I knew Garret was out of his freaking mind.
I've never heard of a boss that does the stuff that he does, I mean his tactics are insane. He left the conference room without answering any questions, even though the entire room was asking the necessities such as "why didn't you tell anyone before" or "why are you retiring so soon."
He didn't even let me stay to calm the crowd down even though I knew none of the answers to their questions. He lightly grabbed my arm and Sebastian followed, along with Terrance, David and the two people who followed Sebastian in here.
Once we left the room, the two big bulky men who escorted us out of the elevator earlier escorted us into one. I walked in first, and Garret pushed Sebastian in afterwards even though he looked as if he was willing to glue his Armani shoes to the floor than stand next to me. Sebastian stumbled in next to me and everyone else piled in, leaving hardly any elbow room. Perfect. The last place I wanted to be was stuck in a crowded elevator with Sebastian, but in this case, I’m stuck next to him. I felt him staring at me with venomous eyes, but I tried my best to ignore his glare.
Once the elevator doors closed, it was fair game. Garret knew well. He began speaking before anyone could open their mouth.
"I know you all have countless questions, and I know you might all think I'm out of my marbles.
You are out of your marbles I thought.
"But I have a logical expl-"
"Logical, logical? What is logical about any of this? You didn't consult me about any of this. I-how am I supposed to take over-"
Garret interrupted Henry, who looked as if he was going to pull his hair out. I would assume that Henry would be content, even ecstatic about being the temporary CEO. Even though it's temporary, it's something.
"Henry, I apologize for my unnecessary confidentiality. I decided that it would be appropriate to inform you now."
The elevator doors opened, and two business women stood there in confusion, knowing they would have to wait for the next one. Before the doors closed, Sebastian gave them a wink, causing them both to giggle and blush.
"Seriously?" Garret turned around and faced his son.
"What?" He replied.
"That childish behavior is exactly why I'm treating you like one!"
Here it comes.
"If you don't like the way I act then why make me in charge of this piece of shit company anyway?"
The entire elevator grew quiet. Even Sebastian's lackey who was always on her phone stopped typing and looked at Garret with appalled eyes.
I was waiting for Garret to chew him out. He was known for having a temper, and I've seen up close and personal to that.
Before the show could officially begin, the elevator doors opened for the top floor, and Sebastian pushed passed me and his father to exit. Garret walked after him, and his lackeys sped ahead. Terrence and Henry said that they would go back down to the lobby once we all stepped out.
"But why? I mean you just came all the way up here and Garret-"
Terrence pointed towards the glass doors that led to the lobby, where the screaming was coming from.
"I don't think we have any part in that at the moment. Besides I have a few phone calls I need to make, and Henry..."
"I need to meet with Mr. Trump for lunch in a few hours, anyway. I've been waiting for this for months and I need to clear my mind a bit."
I didn't argue. If Garret didn't approve, then I would let him deal with it when he's done screaming at his son.
They nodded reassuringly and entered the elevator that the two bulky men were holding for them.
When the doors closed I made a bee line towards the door and went up to Paul who was sitting there with his mouth open.
"You'll catch flies, Paul,” I whispered as I shut his mouth. I looked around to find The Harrison's nowhere in sight, but I could still hear screaming. The whole floor was silent, even though the phones were ringing off the hook. Darcy was still at my desk, typing frantically and speaking on the phone simultaneously.
"Did you hear what they were yelling about?" I asked.
"Sort of. Garret was rambling about money and some woman named Fiona, and Sebastian said 'that’s why she left you' or something like that. Garret grabbed his arm and flung him into his office before he could scream 'Uncle', girl."
Damn. This escalated quickly.
Fiona was Garret's ex-wife. She left him about ten years back when Garret was addicted to using drugs and drinking alcohol heavily. Even when he cleaned himself up she still wouldn't take him back. He figured it was because she was traumatized by the experience, but I knew it was because the alimony was too good to pass up. Even if she was married to him she probably didn't see the money for herself.
Garret and Fiona shared custody of their five kids: three sons and two daughters. When they all became of age they all had access to their trust funds, and Sebastian was the only one who didn't use it wisely.
The two other sons, Patrick and William went to high end universities. Elizabeth, the oldest daughter used the money to travel the world and help starving children in third world countries, and the youngest out of all the five, Isabella, ended up marrying some rich Bollywood actor named Naveed Hammad, but he died in a plane crash about two years ago. She's unfortunately a filthy rich widow now living with no kids to keep her company.
All at the age of 21.
I knew enough about the Harrisons to write a freaking book. When Garret would stress out, he would talk to me about his mistakes to vent, and I would be obligated to sit there and listen to them all.
I took a deep breath and headed down the long hallway towards Garrets office, hearing the screams becoming louder and louder and louder.
"Wait-aren't you going to tell me what happened?" Paul screamed after me.
"After I fix it myself,” I told him.