Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.The pack :We all share the same loss, we all know what we want. Fate has been ...
Chapter one : Evicted.
It's a beautiful day outside the birds are singing, the sun is shining, people are happily skipping around. Having places to go to, people to see, miss, love. But that wasn’t the case with me, sad old me whom life hasn’t been easy on. I sat on the floor of my barely standing apartment, looking at the yellow paper, my current nightmare. I'm getting evicted I have three days to leave. But where to go I got nobody I've been alone in this cold world since I was fifteen.
This crappie studio apartment was the only place I called mine, I paid for it, I cleaned it, did the grocery when possible, I even did the hardly there decoration. I looked around at my puke-green second maybe third hand me down the couch, it's also my bed, not the most comfortable thing ever but better than sleeping on the cold hardwood floor. The boxes in the middle to replace a table, my own creation, it was even concealed with a cheap table cloth I got from goodwill.
My kitchen was practically bare except for the fridge that stopped working one week after I moved in, it came with the apartment. I didn't buy much food anyway it’s why I didn’t really mind or care and neither did my landlord. My cabinets weren’t any better, they were also bare except for some lucky charms and some tart.
Due to the lack of an actual closet or drawers or anything to place my clothes in, I had my stuff scattered around the place dirty on the floor, clean on my one and only chair. See I have a system going.
Looking back at my current yellow paper enemy I felt a headache start building behind my eyes, I was going to cry. But crying is a privilege, poor people can't afford it.
I got up went over to my sink and washed my face with cold water, the only water available around here, looking at myself I hardly recognized my own reflection, my once vibrant blue eyes are now dull and sad, I'm sporting some black bags under them, my cheeks are so hollow, my lips are chapped and grey looking. In conclusion, I don't look like death, I am death.
Shaking my head I get out of the door and go hunting my landlord to beg him to keep my home.
I found Mr. Thompson wondering in the building probably looking for some puppies to kick, oh wait he's kicking me out. I plastered my best fake smile I could master and said cheerfully
"Good morning Mr. Thompson"
His eyes did a quick run up and down my body, a lazy smile showed on his lips while he replied "Morning Miss Nala".
His breath made me sick, he smelled of Tobacco and cheap alcohol.
"What can I do for you today"
Swallowing the pit forming in my throat I gave him my best puppy eyes
"Uhh ...I...I wanted to talk to u about my evacuation, I don't have anywhere else to go can't you please please let me stay?" I said it rapidly, there I said it.
The ugly man in front of me laughed, a deep belly laugh, it sounded evil to be real "Ohh little girl you are cute but it's not up to me the whole building is sold and going to be demolished, some rich guys bought the whole area, they plan on cleaning it from the crime and gangs and build some middle-class homes"
I felt my world shatter with every word he said, this time I couldn't stop the tears that got up in my eyes.
"You know if you need somewhere to stay I'll be more than happy to let you stay with me, for a price of course" and he got the audacity to wink at me. I shook my head quickly said a thank you to the evil man and ran to my apartment.
I closed the door and went on the search for Leo my teddy bear, it was an old brown stuffed teddy. I had it since my childhood, my only friend and memory from my parents. I found him under the dirty pile of clothes and hugged him close to my heart and started crying, even poor people need a good cry from time to time. Look at me I’m splurging