This story is about life in high school and outside high school and the romance, love and sex they explore during this p...
chapter 1
During my early teenage years, I was nothing special. Just your ordinary American man. Height, weight, race, hair color, athletic ability... no matter what. Except for one thing...
No, my penis size is pretty normal. In fact, at the time, it was quite small. You see, the point is that I hit puberty pretty late. Most guys start growing hair on their balls, at least in college. But I was several years late; and a couple of years later put a fucking guy like me on a dating totem pole. I'm a good social person, hanging out with my friends and chatting with everyone. The only difference is that I am six inches shorter than the others. I haven't been harassed by bullies much. I just… carelessly ignored by the fairer sex.
Actually, there's something else, something that makes me very special. But I won't really understand it until I do well in my college years. But that is afterward.
So, as a short, underdeveloped teenager, I learned to be lustful on my own, not to show it, and not to ask for sex. I love the various beauties around me and look forward to spring when the weather dictates a rather succinct fashion statement. But honestly, there is no more beautiful creature on this earth than high school biology teacher Mrs. Robinson.
Vavavoom is 5 feet, 8 inches long... Beautiful elf face with a hint of alien weirdness. Smart, sassy, brunette, and a set of curves that only a grown woman, 10 years older than me, has. It's amazing how a young person can still achieve an advanced science degree.
"So, Mrs. Robinson..." I find myself humming most days as I walk to her class. Occasionally, she caught me staring at her body, a knowing smile on her lips. I've been dreaming my dreams, but if even freshman girls aren't out of my league, Mrs. Robinson...then...sigh...
Fortunately, this middle school year is finally the year I've grown tremendously. In fact, I had to shave for the first time. My voice is lower. And the girls gradually started to notice me.
I still haven't been on a date, mainly due to my incompetence and lack of confidence. But my life has improved. Once I found myself chatting leisurely with a pretty classmate in the hallway. My tongue tightened immediately as the conversation moved away from class assignments and onto plans for a party this weekend. After thirty seconds of groping like a moron in the dark, she slipped away and joined a few friends who were leaving.
But in biology class, I'm the teacher. In the first row, in the center. I know the answer to every question, my voice is clear and strong. And I have always been perfectly rewarded in Mrs. Robinson's smiling encouragement and approval.
We were halfway through the second semester when the biology midterm exam arrived. Ms. Robinson was working regular hours after class ended the day before midterm, and I had specifically planned to attend.
That week was particularly hectic. Biology wasn't my only midterm session that week, and I studied my ass nightly. So I'm a little tired but at the same time a little excited. The idea of Mrs. Robinson in the miniskirt she was wearing that spring day excited me, and I didn't take time to startle for a few days.
So I jumped into his office hours with 3 other students, taking a Q&A round while searching for every inch of perfection I could see. Ms. Robinson was dressed in a polite outfit befitting a professional in her late twenties. The afternoon was quite hot and after twenty minutes she had undressed to keep only a fluffy blouse.
My eyes widened for the next hour, mesmerized by the curves I saw below, and the semi-visible bra straps on her back through the transparent material.
I noticed that Mrs. Robinson kept looking at me with her eyes closed even when I stared at her. After the first hour, there were only two students left, after fifteen minutes, it was just me. I kept asking questions, forcing my brain to focus and choosing new things to cover, but my head was swimming in a sea of excitement and hormones when I was alone in a closed room with her.
I noticed that we were both sweating; Grandma. Robinson's skin flushed as I saw a bead of sweat running down her neck and then down into the deep valley above her cleavage. As the tear disappeared from my sight, I realized that neither of us had talked well for several minutes, and I looked up to see a face I had only seen in my dreams. Mrs. Robinson's eyes dimmed slightly, but she remained determined to look at me. His lips were pursed and parted, and every few seconds he could see the trousers appear. Her skin was on fire, and before I knew it, her lips were pressed against mine, and she was kissing me passionately.
All I can do is kiss her back, every fiber of me is happy right now, instinct and desire take over my body, and then I hug her. I stood up, finally taller than her, my tongue parting those lips to explore her mouth.
I must die and go to heaven. Or at least fall asleep and start dreaming. But oh what a happy dream. We continue to kiss and kiss, then her hand goes to her shirt, pulling it over her head before pulling back to break her bra. As he pulls out, my jaw drops to the floor as those perfectly round spheres emerge unhindered, flanked by two hard, fresh nipples. I had to taste them, and so I found my face buried between her breasts even as her delicate hands reached down to find the clasp of my jeans.
Mrs. Robinson opens them, pulls my jeans down to her knees, my erection pressing against my shorts and my face against her chest. It was in this location that the manager found us when he opened the door.
So it's not a dream.
I'm sitting alone in my early '90s Toyota, bored to death, staring at the taillights of the car in front of me. Imagine a teenage high school student stuck in rush hour traffic.
But it's still the fastest way to my new high school across town. I never even got a chance to see Mrs. Robinson after that day. She was fired and I was expelled from school immediately. I missed the rest of the semester. And Mrs I heard that Robinson has moved to another town. I never understood why she kissed me, and I hope I never will. I just kept it in mind as an inexplicable event in my life. Maybe it will all make sense when I'm older.
Fortunately, my mother convinced the superintendent to let me go to another high school to at least graduate. So I had to endure thirty minutes of daily commute, waste my summer vacation on makeup, then load up on a killer course for my senior year.
All summer, I was just an unknown newcomer. And my mother forced me all summer so that my only real human contact was with my parents. Sometimes being an only child can really suckle.
However, during the first week of my senior year at my new school, I found myself in the center of everyone's attention more than I ever would have liked.
Apparently there were rumors that I was a new guy when I was deported, as opposed to a typical new guy due to relocation. Of course, at first everyone was curious as to why I was expelled. Then, of course, that led to a friend's befriending rumor: the new guy was caught arguing with his biology teacher. The story of course multiplies with each story. I seduced her first. Then we had sex. Then we were caught WHILE we were having sex. Et cetera.
I tried to ignore most of it, deflect the questions as much as I could and just get my degree and then get out of that hell and get on with my life. I started to get good at verbal firing after a few days of guys trying to get me to brag about my conquests. But then I found a questioner that I didn't quickly dismiss.
She has bright green eyes, a pretty face, red-blond hair, and is ENDED. And so with his big breasts pressed against his chest and his breath gasping in his face, Red asked me if the stories were true. I find that confidence in my words comes easily when I believe them. So, with a clear voice and sharp eyes, I told him the stories were real.
Red smiled, sparkling white teeth, then half turned away. "I'll have to see it with my own eyes before I really believe it."
Then she turned and continued down the hallway. I look at the toned butt and the small waist that only a teenage girl can have, I feel my hormones flare up once more, like hot fire shooting out of my eyes and bubbling on the round balls of her ass.
She turned once, her eyes darting back and forth as if to reassess me for the first time, before turning and running away.
That night, for the first time in months, my dreams were not filled with images of Grandma. Robinson. I have a new playmate.
The next day, I was pulling my books out of the closet at the end of my lunch break when I felt a hand slip into the back pocket of my jeans, palm cupping my butt. I looked to the side to see a lock of red hair, but it dragged me down the hallway. A minute later the bell rang signaling that I was late for class.
When the halls were completely empty, Red led me deeper into the school to one wing of the smaller classrooms. We came to a door labeled "Maintenance", and she pulled the door open and then pulled me inside. If I wasn't sure what was going on before then, I was pretty sure when Red pushed his tongue down my throat. Her hands were in my lap, caressing and fidgeting with the keychain, then she dropped to her knees, pulled my jeans and shorts with her and let my erection open to the open air for the first time first. the witness of others.
He wasn't out for long until Red put me in his mouth, bathing me with his tongue. My eyes rolled back in my head and I leaned against the wall on my first test. My hormones burst out of my brain and before long, the tiny enclosed space was filled with the scent of sex and pheromones.
Red paused for a moment, looking up at my eyes then down at my twitching cock, glistening with his saliva. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered to herself. But then her eyes rolled back and she groaned as she put my dick in her mouth again.
I glanced around at us. Not where I would expect to lose my virginity, not with a girl I met the other day and didn't even know her name. But I'm an eighteen year old young man and I'm not going to let that go. So I got into position, one hand on his butt and the other on my dick to make sure he was going anywhere, then I started working my way inside the pussy. his first.
Oh, I was at HEAVEN. Red let out a small groan. And then those sounds wouldn't stop coming from his mouth for the next ten minutes as I backed away and then turned in, my pelvis slamming against his tight cheek. I'm glad this wing is still less crowded than most schools. It's less likely that someone would hear us and come get us. For the next few minutes, balancing my pace while exploring uncharted territory, I managed to pull her shirt up to her chin and take off my bra so that it hanging freely around her neck, my feet groping her toned breasts.
After a few minutes, she burst in, letting out a gut-wrenching cry that shook the metal shelves in this tiny space, a moment later an eruption of my own within its velvet walls. . He flows and flows away from me, until she finally collapses to the floor, letting my juices flow between her legs, gasping as she tries to catch her breath.
She turned to me, still dazed, flushed by our effort.
I have just contemplated her, my first conquest, the fire in my loin softened momentarily but far from extinguished. My gaze swept over her perfect ass and her flat, muscular stomach to the lower curve of her breasts, still visible. I could already feel the urge for the liquid to ignite back in my veins and out of my skin.
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"Ashley," replied harshly.
"Ashley, I'm not done with you yet."