I can't forget what really happened last night. I can't believe those things I knew of them. Dark Louiz is an asshole. I hate that man. I hate everything from him.
It's already nine thirty in the morning when I rose on my bed. I ate breakfast alone. It's Sunday, so I need to rest the whole day.
Before I go to sleep that evening, I tried to call our friend Chloe. I felt glad when she answers my calls.
"Hey! How are you now? Are you going back to school tomorrow?" I asked her. Chloe answered immediately.
"Yes, I have to go back to school. I had missed so many lessons, so I need to have a self-study just to learn our previous lessons I've missed," she said. I became happy when I heard it coming from her.
"That's good to hear from you, Chloe. Finally, you made up your mind to go back to our school tomorrow," I said, smiling to my friend Chloe.
"Yeah, I've realized that it's not good for me to stay here in my bedroom. I need to start again," she said. I felt relieved when she said it.
"Yeah, you are right. Thank God because you realized that," I said.
"So, what are you doing now? Are you going to sleep?" Chloe asked me.
"Later on," I said. "But I decided to call you before I sleep tonight."
"Yes. Are you going to sleep too?" I asked her.
"Just like you, maybe later on..." She laughs.
"Why maybe?"
"It depends on the situation if I needed to watch something or what..."
"I see. But I suggest you to sleep after we talk tonight. Is it hard for you to do that? I'm going to sleep after calling you, I promise," I said, seriously. She laughs again.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, I'm serious. I'm not kidding you tonight."
"I will. I will sleep after we talk, I promise you. I have to follow you," she said, laughing.
"Good. Good to hear from you, Chloe. We will go to sleep after talking tonight. We need to wake up early tomorrow and you know why. It's because we..."
"It's because we have a class tomorrow," she finished. We both laughed. It took twenty minutes before we ended our conversations on the phone. We slept after that.
We were all happy when our friend Chloe went back to our school. We hugged her so tight.
"We're hoping you will forget those bad things that happened to you these past few weeks. You will recover easily. We're praying for that," Eliza said to our friend Chloe while we're eating our lunch.
"I'm hoping. Thank you guys for always being there for me," Chloe told us.
"We told you about it. We're always there for you and we're always there for each other, right? We're friends. What's the purpose of our friendships, if we're not helping each other in times of darkness, trials and so on? It has no use if we're not supporting each other, right? We're true friends and we are one," said Anna.
I appreciated her message for our friend. Her message is not only for our friend Chloe, but it's for us. She's right. What would be the purpose of our friendships, if we're not helping each other in times of difficulties or problem? We're friends and also we are one. So, we need to help each other. Am I right? Of course, yes.
"Everything will be alright soon. We need to forget everything in the past. We need to start again, right?" I reminded them.
Chloe spoke, "But you promised me that you will help me," Chloe told me.
"Of course. I won't forget that promise. I will do that for you," I replied.
Anna and Eliza stared each other after they'd heard what I said to our friend Chloe.
"Promise? What kind of promise is that?" Eliza inquired.
Chloe answered that question. She told everything about what I promised to her that I will help her to have a revenge against Dark Louiz who cheated and broke her heart into pieces.
"Are you sure to do this?" Anna inquired. I immediately nodded with no fear to do it.
"Yes. I have no fear at all. I just wanted to help our friend Chloe to get revenge on him. And also I want to do it just to teach him a lesson. I want him to stop hurting women," I explained to them.
"Okay. If the two of you agreed to do that, we will not oppose anymore. Anna and I will always there for the two of you no matter what will happen," Eliza said.
"Thank you so much, Anna and Eliza!"
"You're always welcome, Chloe."
After our class in the afternoon, I left them in the cafeteria. I need to go home early. When I was walking towards the gate of our school, I've heard someone calling my name. I know his voice, so I turned immediately at the back and I saw the face of Dark Louiz again. He's not alone, he's with another girl again. Oh my goodness! He's totally a playboy. I frowned when I looked at him.
"Why did you call my name? What's your problem?" I asked him with annoyance. He gave me an evil laugh, so, I felt irritated.
"Was it bad to call your name, huh? You're Kate Rose, right?" He sneered.
"Yes. My name is Kate Rose. And what's your problem with my name? Isn't good to hear?" I asked him. He laughs.
"No, no, no! It's good to hear, but your face is not good to see," he sad, insulting me.
"What? What did you say?" He repeated what he told me.
"I said, your name is good to hear, but your face is not good to see. It's full of annoyance!" He laughed so loud. He insulted me again, and I felt furious.
If I can't control myself, I'll punch him so hard. He's fortune that I'm not a bad person like him, but if I'm a bad person like him, I'm going to publicly humiliate him.
"What?! My face is not good to see?" I asked, irritably.
"Yes!" He sneered.
"If my face isn't good to see, your face is not good to see too! You look like a monster!" I told him, sarcastically.
"I'm not a monster! You're a witch!"
"Really?" He nodded and begins to laugh again.
"Yes! You're a witch and there's no doubt about it."
"Crazy! Get out of my sight! I don't want to see your face! You're just ruining my day! If you can't say anything good, you better leave and mind your own life!" I snarled at him and he laughs.
"I'm not ruining your day, you're the one who is just ruining your day and not me!" he said. He's insulting me too much.
"Shut up! I will cut your throat if you keep on saying nonsense things! Go home and be good to other people, especially to all the women out there!" I snarled.
"I'm not afraid!" He said. "Do it, please..."
I didn't speak as he said that. I just turned my back on him and walked out of our university. I'm pissed off.
While we were eating dinner, Auntie Rosa suddenly remembered Dark Louiz, the son of her friend Mrs. Romero.
"I want you two to be friends," Auntie Rosa told me referring to him. I almost spit out my food as she said that. My eyes widened.
"W-what? What did you say, auntie? You wanted us to be friends?" I asked her and she nodded immediately.
"Yes. You two are good to be friends. You can be his friend and he can be your friend. Is that a good idea?" My forehead was furrowed when my auntie told that to me. She noticed my facial expressions, so she spoke, "What's wrong? You don't like him to be your friend, huh?" She asked me.
"No, auntie," I lied, "I think, I'm not yet ready."
"And what's the reason why you're not yet ready? He's a good guy. He's handsome and his parents are my friends. So, it has no problem if the two of you will become friends," she explained in front of me while we're eating our food.
"Auntie, I know... but I'm not yet ready," I protested.
"And because what?" I sighed heavily.
"I'm not comfortable to have a male friend," I lied to my auntie. I don't want him to be my friend. He's an asshole.
"Is that so?" Auntie Rosa asked.
"Yes, auntie. All of my friends are female," I said.
It's true that I don't have a male friend, but that's the only reason I said to my auntie just to stop her from asking me what's the reason why I'm not yet ready to be Dark Louiz's friend. I hate him! I hate him so much!
"Okay. But he's a good guy, right?" Auntie Rosa asked once more. I can't agree with her because I know myself that he's not a good guy.
If he's really a good guy, he won't hurt the feelings of several women and he won't play with them. Maybe they do not know the attitude of him and he's pretending good in front of his parents. But they don't know that Dark Louiz is an asshole and a heartless playboy. He's evil. He broke the heart of my friend Chloe.
My Auntie Rosa is still waiting for my answer, so I nodded without saying any words coming from my own mouth.
Then I continued eating my dinner and I just kept quiet and so did my auntie. I washed the dishes after we ate and I went to my bedroom to rest.