When I open my eyes , I see a white wall , I rub my eyes to see clearly but a white wall is what I see again.
" What the fuck is happening "
" You're in my house "
I scream
" Fuck ..fuck..stop screaming . Why the fuck are you screaming "
I see a guy standing besides my bed
" What the fuck am I doing here.?? Who the fuck are you?"
" Wait what? You don't remember?"
Shit shit shit
" Oh god I do but why did you bring me here ?"
" You told me you wanted to go home "
" Ugh , I was talking about my house. Gosh!!! What's the time ?"
" It's 11 am "
" No no no no no , I need to go home "
When I get up , I lose my balance but the guy quickly catches me .
" Woah , I'll drop you , you broke your leg so be careful . By the way , I am Xavier "
" I'm Charlotte , wait did you change my clothes ?"
" Well, you were stinking and your shirt was torn so ..."
" Okay fine , please drop me , I really really need to rush home ."
" You need to eat something , the doctor said you were weak"
" Look Xavier , I really need to go home . If you're not going to drop me I can go by myself "
As soon as I reach home , I quickly go to nanny's room to check on her . She lays there with her eyes open.
" where did you go?" She signs
" I'm so sorry , I will quickly feed you okay ? Then I have to go to college"
When I am done , I catch a bus and go to college . I miss the first two lectures so I attend the third one. I quickly go inside and sit on the last bench. Liam and I have two classes together . When I glance at him , he is already looking at me. I quickly avert my eyes and try to pay attention on what the teacher says.
" You have to select your own partners for this project so please sit next to the friend you want as you partner "
Everyone quickly shuffles and get next to their friends. My eyes widen when Liam comes and sits next to me.
" What are you doing?"
" Are you blind? I'm Sitting here !"
" Why do you want to do a project with me ?
" Do you think I will leave any chance of tormenting you ? I already told you , I am going to make your life hell "
" Whatever ! Torment me as much as you want now because I am not going to be here for long "
He doesn't say anything but I can feel him fuming besides me.
" You have a week to prepare your projects . I won't be taking projects after the submission date "
I tightly shut my eyes hoping that this all is a dream . There is no way I can be with Liam and work for a project , he will kill me.
" I will prepare the project , you don't have to do anything " I say
" Meet me in my house at 4 " he says and gets back to his place
It's 3:59
I don't go to his house. I sat for 2 hours thinking if I should go to his house but I know he will do something . The worst thing is that I saw his mom going out so it's only Liam in the house and there is no way I'll go there to work on a project alone.
I am asleep on the sofa when the bell rings , I stretch a little and open the door without peeping and regret it immediately. I am about to slam the door but Liam puts his leg and forcefully opens the door. I stumble back and almost fall on my butt.
" What the fuck are you doing ?"
" If you are not coming to my house for this project then we will do it here "
" No ! Get out of my house "
He doesn't , instead he goes and sits on the sofa . I groan and go upstairs to bring my things when Liam quickly rushes from behind me and enters my room.
" What are you doing."I grab his t-shirt and pull him back but he doesn't even move. With one hand he pushes me backwards and I almost fall off the stairs.
" Liam get out of my room "
He enters my room and takes a quick look at everything .
" Are you done now ? You creep "
" Not yet "
He suddenly leaps on the bed and takes out the diary that I keep under the blanket . I rush to him and try to snatch it back , I start punching him when he roughly shoves me aside. I wince as my head bangs on the side of the table. When I see him go down I get up and follow him and try to take back my book .
I gasp as he pushes me against a wall and chokes me , my eyes water , I start thrashing when he tightens his hold. The look on his face scares me more than anything , the hate he has for me is clearly visible . I shut my eyes when I start seeing black dots.
When he loosens his hold , I fall and gulp as much air as I can. When I stand , my head spins and the next thing I know I'm falling down the stairs.
I lean my hand forward so Liam can pull me but he just blankly stares at me. My throat closes up when my head hits the stair. I hear a crack but I don't understand what I broke. My whole body throbs with pain. I whimper when everything stops spinning. I expect Liam to come down and help me but I don't hear anything. When I crack my eyes open I see him standing in the same spot staring at me.
" He..help " I murmur
But he doesn't , I feel pain in every part of my body, I close my eyes hoping that someone will find me and save me .