-Dante, you can't travel now. You cannot leave others in charge. It is more necessary for you to stay in Italy. Things could get complicated with the Russians and Ivan is not in a position to relieve you.
-Do you think I care how complicated things are? You know me, and you know I won't listen to you. Whether you want me to or not, I have to be there. It's my duty. Business is having trouble again and this time you alone won't be able to handle it. I can't just stand by and do nothing. -I turned my gaze to the window. I was on the plane. I had already arrived in Italy so Ivan could get off. Apparently Edgardo didn't like me leaving the country. You may have the right to many things, but not to tell me what to do. -I cut the flame.
I knew he cared about the organization and the companies, but this time he needed help, since he always did everything alone. He controlled the business and I controlled the organization. My thing was almost never the corporate business. Danger was more in my blood. Ivan and I were in charge of controlling 80% of the drugs that were consumed throughout Europe and America. Most of the merchandise we distributed came to us from the southeast of the country and was then distributed in two more continents. One of them was where we had been in conflict because of an ambush by the other enemy Russians, with whom we were not associated.
It turned out that one part of Russia was divided into two cartels, the allied and the enemy. The other part of the country was not linked with our organization, and for them it meant offense to take their territory. So it was applied in all organizations in the world. No one was allowed to touch your territory unless they wanted war. Since those two organizations occupied a country together, that was the risk you took by joining one of them. We had been fighting for several months for control of all the drugs in Russia, but the Russians didn't understand that nobody messed with the Italian Mafia and even less with the Devil.
Edgardo was aware of everything, he knew who we were facing, but this was our business, the life they had chosen. In my case, it was the one I had chosen and the one I now liked to lead. Ever since my father was killed it had been so. Because of my courage and cunning I became the Devil of Italy. It was a legacy that my old man left for me, which was handled that way from generation to generation. He always told me that someday I had to follow it and so did my son. In that case I would disappoint him, since I didn't plan to have children.
I came to America, to New York City, at night. When I traveled, I preferred to do it at night and more so if it was for organization business. It was a way of preparing myself in case I had to take on the enemy.
-First we will go to the company," I told Franco when I saw him get off.
I had a group of men well trained and qualified to follow all my orders, and those who watched my back all the time. Among them I only trusted Franco. He was in charge of controlling the others. He was the head of the squad.
I knew it was very early, but I had to get up to speed on a lot of things. It was early morning and it was almost two hours before sunrise.
-Everything in order, sir," Franco announced. When you ordered it," he said what I wanted to hear, because that's how I liked it, that everything was in order. I didn't like to be surprised.
I nodded.
We made our way to the cars that were waiting for us near the track. Arrival at the company took less than thirty minutes.
I was already in my office on the top floor of the skyscraper. This was the headquarters of my companies in America. I was the fucking king of this continent too, where I controlled an empire of companies that served to cover up all my dirty business.
When I saw Edgardo arrive, I turned to see him and gave him a warm hug. He was like a father to me. Since my old man died he became one, as he began to protect me more and worry about everything I did. He knew I didn't like being controlled and I rarely obeyed him, even though I knew he was right about many things.
-Welcome, son. -He patted me on the back. It never bothered me when he called me that. I knew he considered me almost the same as Ivan, and I was grateful for that. It's good to have you back here, even if for the most part you always disobey me.
-And you know it will stay that way," I replied. How have you been?
I found out from Ivan that he had not been in good health, as he had had a heart condition for several years. To some extent that is why he withdrew from the organization. We decided that it would be best for him to take over the business and all the administrative business. Besides, I needed his help on this side.
-Don't worry about my health, I'm fine.
I looked at him and saw some tiredness in his eyes. I would have to give him a few days of rest while he was here, but first he would have to inform me everything related to the problems this company was having. I looked at Franco and some of the men who were in charge of our protection and walked over to the bar I had in my office. I knew it was too early to drink, but I didn't give a shit. Edgardo would most likely reprimand me as if I were a stupid teenager. I poured myself a scotch and turned to look at him again.
-Dante, you need to watch yourself, it's not good for you to drink so early in the morning and at all hours. That alcohol addiction will kill you," he said with concern.
"I knew it".
-I know what I do. Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been drinking for more than two years without getting drunk, I only have a couple of drinks a day. It helps me relax, and it works. It's like a dose my body needs.
I got to the couch that was in a room I had in my office and sat down on it. I swirled my glass to stir the drink. Then I waved my hand for the security team to leave. At my signal they all left. Franco closed the door behind his back.
Once we were seated in our seats, Edgardo began to bring me up to date with everything that had happened in the company. He made clear to me all the finances and the associations of the business chains that were allied with ours. All that would take some time, but I could only stay less than two weeks, a good period to resolve various issues. It was not that serious. We had a partnership with a Russian company that was very helpful. Maybe he was right about the problem not being of the utmost importance, but that was not why I was going to leave him alone, especially now that he was not in good health, even if he said otherwise.
After all the information he gave me, we decided to start working to move forward, since I could not stay too long and leave Leo and Enzo in charge. It was not because I did not trust them, on the contrary, they were one of the few people I trusted. It was because I was worried about the robbery that happened with the Russians. Something told me that at any moment they were going to attack. I knew they were not our allies, because I had a very close relationship with one of their bosses. It was impossible for him to play a trick on me.
In one week I solved the company's problem. I felt exhausted and bored with so many files that had passed through my hands. I just wanted to clear my head and distract myself a little, and what better than Saturday to do that?
On Saturday afternoon I left my office to go straight to the hotel where I usually stayed when I came. Edgardo offered me to stay with him in his apartment, but I declined his invitation. I was used to having my space and privacy, especially if I planned to bring a woman and hang out. He knew me, and for that reason he was not offended by my refusal. The hotel was my property. Besides, it was like home to me.
I walked straight to my room with Franco behind me. The team stayed downstairs to guard. I only allowed my trusted bodyguard to escort me to the door.
-Get the car ready. We leave in less than ten minutes," I informed him before entering the suite I was staying in.
-Yes, sir.
As I walked in, I heard my phone beep. I looked at the screen. It was a call from Ivan.
-How are things going? -was the first thing he asked when I answered his call.
-Everything is fine, almost resolved.
-That means you'll be back soon," he said with confidence.
-Maybe. We also have to solve the Russians.
-That's what I'm already working on. That's what I was talking to you about. The problem became even bigger.
-What the hell are you talking about? -I asked almost in a shout.
-The Russian cartel with whom we are associated said that we have not delivered the agreed goods and that, in view of our lack of word, there is no more agreement. -I was very angry. It was the first time we had lost a shipment and a partnership where both sides were favored.
-Damn it! -It was all thanks to the ambush we had been ambushed. We had lost merchandise and, more importantly, some great partners. I can't go back yet, so I'll send Franco to help you.
-When will you understand that none of us are you? Substitutes are worthless here.
-I'm not leaving them to replace me. I'll send him to be an errand boy.
-I hope you finish with the company's business and return as soon as possible. I'll leave you, I'll talk to you later.
He hung up, leaving me with the word in my mouth. He was furious, but no more than I was.
I couldn't be mad at him because I knew he was right. He was upset with me because I came to resolve issues that were not as serious as the ones in Italy.
I went back to the suite's living room already ready and arranged to leave and called Franco to get a better update on the situation.
-Franco, give me all the information about the Russians. How did Ivan find out about it?
-It was them. They let him know by sending one of our men, beaten, tortured and almost dead," he answers.
-All right. Come to the suite so we can talk it over.
I grabbed my gun to see who the hell was knocking on the door. I calmed down and put my gun away. It was Edgardo. I assumed he was already aware of the matter.
-Is something wrong? -I asked him as I opened the door.
-And you ask so lightly? -He entered without waiting for an invitation to come in. If Ivan doesn't tell me, I won't even know about it. Just because I'm no longer one hundred percent in the organization doesn't mean you can push me aside.
-No, at no time did I think that way. I just found out too.
His anger softened.
-All right, I believe you, but don't even think I'm going to leave them alone with this this this time. -As I was about to reply, he spoke again, "You can't get rid of me lightly just because I'm old.
-It's not about that, your health is more important, and you should rest.
-Fuck my health. Family and business come first. There will be time to rest later, maybe when I die. -He turned to go back to the door. I have to get back to the company. I just came to give you an update.
-Leave work for today. It's Saturday, and the best thing to do would be to go out and relax a little.
-With all those problems, I don't have the head for that kind of thing. Besides, I'm too old for that sort of thing. Maybe it would be good for you to de-stress a little.
-Come on, man, I know you want to. I'm going to the Dark Side club, where Ivan and I usually go when we're here. I know you'd like to see Julie. -I winked.
I knew she and he had had their affairs, but that was a long time ago. He stopped going there and only his son and I still went there, only I hadn't been there for a long time. It was a place I frequented when I was in New York, but since I hadn't been to America for many months, I stopped going. Now I just wanted to hang out and forget a little of the troubles that were coming. If my friend were here, he would forbid me, but since I obeyed no one, I would go anyway.
Maybe it wasn't a whorehouse like the one I was thinking of going to. They were the places I frequented most in other countries when I was traveling. However, that club was good to go to drink and have some company while getting oral from some dancer. Yes, because in that place that was what they did the most: dancing on a catwalk with a pole. Sometimes I would pick one or the other up on the outside to take them somewhere and have sex with them, but very rarely.
Maybe just for today I would settle for a companion. While she did her job, I would drink a scotch, since alcohol was the good for all my ills.