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Chapter 2

We proceeded to the dance floor. The DJ was playing Sia’s “Unstoppable.” I could feel people looking at me. I looked around the dance floor. I became irritated. Chole and Alex were kissing. I returned to the bar because I was so uptight. The dance floor seemed to be reserved for couples exclusively. I sipped my drink quickly. I stared at the bartender as it was refreshing and so fuckenly amazing, but I wanted something strong.

“I want something powerful,” I grumbled as I replaced the drinking glass on the bar counter.

“I can give you a tequila shot,” the bartender offers.

“Sure, give it to me.” I leaned forwards as he blasted me with a lemon. “How do you take this?” I inquired, with a grin on my face.

“Gulp down the shot,” the guy said. The tequila was burning my throat.

“One more,” I said as I repositioned the small glass on the bar counter. He offered me another shot, and I drank it as well. I surveyed the area. I wanted to twerk. I’ve always been a twerking monster, and that drink did exactly what I wanted. I returned to the dance floor, this time without caring that it was for the couples. I was wobbling my butt, and I could feel eyes on me again. For some reason, the gaze on me accelerated my butt twerking.

Is this what they mean by sexual desire? I burst out laughing.

I felt a body pressed against mine as I was swaying. I wanted to turn around and tell him to fuck off, but then he grabbed my a$$ and I wanted him to grasp the other pair. I could feel my pussy throbbing in the crotch of my thong just from that one a$$ grabbing. I was puzzled by how I felt. No one had ever grabbed my a$$ before. I had no idea how to react. Our bodies were swaying in unison. I was following his lead. He gripped my hand, which sent shivers down my spine. Then he whirled me around. My back was against him. He squeezed me close, then shoved my a$$ against his crotch. I swayed my hips to the beat of the music, gently gyrating at him. What am I doing? But then I shrug it off.

He swirled me once again, without letting go of my hand. Then I met the man who made my body feel things. He stood tall, with dirty blond hair and ocean-blue eyes. He had me completely enthralled. I couldn’t take my gaze away from him. He was staring at me as if he were gazing through me. He was stunning to a guy. I inspected his whole body. Wide shoulders have a good quantity of muscle; they are highly muscular. He had muscles that complemented his physique. A tattoo on his shoulder. I couldn’t tell where the tattoo began, but I was in amazement. I could tell he was probably 9, 10, or 11 years older than me just by looking at him. I didn’t mind. Then he said something.

“Mind getting some more drinks, baby girl?” I was still lost trying to assess him. He then swallowed and cleared his throat. I then realized he was saying something.

“Huh?” He smirked.

“Come on, let’s go have some drinks.”

“Certainly, sure.” Then I heard my friend humiliate me.

“You have to get laid tonight and lose your virginity.” I could tell she was inebriated.

“I’m so sorry about my friend. Please disregard her.”

“It’s okay. Let’s go get some drinks, or should we get out of here?” He inquired.

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