Preeti's point of view
'What are you doing to me Preeti.'
'You are the most amazing person.'
I bit my lower lip and smile shyly when yesterday's incident playing in my mind. That was the first time when I and Siddharth spend so much time alone outside and share many things to know batter each other.
I still don't believe I am in love with him.
It's not hard to fell in love with him. He is a gem which is mine. Yesterday he share my all bad memories with him and helped me to lessen it's burden from my heart. It's not much painful like before. Maybe it was because I never shared that thing with someone else. He is the first person and last too who know about my high school party.
I love him.
It's sounds like a some sacred mantra to me which is so pure and innocent. My feelings for him are pure and innocent which calm my heart when every time I think about him.
I shake my head while smiling at my thoughts and continue my work to clean the kitchen. It's already 12.30 A.m of next day. Everyone is in their own their own respective rooms and probably sleeping. Anshul came to my room, asking me to cook something for him because he was hungry. So I make Maggie for him and now cleaning the kitchen mess which I create. Mummy will kill me and buried me two feet under the ground if I didn't clean this mess. She loved her kitchen and she wants it all clean and clear like a crystal.
It's normal for him to eat something late at night because he studied for late hours and he wants something to eat to continue his study.
Today is a busy day. Due to festival season our shop is very busy so Siddharth and Anshul accompany papa to shop to helped him in accounts. Akhil dad also went with them. Akhil dad and Papa came early but Anshul and Siddharth came at dinner time. Actually Anshul was looking more exhausted than Siddharth. The exhaustion look on his face telling that today was such a busy day on shop. So they both left to their room after dinner. I also miss Siddharth. I barely see him today after yesterday.
Last night I took a bold step and kissed him on his cheek. I don't know what he was thinking about the kiss but the smile on his face after kiss telling that he was more than happy.
He was looking so damn cute when he shocked of my action.
I chuckled softly and shake my head in amusement.
I turn to leave but gasped in fear when I saw Siddharth was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, leaning to the door jamb and crossing his both arms on his chest.
I sighed in relief and put my hand on my chest to calm my racing heart.
"Did I scared you?" He said while walking inside the kitchen.
"No...I...I didn't expect you here at this time." I lowered my head and tuck a strand behind my ear which came on my face when I lowered my head.
I can't believe, I was thinking about him all time and right now he is standing in front of me.
"Do you want something?" I asked him, raising my head and looked at him.
"I can't sleep So thought of to have some coffee." He said while shoving his both hands in his sweatpants.
"What are you doing at this time?" He asked looking at me.
"I was cleaning the kitchen." I said looking at him.
He nodded his head and keep looking at me giving me a goosebumps to all over my body and make my cheeks red.
"I'll make coffee for you." I whispered and turned around to take out a milk from fridge.
But why he drinks coffee at night? He should not drink coffee at night if he is not going to work after that and go to sleep.
I slide out drawer to take out a pan. I poured some milk in pan and add some sugar in it with almond powder and saffron to give it a colour.
After milk is ready I pour it in a glass and forward the milk glass to him.
He looked at the glass of milk and then me confusingly.
"You should not drink coffee at night. It will help you for good sleep." I whispered, looking at him.
"Thankyou.." he take the glass from me and take a sip of milk.
"Is it a busy day at shop?" I asked him when he was drinking the milk.
He nodded his head and leaned to the counter.
"Yeah it is...I was just checking the accounts and calculating the profits but Anshul deals with the customers." He said.
We both are standing in front of each other. He was leaning to the counter and I was standing straight without any support.
"Usually there is not lot of customers at our shop in normal days but due to the festival season, shop is fill with customers." I said.
Our shop is not work much business when it done five years ago. Many groceries shops opened around our shop and they looked fancier than ours so customers bought groceries from other shop. It affects the business if your shop is not presentable so before Diwali papa renovates the shop so let see what it's affect the business.
"Don't worry I checked the accounts. Shop is doing well than last month." He said while giving me a smile.
He drink the rest milk in one go and looking left and right for the place to put it.
"Give it to me." I said while forwarding my hand for the glass.
He gave the glass to me and I washed it. After washing the glass we both stood there silently, don't know what to say. It was like we again lack of words and again we talking through from our heart beats.
We heard the footsteps of someone and I know someone is awake but don't if the person is coming here into the kitchen or not.
I should fo before someone see us alone in the kitchen.
"Good night.." I whispered softly looking at him.
He took a step towards me and now we are standing at very closed to each other. My heart is beating faster against my ribcage and giving a goosebumps all over my body.
He bent down a little and leaned to me. His soft lips touch the skin of my cheeks. I closed my eyes when my stomach churned and I felt the spark all over my body. My heart is went on it's highest speed when he kissed me on my right cheek.
"Good night Preeti..." He whispered softly and and pulled back.
I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes. My cheeks are red due to his kiss. He was already looking at me with so much emotions and warmth. We heard the footsteps very closed to us. After looking at me last time with so much warmth he walked out from there.
"Bhabhi do you have matching earrings of this dress?" Keerti asked me, looking through the mirror.
She is wearing one of my leggings suite and she is looking very beautiful in it. It is in a olive green shade and I was wearing a royal blue suit. They both are in a transparent stuff so we had a matching blouse under it but our stomach is visible through the thin material.
"Yeah..they are in my room. You get ready till then I fetch them from my room." I said while taking my dupatta from bed.
"Okey..." she replied while applying a makeup on her face.
Today we all are going to temple to take blessings from God for our marriage and It is really a fun to go to temple in festivals especially on Diwali time. They all are decorating beautifully with fairy lights and garlands.
I was walking towards my room but my steps halted when a realization hit me that It was Siddharth's room now. Means he will also be there.
Should I go back and asked keerti to fetch earrings from my room herself.
But it sounds rued. I already promised her that I fetch them for her and if she will agree, she doesn't know where I put them.
I think I don't have a choice.
I slowly walked to my room and knocked the door slowly. But he didn't open the door. I again knocked the door and this time also he didn't open the door.
May be he is in bathroom taking shower. I should go and fetch earrings before he could notice the presence of intruder.
I opened the door slowly, make sure that I don't make any noise. As I opened the door I saw a beautiful site in front of me. Siddharth is sleeping peacefully and carelessly too. He is stuck the duvet between his legs and hands.
His long dark lashes like curtains brushing his upper cheeks bone. His hair are messy and falling on his forehead covering half of his eyebrows. His pink lips looking more alive under the sun rays falling from the window.
He usually got up early everyday but I think he was awake late at last night so he can't wake up early today.
I blushed when I noticed he didn't wear a tshirt and his half naked body is clearly visible to me.
I came to my lala land when I remembered I came here to take earrings for keerti. I slowly walked to my vanity and slide out the upper drawer without making any noise. I opened my jewellery box and take out earrings which keerti asked for.
I was about to walked out from the room but I felt a little bad when Siddharth curled into a ball. It's October and it get more cold in morning. He must be feeling cold that's why he curled into a ball. I put the earrings on vanity desk and slowly walked to him.
I took a step back when he suddenly move.
I sighed in relief when he turn in his sleep and laid on his back. I thought he was awake. If he caught me here, sneaking in his room, I was way more than embarrassed.
I slowly walked to him and look at his beautiful face for a good minute. A small smile came on my face looking at him sleeping.
He is looking cute and yet handsome even in his sleep.
Who looks beautiful in his sleep?
I slowly bent down, out my one hand at the edge of the bed to balance my body so I could not fall over him. I leaned over him to take duvet which was the other side. Duvet is still sticking under his body and it's hard to release it from under his weight.
I gasped when suddenly two strong arms encircled around my waist and he pull me to bed with him. He turned us on the bad and hovered over me. My half body is under him because he entangled both are legs that my both legs are between his legs and he encircled his left arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and I can feel his hot breath on my bare neck giving me spark and goosebumps all over my body.
I forgot to breath and my heart skipped so many beats that it almost stopped. My chest is heaving up and down, making my mounds to touch his hard and bare chest.
I have been never so closed to him physically. This is really a intimating position. His breath is calm telling me that he is still sleeping.
I gathered myself and tried to move but as I moved he tightened his grip on me and pull me more to him.
"Si..Siddharth.." I called for him in a firm and soft voice.
"Siddharth.." I called for him again and tapped on his shoulder lightly.
"Preeti..just two minutes." He frowned and nuzzles his head more in the crook of my neck.
I gasped when I feel his lips on my neck, exactly the joint of neck and shoulders. His lips are not moving, just rest there on my skin but they are giving a sensation to my body. This is really intimating.
"Siddharth.." I called again.
I pulled his head from the crook of my neck and opened his sleepy eyes. His lips curled into a dreamy smile.
My eyes wide opened in shock when he suddenly kissed me on my cheek out of the blue and nuzzles his head again at the crook of my neck. My cheeks turned into red and heat is releasing from them.
He suddenly pulled back from my neck and looked at me with wide and shocked eyes like he didn't know I was lying beside him. He touched my face like conforming I am real or not. He got up suddenly in shock releasing me from his grip.
I also got up from the bed and adjust my dupatta which fell from my shoulder due to our awkward position.
There is uncomfortable silent between us. My cheeks and neck are beetroot now.
"I..I am sorry I thought I was dreaming." He said while scratching the back of his neck.
His ears are also turned into a light shade of pink.
I looked here and there except him and tucked a strand behind my ear.
"I was...I came here..." I was not able to complete the sentence and walked out of the room in rush due to embarrassment. I'll gave keerti some other earrings or came here later when Siddharth will not be in room.
We all left the house around 9.30 a.m. for temple. I deliberately avoid Siddharth due to what happened in morning. But I can feel his heated gaze on me.
Due to diwali every temple, market and shops are decorated with lights and garlands but the demerits of festivals are lot of traffic on roads, rush in the market and crowded shops. Temples are also crowded in festival days more than usual.
First we go to the shiv temple which is two block away from our house, then wo go to hari temple and last we went to narayan temple.
Narayan temple is one of the most famous temple in Saharanpur because of its interior , and there is saying in narayan temple that if anyone tie red cloth on tree then her or his wish will come true soon.
Keerti, Anshul and everyone are in the other section of temple while I and Siddharth are together.
"There is saying that if you wish something and tie red cloth on tree's branch your wish will come true." I said softly like a whisper while walking towards the tree where so many clothes are already tied.
I don't believe in much religious things but there are few things I believed which gave you a positive vibes and calm your heart. Siddharth and I walking beside each other.
"Do you believe in this." Sid asked me looking at me.
"Few things are meant to be believe." I whispered.
I and Siddharth both looked at each other with intense eyes. There are so much emotions in our eyes which I can't describe and we both keep looking at each other with those emotions in our eyes and talked each other with them. There is alway a glistening in our eyes whenever we both look each other with that emotions.
I turn my head, closed my eyes and joint my hand for praying.
Whenever I came here I don't know what to ask you but today I want to ask you something.
The man standing beside me give him everything which he asked for.
He is the first person with whom I feel carefree and careless but he is also the reason of my increasing heart beats. He is the reason of my smile.
I love to care for him. A smile came on my face when I saw smile on his handsome face. My heart beats go insane whenever he came close to me. I want to do everything which makes him happy. I feel very lucky to have him. Please make Siddharth happiest person in the world. Give my happiness to him and make his all sorrow mine.
I opened my eyes slowly and looked to my right. Siddharth is also praying while joining his both hands. He look very innocent while praying. I don't know what he ask from God but I want his all wishes comes true.
His slowly opened his eyes after praying and turn to look at me. We both share a small but warm smile.
I took a red cloth and try to pull the tree's branch but I couldn't reach it due to my height. I jumped but fails. I jumped again but only a leaf come in my hand. I groaned in frustration.
I heard a chuckle from my right side. I turn my head and saw Siddharth chucking looking at me. I realized what I did in front of him. My cheeks are red due to embarrassment.
"Let me help you." He walk towards me and pull the branch easily and hold it for me. When I raised my hand to tie the cloth he left it. I looked at him confusingly and the next moment he leaned and lift me up by my feet.
"Now it's better. " he said with a smirk.
"Siddharth...what are you doing? Put me down. Someone sees us." I said while looking around. Some people looking at us in awe.
"Let them see." He said.
"Please put me down everyone is watching us." I said.
"Preeti... we are doing nothing wrong. I have my wife in my arms and I have every right to hold her everywhere and anywhere." He said intensely looking up at me.
"But what will everyone says?" I said while putting my both hands on his shoulders to balance myself.
"Don't think about everyone and soon you tie cloth, soon I put you down, otherwise I don't have a problem to holding you like that." He grinned in amusement.
I took a red cloth and tie it around the branch and gestured Siddharth through my eyes to put me down. He slowly put me down and make me stand at my own feet.
"God you are so heavy. My hands are aching." He said rubbing his arms.
I look at him with wide eyes.
"What...? I am that heavy? " I asked shockingly.
"Relax baby... I was just joking. " He chuckle at my face expression.
I pout.
"Do that again when we will alone." He lean closer to me and whispered in my ear.
He pulled back and ran his fingers in his silky dark hair.
I blushed hard and bit my lower lip at this nick name which he is given to me. This is the first time, he called me baby. I look at him and he is looking at my lips intensely. I lick my lower lip unintentionally. He gulped the lump under his throat while looking at my lips. We both looking into each other's eyes for a while until his phone started ringing and pulled us from each other's intense gaze.
"You go ahead with others. I'll join you later. I have to take this." He said while looking at his phone and then me.
I nodded my head and walk from there.
Today is more rush in temple than other days. I couldn't find my family. It seems like I lost because there so many entrance and exit gates. People are pushing each other while walking and run on each other. When I didn't find someone from my family I started walking towards where we parked our cars.
But a some bad boys bumping with girls intentionally. I know because some of them bumping with me too and try to touch me. I'm afraid because the boys of their group continously bumping with me one by one and some of them leaned on bikes with a secrets on there hands. From there look, they are looking teanagers.
I could not say anything to them. I know they don't harm in a crowded place but the way they bumping every girl deliberately I don't have a good feelings. There is a police but not enough to look for everyone.
So I don't say anything and walk fast to reach my family.
A boy bumped to me really hard by his shoulder. Fear is clearly visible in my face. I could not find a way to get out of here.
Suddenly a manly hand hold my hand . I gasped in fear and look at the person.
"Don't worry it's me." I heard a familiar voice.
I release a relief breath when I saw Siddharth beside me holding my hand.
He intertwine our fingers and gave a angry glare to the boys. He took a step to walk in there direction but I hold his hand to stop him.
"Forget it. They don't do anything in public place. There is police also and see a police constable comes in there direction." He look at the police constable and then the boys.
He nodded his head in understanding.
"Let's go. Everyone is waiting for us." He said and intertwine are fingers once again and started walking to the direction where our cars are parked.
We reached our cars holding each other's hand. Keerti saw us and smirked looking at our intertwine hands. I immediately free my hand from him and looked in other direction.
Jesus keerti why can't you leave a chance to embarrass me.
We all are standing outside the temple where our cars are parked and everyone's eyes on me and Siddharth. I feel more embarrassed and hot blood rush to my cheeks and it getting them warm.
My phone started ringing and diverts everyone's attention from us. I mentally thanked the person who is calling me right now. I checked the caller Id and smile.
"How are you? Miss me?" Kshama asked me in her cheerful voice.
"Of course I miss you." I said with a smile.
"Don't fucking lie to me. I know you so whipped in your husband's love that you don't even remember to call me. You didn't even ask me how I was suffering in office without you." She said and I am damn sure she pouting right now.
I giggled at her antics and shake my head. She is such one of antics.
"So what are you doing?" She asked me in her normal self.
"Nothing..just enjoying my holidays with my family." I said.
I took a two week leave from my office for my in-laws arriving.
"Woohoo.. enjoy with your family or with your husband. Tell me, Did you guys have any progress? Did he kiss you, tell me everything. " she started shooting her questions on me.
"Kshama.." I stretched her name try to sound angry.
"Is he standing near you?" she asked suspiciously.
"Hmmm..." I hummed looking at Siddharth who is looking at me lovingly.
"Oh! Okey.."
"Why do you call?" I asked her.
"Oohh.. I forget to tell you. Actually I'm also on leave and that our bloody, jerk arrogant, so called boss are calling me again and again to come to office. Due to festival season there is staff shortage in bank and I can't go because I'm out of town with my family. So will you go to office and replaced me for one day. Don't worry it's only for today because from tomorrow holidays will start." She requested me as much as pleaded me and I can't resist that.
"Okey..I'll go." I said with a smile and nodded my head.
I and Kshama helped each other and do each other's work if we need help. Kshama is the only friend I have from my office.
"Thank you...thankyou...I will make it up to you for this favour and happy diwali to you, your family and your prince charming. Tell me everything if you guys progressed." After that she hanged up, don't give me a chance to wished her back.