset that she says this, but your cooperation would amount to capitulation. From what I can tell, everyone here agrees with her, but only she has the nerve to really say it. Where do you stand on the accusation? My actions are still the same. My typical day begins with waking up at five o'clock, followed by an hour of exercise, a commute, ten to twelve hours of work, and finally, a return home. Nothing I have done could be seen as a breach of my contract with the company. A funeral, police harassment, or exposure by human supremacist groups are all possible additions to her routine. Happy moments.
A sigh escaped Aaron's lips. To paraphrase, "the bad publicity you've garnered due of your... status, identity, has harmed the firm's bottom line."
"Just so we're clear, I'm being let go because of my genetics, which is something I've kept to myself because it has nothing to do with you. Or, more accurately, I am being fired because I refused to cave to the extortion of the hate group that outed me after months of following me, my friends, and my family. For being myself, I am being terminated. This, incidentally, is exactly who I was prior to two weeks ago. When I was aboard your boat two months ago, a boat you were able to acquire because to a campaign I launched.
The colour began to return to Aaron's face. You have played a crucial role in the success of this company. Being the first to say so, count on me to be the one. What they've done to you is despicable. I sincerely apologise. But, business must be done."
A nauseating cloud had engulfed the previous three weeks. She'd gotten the dreaded phone call in the middle of the night, informing her that the man she'd always thought of as her father had vanished without a trace and was likely dead. Also missing was his eldest daughter, Molly's best friend and sister who had shown her the ropes of applying eyeliner.
The exposure of the Others' reality only made matters worse, as it prompted an insane response from humans.
Over time, she lost each and every thing that had served as a rock upon which she could rely and a source of security. In this community, funerals occurred weekly. Fear among humans had begun to boil over into anger as anti-human groups began to stir things up. Everyone she had known and worked with for years, including her clients, had gradually began to distance themselves. There have been petitions to fire her on paper. She was having trouble with her task. Several times, her house had been broken into. Several of her neighbours had anti-Other yard signs and now ignored or even harassed her on her way to and from work every day because of it.
While her clients had become wary in recent weeks, she had always been able to bank on her work at the public relations agency she and Aaron had founded.
For the first time in a very long time, she was able to see things clearly because the wall she'd erected inside herself was beginning to disintegrate.
“Business? Is it really simply business that you cave to racists who threaten to throw tiny children under a train if they use the whites-only water fountain?
The sameness is missing. Contrarily, Aaron didn't look at her.
This is the same. No reasonable person should let you celebrate your bigotry under a different name just because you say you should be permitted to. And if you're going to have the guts to do it, then you should also have the guts to call it what it is. Take responsibility like a grownup, but don't send me slinking away in humiliation if you're the one who really needs to feel bad. All of you really need to be. Nothing I've done is wrong. When it comes to the company we're discussing here, I'm the one who actually has to foot the cost. I am responsible for bringing in new business.
Paul avoided making eye contact with her. Everybody here is feeling a little uneasy right now. There's no reason for us to lose our civility, in my opinion.
I don't think it's rude that you're letting me go because of my witchcraft beliefs. Well, I do. Hence, I only accord esteem where it is merited. No one of you is deserving of it, either.
Is it too much to ask that you be shown the specifics of your severance package? We want to make sure you're okay. Indeed, even in these trying times." Aaron propelled a sheet of paper in her direction.
You're not making an effort to look after me. I know you don't like me, but you're attempting to discard me because of my family history. This cannot stand. Aaron, you are aware of this. You understand this even if Angelica is too self-interested and dimwitted to realise it. And even Paul is aware of this.
Without touching the paper, Molly read the numbers on the first page. Sufficient funds to see her over the following year. Assist her in establishing her own business or leaving for greener pastures. They paid her to keep quiet after they kicked her out, but it was still money.
But, her defences had crumbled, and she felt nothing but rage. The time for fury was long since passed. In the midst of her wrath, she had a clear understanding of the situation.
Please deliver these to my lawyer. Later this morning he'll be in touch. She stood and smoothed out her skirt with a brush. She never revealed her feelings of hurt to them. In comparison to everyone else there, she fared exceptionally well. That was something she would make sure they never forgot.
Attempting a lovely frown, Aaron failed. You can't be serious about continuing the struggle. It will only serve to draw additional attention to the company in a negative light.
He should count his blessings that she restrained herself from slapping him for that. You're really going to sit there, in a seat I selected, and tell me you think I should accept your bigotry like a nice little second-class citizen so you won't have to feel bad about yourself? You must be really crazy.
To paraphrase: "Molly, don't lose your head. You claim to have created this. Do you intend to demolish it? The question is, "Why?"
Reasoning: "For what?" She looked at him with such bewilderment that it was a miracle she didn't burst out laughing. Feeling her strength in her gut, she worried for a second that she may act rashly. This is a terrible idea.
She could have gone all Carrie on them and set the room on fire, but instead she did what Rosa had taught her to do all those years ago: she took a long breath and calmed herself. When she felt she had regained her equilibrium, she straightened her back and glared. I'm protecting myself against an unprovoked physical assault. To what end, then? The reason being that I am a witch. And if my skin tone was different? Perhaps I was of a different faith. Why should this be any different from that? And I certainly have no reason to put up with it. Do you really believe I established this business with the intention of having petty bigots force me out and benefit from it? If you think I'll just quietly leave my office, you're in for a surprise.
For weeks, she had felt nothing at all. Now that she was awake, they needed to get out of there fast.
Angelica's resentment and animosity came gushing out of her. You know you're hopeless because you've tried. You won't be able to do anything now that we've learned about you and your kind.
Molly gave Angelica and Aaron a warm smile. “See? The utmost seriousness of business.
The last thing Molly would do is let anyone have the satisfaction of running away. She turned her back on the dejected three and shuffled nervously to her office.
There, her assistant was waiting, expression hopeful, then fading as she got sight of Molly's manner.
Is that so? My God, that's true. Paige threw up her hands and started muttering while pacing. That lowlife!
Molly relaxed into her chair, thankful for the improvement from the previous reception she received, and watched her five-year assistant pace and complain about the other partners.
Molly absolutely needed to be on the go. Anything. A phone was the first thing she reached for. I must make contact with Jim right away. Reduce the amount of foul language you use. Paige chuckled as she saw Molly call the law firm where her solicitor worked and get things straightened out.
When Paige sat on a chair and stared, she told him the whole backstory.
He questioned them as they walked and sighed when it was over. You're the third customer we've fired because of your status this month.
She was well aware that this was happening all around the country to several people. Rosa, her foster mother, was asked to resign from teaching middle school despite still grieving the loss of a child and her husband. They basically forced her to go, albeit "asked" is a more diplomatic term for it. The human biological mother of Molly has been the target of harassment by student organisations flying the PURITY banner. The group PURITY, who claimed to care about love and safety, instead went through trash to find people to out, like they did with Molly. They even aired a show and wrote a syndicated column called Know Your Enemy, both of which featured lists of the identities of the Others. It was the same as if they were wearing white sheets.
It's a tricky situation, but I'm collaborating on a solution with civil rights lawyers from around the country. During the next 24 hours, I will have a package for Aaron. Are you certain that you want to remain here?
To what extent can I allow them to get away with this? If I leave, it must be fine with me. She realised she had no interest in working with them again. Nonetheless, there were underlying principles at work. Nevertheless, she had a right to conduct her own business here.
I can obtain more cash from them to get you to leave. I think I can make it so they have to come up with a new name for it. With the terms of your divorce settlement. Do you still want to go with them even if I win, which I seriously doubt? When Jim stopped, she realised he was trying to find the appropriate words to say. I apologise. Throughout the past few weeks, you've had it rough. I'm here to tell you that I support you no matter what you decide to do in this situation.
She sighed and tried to suppress a nauseating feeling. She really wanted to go home and crawl back under the sheets. She pretended she was OK, but she knew the truth: She had been beaten down by a sickness of the heart and soul.
"Don't rush things. No decision is required of you at this time.
“Time.” As a result, she snorted. 'Why should that be expected of me? That can't stand. They're making it seem like I committed a crime only so they can kick me out.
The statement, "You haven't done anything wrong, Molly. Both you and they are aware of this. I'm going to go to bat for you as hard as I possibly can. You know you'll be stuck with nothing to do but think about this till you're physically ill. Go away from it for a bit and make it all about you. You just let me get obsessed. My role requires me to do so.
The frustrated tears welled up in Molly's eyes, but she blinked them away. As of right now, I don't have a whole lot of work to do around here. The majority of my clients have terminated my services.
Those words stung like a dagger. Some of them had masked it with platitudes about how the current economic and political atmosphere made controversy too costly. This despite the fact that she had previously rescued them. She had spent time in their houses, had had meals with them.
Send the kids home. Within the next hour, I will have a messenger bring you something. I'll spell out everything you can do and let you decide. I promise to keep you informed.
Once the call ended, she turned to Paige, whose ire calmed Molly down a bit.
That's just stupid. They are unable to proceed in this manner. If you're a witch or not, who gives a flying f*ck? For what purpose does this information pertain to your work?
Molly took the trophy home with her. It had been only three months since she'd won it. World history changed three months ago. She put it in the huge tote bag at her desk.
"Whether it's fair or not, it's happening everywhere." She took several snapshots from the credenza. At her college commencement, Molly posed with her foster family, her magical family, she guessed. There's a picture of her from a few years ago when she was accepting an award with her biological mother and maternal grandparents. Reflections about a former existence. She gathered them and put them in the bag.
'Are you seriously going to let them do this? If it weren't for you, none of these jerks would have a job.
It saddens me to think that they will succeed in bringing this company to its knees. In the end, what was it for? You want to catch my witch cold? For Pete's Sake, they won't be able to capture it.
Say, "Hi, Angelica. She has been causing trouble by spreading rumours based on whatever news articles and internet posts she can find, regardless of their veracity. When your sister-in-law sends you a bunch of forwarded emails full of hoaxes that she knows you can debunk by going to
I have no doubt that she is an active member of PURITY. Still, it makes no difference. She is currently in the company of Aaron. Even Paul is. We now have three out of the four possible collaborators. She understood that they had the legal right to fire her. It was horrible and tragic to know. Part of her life was being snatched away from her.
Despite her sadness, she was not going to give up without a fight. Or a monetary settlement that more accurately reflected her worth to the company. If she had to start over, she would use the money she had saved up. And the company's name would have to be altered accordingly.
In spite of this, Paige did not enjoy the same flexibility that Molly did. Look, I can probably improve Aaron's sense of duty and get you on with one of the others. A few weeks ago, we authorised a spot for a new hire. They'll be lucky to have you around after I leave; you're great.
You won't let them chase you out of town like a criminal, Molly. I refuse to permit it. Even better, you can reclaim your investment and launch a competing business—this time dedicated to serving the needs of society at large. I would be honoured to work for you.
Molly leaned her hip on the desk and pondered the possibility.
Oh, sweetie. I see that you are not taking that lightly at all. Close by, Paige took a seat. "Would you like me to take notes? Call some people? We can work out of your place for a while until we get a new office.”
She smiled at Paige, who was also six months pregnant and couldn’t afford to jump ship and risk losing her insurance and the healthy retirement plan she’d begun to build.
“Even if I did that, you’re not in any position to up and leave this job. You need the benefits. For the baby and for Mark too.” Paige’s husband had been laid off from his job four months before and had been looking for a new one ever since. He had some health problems, which made any risky moves by Paige even more precarious.
“You can’t possibly think I’d choose this place without you in it. After the way they’re dumping you? My parents raised me right.”
“Yes, they did. And I appreciate the solidarity. More than you can know. But, Paige, you’re pregnant. Your husband is unemployed. I can’t offer you health care, even if I did start a new firm. Hang on until you have the baby and you’ve used your leave and all that stuff. By then, well, at the very least I can get you on somewhere else.”
Pragmatism was something she couldn’t get around. Molly shrugged. “It isn’t right. Not at all. I’m going to fight it, but in the end, I don’t think it’s going to make a difference. Oh, I’ll get more money from them probably, but they won’t have to keep me. And they won’t. Right now, all across the country Others are in a grey area legally. And there are plenty of people who will use that.”
Paige’s pretty face fell as she accepted it. That's just stupid. I hate them.”
Molly laughed without humour. “Yeah, me too. Now, I’m going to take some of this stuff home. But before that, let’s go to a late breakfast. You have my permission to take the rest of the day off.”
* * *
WHEN she and Paige came around the corner, Aaron was waiting for her at the elevators.
“You going to check my bag to make sure I’m not stealing pens?”
“Give me a break, Mol.”
“Don’t.” She held her hand up. “You don’t get to call me that. I’m leaving for the day. I have the vacation for it. But I’m not quitting, or saying I’m going on sabbatical. That’s not going to happen.”
“Why don’t you and I go to lunch and talk? Away from here.”
The audacity! “If you really wanted that, you wouldn’t have ambushed me here. You’d have spoken to me in advance.”
“It was in the conjecture stage. And then Bright and Cleen called. I’m sorry.” His gaze skated to Paige, hindered by her presence to say anything else.
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. She moved to walk past and he grabbed her arm. “Molly, please. Be reasonable. You can’t just end a ten-year friendship. I had to make a difficult choice. You should understand that.”
“I don’t understand it at all. I don’t understand you and I will grieve, along with a boatload of other things, that you cared so little about our friendship and this firm that you’d give in to this absurd demand. It’s terrorism, Aaron, and you know it. You do this for them and what will they ask next? Who else might not be . . . enough for them? Hm? Talk about slippery slopes.”
She yanked her arm back.
“My attorney will be contacting you by day’s end.” She let the doors slide closed.