I locked eyes with the Alpha King, he was yet to move from his seat but as we locked eyes, the power that emanated from his eyes was enough to have me cowering like he was standing right beside me.
For the first time in my life, I understood what authority meant. I didn’t feel like being rebellious, I didn’t feel like I had to exert some sort of dominance even with my Omega status. I actually felt submissive and I couldn’t tell if it were just his powerful eyes or his aura in general.
“You’re one very lucky bitch, but you should know one thing; I always get what I want, no matter how long it takes.” Alpha Gabriel said in a low tone to only my hearing, before walking past me, bumping my shoulders painfully on his way.
I watched with my heart in my mouth as Alpha Gwaine signed the check of the exaggerated five thousand dollars and the longer the ordeal took the faster my heart beat, it was hard to believe my heart was still in its cage at this point.
“Come with me Cat.” Jason said to me, pulling me roughly out of the building. I was too numb to react or to try to rebel. He didn’t even need to pull me to get me to follow him.
Thoughts were swarming through my mind and it was difficult to concentrate or get my mind to focus on a particular one.
“Will I be allowed to say goodbye to my mother at least?” I asked in a monotone voice. It still felt unreal, my mind was still trying to comprehend it.
“We’re going to your house right now, make it quick. And pack your things while you’re at it. The important things only.” He added the last statement on a second thought.
Well, that was unexpected.
The Omega trainer didn’t sound as enthusiastic as I had always thought he would be if I were eventually taken away from his hands like he always wished. Which was weird, because the man never failed to let me know how irritated he was with my presence.
“You know what is weird?” I began, even as he pulled me roughly in the direction of my house.
I had no idea why he had such a strong grip on my arm, I could be foolish sometimes but never enough to try to run away after the Alpha King had just purchased me.
That would not only be signing my death sentence but my mother’s too and there were not a lot of people or things that my black heart cared about, but I would rather die than watch anything happen to my mother.
“Shut up Cat.” Jason responded and I rolled my eyes but went on anyway.
“The fact that you’re not celebrating and howling at the fact that the Omega you hate the most will be going away for good soon. It’s just really weird to me you know. You even seem kind of sad.” I said, but he only ignored me.
Silence followed us as we continued to walk, the only noise around was the sound of our footsteps and the creatures of the night, not that I usually minded but tonight they felt like the intro music to my doom.
“You get on my last nerve Cat.” He finally said as we got closer to my house.
And I hummed in understanding. I got on everyone’s last nerve. A habit I needed to drop before going into the Alpha’s home. I had no idea the plans he had for me but I’m hoping he could dump me in his pack house as one of the serving girls and forget about my existence.
My life truly was a movie and sometimes even myself got shocked at the twists and turns that it took.
Only earlier in the day, I had been having the most peaceful moment of my week and I had encountered this handsome man that had complimented my drawing, but only hours after that and just before the day could come to a close, and I was sold to the same man and was about to leave my entire world and everything I had ever known behind.
If I had been asked three days ago, I would choose to leave this pack and never return but as I walked through the front door of my house, I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted.
Well definitely not in this way.
I didn’t want to leave my mother or Athena behind, I didn’t want to be in an entirely different place where I had no friends, family or even a semblance of familiarity with my immediate environment.
The Alpha King seemed nice enough from my encounter with him earlier in the afternoon, but that was the thing with people that made me avoid them at all costs.
They only showed you the side they wanted you to see based on the circumstances and situation. Everything could change from here onwards, I was hoping it wouldn’t, but I couldn’t bet on it.
“You have ten minutes tops Cat. I’ll wait outside, don’t try anything stupid and remember, Pack only the important things.” Jason said with emphasis on the last sentence.
I ignored him and walked into my home. I had no idea when next I would be able to be here again. Or if I would ever see this place again and the thought caused a tear to slip from my eyes.
“Cat, cat, are you okay? Why are you home so soon? Did you run away from the feast again? I don’t need Jason coming here and screaming.” My mother called from the doorway and when I turned to face her, the reality of the situation finally set in.
“Are you okay baby?” My mother asked and I gently shook my head, running into her arms for a hug.
A tear slipped from my eyes and as her warm scent filtered into my nose, more tears fell from my eyes.
“I don’t have the time to explain. I need to pack my things.” I began, moving out of the hug and heading in the direction of my room to begin packing.
“What do you mean Cat? What’s happening?” My mother asked and I could hear the panic in her voice but I didn’t have the strength to comfort her immediately.
She continued to question me as I pulled open the drawer that held most of my drawing and painting materials. Jason said to pack only the important things and these were the most important things I owned. I would rather pack these than a box full of clothes.
As I packed the most important things to me in a bag, I told my mother a summary of everything that had happened in the last hour and the further I went, the more tears that fell from her eyes and I couldn’t begin to talk about how much it killed me to see her slowly fall apart.
“I promise mom, I’ll be fine. And I’ll be back.” I said, taking her face into my small hands so I could look into her eyes. The same pretty eyes that I had inherited.
“No, no Cat. The Alpha King cannot be messed with. He’s dangerous. I would much rather you stay alive and away from me than be killed. You have to stay in place, you can’t try to run away. He will find you and he will kill you.” She said, with tears streaming down her face.
“I can’t stay away from you mom. Who will take care of you? Who will remind you to eat something? Who will help you around the house, you need me. And I’m going to find a way to come back to you, whatever it takes.” I reassured her but even before I was halfway through my sentence I could see the disapproval in her eyes.
“No Cat. I’ll be fine. Maybe if you’re good, he will let me visit you. Let’s hold on to that for now, okay. I love you baby, always.”
I was about to respond when Jason’s voice came from the living area.
“Cat, get your ass out here. We have to leave. The feast is ending soon and you’re riding home with the Alpha.”
I gave my mother one last longing look before slinging my bag over my shoulders and walking out of the room.
I understood her fears and her concern but I also knew that I couldn’t go away for a long time. I wouldn’t ever survive without her. So maybe this wasn’t really about her, but about me.
“I’m ready.” I said to Jason, my voice shaking with my unshed tears.
If there was something I learnt a long time ago, it was how unhelpful tears could be to a situation. I mean you could spend hours indulging the waterworks and they would do absolutely nothing to help you. So why shed them?
“She’ll be fine Celine. Don’t worry about her.” Jason tried to reassure my mother that was falling apart right before my eyes.
We shared another brief hug, with multiple kisses coming from her before she finally let me go.
“Be good Cat.” That was all she said, before Jason was taking a grip of my hand again and pulling me with him.
I always thought that if I had to leave my mother, it would be the most emotional, life changing experience for me but I mean I got what I got, right? I didn’t even have the time to express myself, tell her how much I loved her and how much I would miss her.
I didn’t have the chance to run one last errand for her and the thought made me sick to my stomach. Again, who would help her with the things around the house?
“You don’t have to pull me like a cow going to be sacrificed. I can walk properly on my own.” I said in a monotonous voice.
He ignored me and only held me tighter. The closer we got to the hall the faster my heart beat.
This was it.
My life was about to change dramatically and there was nothing I could do about it. I mean I could run away but we all knew how that could end for me.
I looked to the moon shining down and for the first time in a long time, I said a prayer to the Moon Goddess.
It was short and simple, but it held the weight in my heart.
‘Keep my mother safe. And help me escape soon.’
“For the records, I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you. I wish I could say otherwise.” Jason said, murmuring the last part under his breath but I heard it alright.
But before I could respond the door to the hall was pushed open.
“This was amazing Micheal. Thank you for having me. It was such a beautiful feast and the efforts are very appreciated.” I heard Alpha Gwaine’s voice and my head snapped towards it.
He had my Alpha standing by his side and I could see the latter’s eyes fixed onto my frame.
“It is always an honor to have you visit us Gwaine. You’ve been such a wonderful leader and our packs continue to prosper in peace and harmony, thanks to your great leadership and wisdom. It’s the least we can do to say thank you. I’m sure Cat here, will be a delight to have with you and I can assure you that she would be on her very best behavior.” Michael said, His eyes never leaving mine while he spoke.
And I understood the message within it.
Behave or die.
But I mean we all knew that ‘best behavior’ wasn’t exactly my thing right?