Knowing that the man was testing, Mia lifted her chin. "Didn't I mention it before? You don't have the courage. In just one day, these fingers are not enough to count the number of times you have asked me for confirmation in your decision making. You are too afraid to take risks or mistakes.”
Before Julian could respond, the secretary had resumed talking. “Besides, you also lack self-control. Have you ever counted how many times you vent your emotions in one day?”
“You always mention those two things. Isn't there anything else?" Julian challenged as he was still hopeful. He thought that the girl would stutter or be confused looking for an excuse
"Yes," Mia said unexpectedly. “Julian Evans is the most selfish man I have ever met.”
Hearing the new nickname, the CEO's brows automatically furrowed.
"Wait a minute. I accept being called a coward or having low emotional control. You must know that I'm trying to fix those two things. But, selfish? Since when did that word stick with me?”
“Since you forced your will on me. Are you aware every time you claim that your love is reciprocated? I think it's been more than a hundred, if not thousands of times. Isn't that just your wish? A form of selfishness."
Suddenly, Julian laughed in a bitter way. The madness in his brain was almost activated.
"I'm trying to get you to accept reality, but you're calling me selfish?" Shaking his head in disbelief, the man snorted. "How unfair," he muttered as he started the engine.
"If you don't want to be called selfish, stop urging me to accept your love," Mia pleaded aloud even though her throat had narrowed. The determination to survive was far greater than the turmoil in her chest.
Without giving an answer, Julian stepped on the gas pedal. He didn't care if the engine wasn't heated up. The boiling blood had reached his head. If the debate continued, the man would not be able to control the roaring breath and tears.
Knowing the man's anger, Mia finally fell silent. With the gaze straight through the windshield, she maintained a cold look. Actually, the girl's heart was also beating wildly. However, her unease was not something that could be expressed.
"This is the best way," the secretary thought, calming the struggling heart. “Mia Sanders is not an ignorant girl. I am strong and independent. This feeling will surely pass as long as Mr. Julian doesn't bring it up again. I just need to hold on a little longer.”
“Hello, Little Prince!”
A woman who was holding her son in the bathtub turned around. As soon as her eyes caught Julian's presence, she immediately waved the baby's tiny fingers.
"Hello, Uncle," Gabriella said, imitating a child's voice.
As soon as his hand left his mother's grasp, Cayden immediately patted the water with joy.
"Why does he take a bath at this time?" Julian asked as he sat on the edge of the tub.
"Max gave him a box of ice cream," Gabriella answered without needing to go into detail. The brother-in-law could already imagine what happened next.
"Where is my brother?" Julian asked after a moment of nodding.
Lifting the baby out of the warm water, the woman replied, "In the workroom, on a call from a client."
After a glance, Gabriella turned towards the door. “Then, where is Mia? I thought you two would come here together.”
Hearing that name, a tired sigh immediately escaped from the man's mouth. "That's what I wanted to discuss with you. We had a big fight earlier, and she finally said why she didn't accept my love."
While wrapping Cayden in a towel, the woman raised an eyebrow. "What is the reason?"
“Because I'm a coward, lack of self-control, and selfish. But I'm sure, it's all just a fabrication. She must still keep the real reason.”
"Did Mia really say that?" Gabriella asked in disbelief. After a quick blink, she walked into the room with the baby playing with the fluffy furs around his body.
"Yes. She even said that her kindness and concern for me all this time was a form of compassion. Can you imagine the situation in my heart?”
Without thinking, Gabriella shook her head quickly. “I can't believe Mia can say something like that. We're not talking about Amber, are we?" the woman implied as she laid Cayden on the bed.
Hearing the long lost name, Julian's expression suddenly stiffened. “Could it be … Mia is acting like that since Amber has returned? She could threaten Mia again.”
"Impossible. Amber just did a live video on her social media. She was snowboarding somewhere. Maybe, she's starting to forget about you."
"Impossible," the man sighed as he was starting to enjoy playing with his nephew in the towel, as Gabriella opened the cupboard. “A cunning woman like Amber is not to be trusted. She has a million ways to get what she wants. Don't you remember how persistent that woman was when she targeted your husband?”
A second later, a small laugh escaped Gabriella's mouth. “Yes, she is indeed too persistent, but you shouldn't forget. In the end, she let go of Max and turned to you. After that, there's no news of any other men in the vicinity. So, most likely, she still wants you.”
Tired of talking about his ex-lover, Julian sighed. “How about we refocus on the main problem. What should I do now? I feel that Mia is getting further and further away from me.”
"Yayayaya ..." Cayden mumbled, successfully unraveling the wrinkles at the base of his uncle's eyebrows.
"Right. You must listen to the Little Prince, Julian. Even a child at his age knows what to do," Gabriella said while applying lotion to her son's body.
Witnessing the cooperation of the mother and son, Julian blinked. "What did he say?"
"Don't give up and keep trying."
Getting such a general answer, Julian spontaneously grimaced. "I've tried all the ways and the result is like this, Gabriella," he said almost desperately. “I guess, before Mia's real reason is revealed, I'll still be at the same point.”
“How about you ignore your suspicions? Consider the reasons described by Mia as honesty. What would you do?" the woman asked as she put on the baby's diaper.
"If that's the real reason, then I have to correct myself immediately."
Suddenly, Gabriella snapped her fingers. "That's the answer. Why don't you show your sincerity to meet the criteria? Maybe, Mia can be touched and want to open her heart. If necessary, ask her for a challenge.”
"Challenge?" Julian repeated the word with a wrinkled brow.
In an instant, the woman flashed a meaningful smile even though her eyes were fixed on Cayden.