Linnea Georgia Villareal, is a news caster. She reports on things about rich people, illegal businesses and smugglers.
Chapter 1
Linnea POV
I am now leaving the company because I already finished my work early so I decided to go home early because I have nothing else to do.
While I was waiting for a ride when suddenly a van was parked in front of me, I just didn't pay attention because it might just leave but I was surprised when it opened and some men came out and suddenly pulled me away.
I was not able to shout because they were moving fast and you got me in the car right away, a few times if I tried to struggle but I also did nothing. Twitter covered my chest because of what was happening, I could think of no other reason why they took me.
I was not rich and I had no family because I was orphaned when I was young, so I did my best to get an education and a good job to make a living. So if they are chasing money from me they are just wasting time because they can get nothing from me.
Even if I feel so nervous that I don't show it, I need to be strong and not show fear to these people.
Later, a man suddenly pulled me and lowered me into the van. I tried to struggle again but it was stronger than me. I saw that there was another expensive car in front of us, it suddenly opened and spit out a devouring handsome creature.
By his looks I know that he is rich.
The guy walked closer to the spot where we were, I swallowed several times while staring at him.
“Linnea Georgia Villareal,” she mentioned in my full name to my surprise. I don’t know why the man in front of me knows me.
But I did not shake him. He looks so intimidating but I don't care because I don't know him.
"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me? I don't have any money to give you so let me go."
He just chuckled, it was nice to hear but I dismissed it because it looked dangerous in front of me.
"Leave the two of us first and I'll talk to this woman," he ordered his staff and they nodded quickly and walked away.
I raised my eyebrow, what is going on with this man? Should I think that he is crazy? But he looks rich and powerful.
When his men got away he turned to me. "Listen to me, woman, because I will only tell you this once. Stop destroying my business! Stop the news you are telling, especially about the business I have." he told me emphatically and seriously.
That’s when I realize that my work has something to do with what the man in front of me is saying right now. Why would I do that? Why would I follow him? That is my job as a newscaster and he can’t stop me.
"And you think I care? You can’t scare me! Now I know you're one of those people with illegal business that should be stopped."
He laughed as if he was insulting me. "I'm not scaring you. I'm just giving you a warning. Don't fight me because you won't like what I do. Mark my words Linnea," he insisted.
"Is that a threat?" I asked.
"What do you think?" He smirked.
I felt a little nervous, I had to find a way to get out of here. I thought for a while before making a plan.
"Just let me go and I won't mess with whatever you have," I said.
A foolish smile flashed on his lips as if he had heard good news.
"You're easy to talk to." he said and called his men. I even saw him whisper to them and then get into his car.
I was quickly pulled over by one of his staff and put back in the van, after a few minutes we were again opposite the company where I work. They let me down and then left.
I immediately hailed a taxi and rode hard and maybe they will come back.
While I was in the taxi I couldn’t help but think of the man facing me. He is so close to being perfect but it will not change badly.
'If he thinks he's going to scare me he's making a mistake, it's my job to deliver the news and he can't do anything about it. He can't stop me. ' I whisper in my mind.
In the past day I resumed my work and mainly reported on the illegal transactions of the wealthy and rich people.
I am now with my best friend Ciara, we are here at a restaurant to eat lunch.
"How was your job? That's a lot of news. That might hurt." Ciara said.
"As usual it's still the same and nothing has changed. We know that what I'm doing is right. The bad people who are doing illegal things should stop. They are already rich but they are not using their resources in the right way. their money.” I answered her.
"It's just, your work is too risky. You might be surprised that someone is already waiting for you," my friend's voice showed concern.
"Don't worry too much Ciara, I'm not the only one working as a news reporter, there are many of us." I said.
She never spoke again and we just continued to eat. The two of us talked a lot because we didn't see each other for a few days because we were both busy with our jobs.
But I also can't get out of my mind what Ciara said. I know if she's just concerned about me and I also know in myself that my life is in danger because of my job but I don't want to leave and just let things go. I have already started and another thing is I love the job.
I am also very grateful because what happened to me the other day did not happen again and I never saw the man I talked to.
He thought that I would be afraid of his warning. What did he think of me as a child who could obey his command? Psh!
Even though he is still a billionaire he could not change the fact that he is a bad person and he has an illegal business that others should find out about and get rid of.
Soon my friend and I finished our lunch so we immediately went back to work because our break time was coming to an end.