Andrews POV-
My pillow felt a little harder than usual, the blankets felt a little softer than I was used too, and I felt a hell lot more comfortable than I thought I would ever be.
I was trying to sleep but the banging in my head, and the newfound pain in my ass too, wouldn’t let me. I groaned and tried to move. When I somehow couldn't, I opened my eyes to find someone holding me.
What. The. Actual. Frick. Happened.
I press my hands on what I assumed was a desk next to this bed, and searched for my glasses. I finally found what I was looking for and put them on. When I look down I saw a fucking human ARM?! And a boys at that!
I closed my eyes and desperately tried to piece together any part of the story. Anything would help how the hell I got myself into this situation. When no memory came back to me I decided to try and take in my surroundings.
No way I'm gay.. I thought to myself. I'm definitely straight! Maybe? Probably? Hopefully I guess.. I looked down and yep. I'm naked. I looked to see the face of the guy I spent the night with. that Luke CRAWFARD? I slapped my cheeks, checking to see if I was having some weird wet dream, and by the sting I received I assumed not.
As I tried to escape this handsome mans grasp, he held a little tighter.
"Five more minutesss.." he whined..
I smiled a little, what a baby the football team has. I shook his hand a little, "Uhm, excuse me." I said softly. His eyes shot open and looked at me as if I was the grim reaper.
"Please don't tell me you're a guy."
My smile fell,
"Nope- I'm a unicorn. Neigh or whatever the hell they say. They say neigh I’m pretty sure though.." He didn't seem to find my joke amusing because he jumped out of his bed as if I had the plague.
"Please don't tell anyone I'm gay," He was practically begging me, "I'll pay you or something just please don't out me. You see I'm just not ready and I don't know anyone's reaction because highschool, oh Josh knows but he's my bestfriend since birth, though I’m like 90% sure he already knew- and I just, yeah."
I didn't say anything for a few moments and then...
I laughed. He has to be joking right? Literally everyone knows. He doesn't do well to hide it. I look back up to meet his worried eyes to see he is NOT joking. I couldn't believe he didn't know everyone already knew. I widen my eyes a bit and realize I’m the one who has to bear bad news.
"Dude, everybody already knows you're gay.."
His eyes widened. "You're lying.." He looked heartbroken when I shook my head. He mumbled something about his parents are gonna kill him.
I sat there, not knowing how to calm him down. I suck at doing the whole comforting thing. Especially with strangers. How the hell am I suppose to know what calms him down? Should I pat him on the back? No.. I'll seem like that weird uncle at a barbecue. Maybe on the shoulder? Fuck, I suck at this.
"Calm down man.. do your parents not know?" I say trying to avoid the comforting thing.
He looked at me like I was crazy, "Why in my right mind would I tell my parents of all people I'm gay?!"
"Your parents are literally known as the biggest LGBTQ+ supporters ever! You came out as bisexual to the whole fucking town when you were 14!" I shouted back at him.
"Being fully gay is fucking different!" He shouted back.
Before I could ask him how the hell being fully gay is different, there was a sudden knock at the door and a soft voice came from the other side.
And whose voice was it you ask? Well none other than his loving, caring, LGBTQ+ supporting mother.