Sleep comes easy for Lucca though he is aware that the bliss will only be temporary. “Mom?” He calls out to his mother, who is swinging on a swing by a lakeside. The sun is shining brightly on a hot summer day. The birds are chirping in the distance. “Ah, Lucca. There you are, my baby boy,” she whispered softly. She then pulls him closer to her breasts. He feels comforted and safe, at first, until the grip tightens and he starts to choke, trying to force his way out of her suffocating embrace. The scenes changed dramatically. It is no longer a sun shiny day. A storm is raging. He can hear thunder roars in the distance. Lightning strikes here and there. She is no longer embracing him. There’s a knot around his neck and he is struggling to be free from choking painfully in the air. She is in front of him, on another necklace of rope, blue, unmoving, eyes bulging out of their sockets. As he tries to scream for help from beneath his choking throat, slowly, just slowly, the corpse smiles at him with her teeth all crimson in blood.
That’s when he wakes up. He is drenched in his own sweat. He had expected the nightmare, but each time when he wakes up, he still sweats profusely. It is not a nightly occurrence though. But each time if he is going to have this particular nightmare, he can sense it early on before he went to bed. It’s always the same. Except for the beginning. In the beginning, he would dream of random memories of his mother who always seems to be perfect. In every aspect. She was indeed perfect in every aspect. And Lucca resents her all over again for that.
He sighs a little to the relief he felt deep inside to the thoughts that she’s gone now. All that’s left of her were the good old memories. It somehow felt wrong but also right at the same time. Lucca doesn’t like to think of his mother. It always confuses him and makes his head ache. As he finally shuts the memories and thoughts of her from his brain, he notices that there’s a shade of shadow lurking underneath the little gap in between the floor and his door of someone pacing back and forth steadily outside his room. He lifts his body up a little from his bed, rolling the blanket that’s already soaked from his sweat off of his body. He can feel it in his guts. Papa? He calls out in his head. He knew it is him there outside of his room. Please come in, he monologues a plea. He longs to feel his father’s touch. He misses him so much. Please…
The shadow lurks a little while longer before it stops in its pace and then walks off from the door. Lucca can hear it clearly. The footsteps that pace away from his room. The fading sounds of those footsteps. A little, slowly, heartbreakingly, a tear falls down from one of his eyes. And a deep hatred grows bigger inside of him. He clenches his fist, holding in the raging fire of anger inside from bursting out. He wants to scream but he can’t. He wants to throw things in his room, smash everything to pieces, rip apart the bed sheets and curtains but he can’t. He can’t do these as he must pretend to be the nice innocent boy for the audiences. He closes his eyes, trying hard to calm down. He inhales and exhales in an effort to cool down his anger but he ended up shaking. At the very frustration of not being able to vent, tears stream down from both of his eyes. He sobs lowly, trying not to make too much noise, covering his face with both of his palms. He cries for an amount of time. But…
Ahh Ahhh Ahh!
He stops crying when he suddenly hears sounds of someone’s moaning. It’s in a distance, but he is quite sure that that is the sound of sex. He gets up and walks over to his window which partly opens a little and allows him to hear sounds outside. His eyes grew wide in surprise at the sudden view in front of him. It was of a woman, completely naked, both palms pressing on the glass of the window. Her breasts are bouncing, her face looking lewd in pleasure as she moans loudly, shamelessly. A boy is taking her from behind. He is pounding in her over and over. Lucca can’t quite make out what expression he is making as the shadow hides his face well. But the moonlight shines brightly on the woman. “Fuck. Is that his girlfriend?” Lucca manages to mutter underneath his breath. It has been a while since something shocks him like this. He chooses to ignore them. The sound. The view. They anger him even more. He can’t believe that Caleb is such a shameless son of a bitch. As he’s about to lie back down on his bed, he then realizes that he recognizes the woman. She’s one of the servants in the house! He feels disgusted at the sudden realization. “What a perv,” he mutters to himself again and closes his eyes, transitioning to the state of the unconscious. He doesn’t feel like he will have another nightmare. Being awake gives him more nightmare than sleeping anyway.