“At least he should give you some credit, you are trying”, mom says while dropping the tray on the table.
“Belinda you won’t disrespect me because of this child”, dad said to compounding like he is on the point of losing it. I don’t like it when they argue because of me knowing fully they are the reason am here or maybe my mom alone but it does not matter right now.
“Am not disrespecting you, Daniele, am just saying that you should…”
“Mom, sorry to interrupt but I think someone got a new job here and we are supposed to be happy about that and not this, right?” I said earning a sigh from both of them as planned. Dad picked up his magazine to pass the time, mom went back into the kitchen This is my clue to go freshen up.
Getting to my room, I dropped my bag and threw myself on the bed to catch some breath. I smiled at what seemed to be my little achievement which happened to be getting to work in one of the most prestigious companies and to top it, it’s owned by our Alpha. Something in me was very happy to work in that company not minding that it was the work of a cleaner. I wonder what he was like in reality, the Alpha I mean.
“Edna dear, dinner is served”, I heard my mom’s voice through the opening of my room door. I got up and hurriedly got into the bathroom. After that, I changed into something more comfortable and went down for dinner.
“What took you long?” my mom asked while getting up to serve me.
“Please sit, I can serve myself. I was having a shower”. I said while serving myself once I got to the table. I sat down once I was done and we all ate in silence. Sometimes I wonder if we could have a more bounding dinner.
When we were done with dinner, I cleaned up and retired to my room. Checking my phone, I noticed I received a mail from Alvinish Fashion Company telling me to report to work the very next day. Thank the goddess I checked my phone, now I have to sleep. I kept my phone on the bed stand and was about to fall asleep when I said to myself Moon goddess, please do not let me be disturbed this night by that blurry vision, and if it’s not too much to ask grant me my wolf too.
As I stir from my slumber, I find myself suspended between the dainty realm of dreams and the visible world around me. A sense of confusion lingers accompanied by a baffling mix of emotions – a blend of curiosity, wonder, and a touch of unhappiness and despair. The remnants of my dream, a flashback of what I think is my past, manifest as a hazy, fragmented vision within my mind’s eye. Like trying to catch smoke with bare hands, the details of the dream slip through my grasp leaving only a foggy and blurry impression behind.
I sigh as I pick up my phone from the bed stand, checking the time it’s still 4 am Guess the Moon Goddess had other things to do than answer my plea last night. As usual or often am seated on the bed confused, ‘if only I could understand what all these dreams or visions are’ I thought to myself. Getting up I decide to do some stretching in the sitting room because we live in a small house but our sitting room seems to be the only room with a bit more space and that’s because we have fewer chairs in it.
Once I was done, I got into the bathroom to shower. We, the cleaners, have to be in the office before working hours and we leave after the lunch break. So I decided that I would still help Bria out in the café later in the day if am not exhausted. Immediately I got out of the shower I sent her a text telling her I would use my keys to get myself a cup of Macchiato from the café since she would be asleep.
I got dressed and decided to grab an apple or two from the kitchen. Getting to the kitchen I see mMom
“Mom, you’re up early. Buongiorno”, I greeted as I gave her a peck on the cheek.
“Buongiorno amore mio, it’s 5:30 am silly and I know you will be up early due to excitement”, she replied smiling. I sighed knowing it was the opposite for me, only if she knew. Mom and Dad think that the blurry dreams have stopped coming but it hasn’t although Mom still has doubts. It’s only Bria that knows about it till now.
“Yeah, I have to go by the way”, I said going to grab two apples from the fridge.
“This early? Aren’t you having breakfast with us at least?” she asked a bit confused.
“No Mom I have to stop by the café and like you said it’s my first day so I think I would pass”, I replied not lying since they both don’t know my job at the company.
“Alright, take care of yourself”, she said while going back to chopping vegetables. I just pecked her after taking the apples and left. I decided it would be better to trek down to the café then take a cab from there and that’s what I did. Immediately I took the Macchiato, locked up, and called a cab.
As the cab came to a graceful halt in front of the company, I took a deep breath. I felt excited as well as nervous for reasons I don’t know of. I came down from the cab after making payments. I stood still while the cab drove off trying to take in the beauty standing in front of me. I smiled at myself, curious about what work here would be like. I took an extra moment to examine my surroundings, taking in the details of the well-primed landscape and the magnificent building that spoke of revolution and success.
Taking a confident step forward, I proceed toward the entrance of the company. As I neared the shiny doors, a mix of hope, excitement, eagerness, and nervousness grew within me. Stepping into this building unknown to me was going to be the beginning of a new chapter of my life. Walking in, I realized that the outside look of the company was not close to beautiful. I have never seen any place or thing as beautiful as the interior of this building.