innamon rolls, croissants drizzled with chocolate, fruit tarts, and rum balls. Everyone else in the café was buying iced coffees and smoothies to cool off, but the long line waited behind Zach and Becky as they picked two of each delicious treat on display.
Every time Becky tried to protest that it was too much, that it was all so fattening, Zach just gave her a level look and added even more to the pastry boxes the cashier had out for them. She could already feel the sugar rushing to her brain. Or maybe it was the two cups of coffee Zach had served her in bed that morning.
Or maybe it’s just him.
Being around Zach made her feel young. Alive and carefree. His hand on her shoulder warmed flesh full of goose bumps from an AC turned too high. She laughed as he told the cashier to add four more rum balls to their order. She’d mentioned they were her favorites, but he was spoiling her.
“Becky, if you complain about your weight again, I’m putting you on a strict exercise regimen.” His tone was firm, but something in his eyes told her he was at least half teasing. “I think you’re perfect just the way you are, but if it’s an issue—”
“It’s not.” Becky smiled and hugged his arm. “It’s sweet of you to say I’m perfect though. It took a long time for me to get comfortable with my body after I divorced Patrick. I’m mostly okay with myself now though.”
“It’s nice to hear I look good from a man—and not just during a scene.”
Zach hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll make a point of reminding you how beautiful you are. But I must say, you look cuter in normal clothes.”
“Normal clothes?” She let out an affronted sniff. “What’s wrong with my suits?”
“Nothing. They are perfectly appropriate for work, but I like seeing you in something casual.”
She blushed, bringing her hand to the V-neck of the white T-shirt he’d brought for her that morning. With a pair of jeans that fit perfectly. And running shoes. Doms had dressed her before, but never like this. Most of her wardrobe consisted of business outfits, with a few jogging suits thrown in for comfort. She wasn’t sure she owned any T-shirts, and her jeans had been given to Goodwill after she’d finally accepted that she’d never be a size six again.
“I hope you don’t have a problem with my picking out your clothes?” He pulled her hand away from her chest, twining their fingers. “I haven’t had the opportunity with many subs, but I do enjoy it.”
“I don’t mind at all.” Damn, the man made her feel all soft and melty inside. Wearing what he’d laid out for her added an edge of his control to every moment they spent together. And that control would linger, even when he wasn’t around. A sweet, subtle reminder, like a solid backdrop, while she was still free to be herself. She liked it, but there had to be limits. “I can’t have you doing this when I’m working, but I’m fine with it any other time.”
“So noted.” Zach picked up the three white boxes the cashier handed him, then moved toward the door. “You mentioned getting the keys to your new house sometimes this week—wanting to fix it up? If you’d like, I can help you paint before Casey gets home.”
“That would be awesome! I—” Her phone vibrated in her pocket, making her jump. She pulled it out, her breath bursting out of her chest when she saw Patrick’s number. Something’s wrong. “Sorry, one minute.” She answered in a whisper, “Hello?”
“Mommy! A dolphin kissed me!”
Becky laughed, her eyes tearing as Zach took her elbow and led her to a chair on the terrace outside the café. “Wow! What else have you seen?”
“Bears and beluga whales. I fed one a fish!” Casey giggled. “He wasn’t slimy, but Daddy wouldn’t touch him. And he made sure I washed my hands twice after I petted him. Nanny bought me a stuffed bear that looks just like the ones that waved at us! I mean it, Mommy! They actually waved!”
“Did you take pictures?”
“Tons! And Nanny took some with me and the big fish!” Casey paused. “I wish you were here. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, poupée.” Becky turned her head slightly so her daughter wouldn’t hear her trying to breathe around the lump in her throat. Zach squeezed her hand and his firm grip anchored her. She gave him a grateful smile, speaking again when she could do so without her voice catching. “How did you sleep last night?”
They’d spoken before Patrick had put Casey to bed. Casey had cried, wanting her own bed. Her stuffies. Her mommy. Becky had heard Patrick in the background, losing patience, but his mother had taken the phone, promising to stay with Casey all night if that’s what it took. She’d called back to assure Becky that her daughter was fast asleep.
“Good. Nanny stayed with me all night,” Casey said distractedly. “We’re going to see a show with the dolphins now. Nanny told me I should call you to tell you how much fun I’m having.”
I love that woman. Becky pressed her eyes shut and nodded. “I’m so happy to hear that. Call me tonight?”
“I will! Love you! Bye!”
Becky hung up, put her phone in her pocket, then lowered her head to her hands. She had a hard time believing everything was okay. She’d prepared for the worst and the relief lifted her up, making her dizzy. Maybe she didn’t have to feel guilty about enjoying herself while her daughter was gone. She smiled at Zach.
“That’s what I like to see.” He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Ready to go to the park?”
“Yes.” She glanced over to Zach’s bike, parked in front of the café. A man sitting at the table at the edge of the terrace, hands clasped around a large iced coffee, caught her eye. It was Scott. Dressed in a crisp new suit, looking like death warmed over. She hesitated, glancing back at Zach, who’d followed her gaze and gone perfectly still. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Zach groaned and tipped his head back, whispering a prayer to the frothy white cotton-clouded sky. “Probably. But you do know we’ll both regret this.”
“Maybe not.” Becky stood, easing her hand slowly from Zach’s. “I know we’ll both regret it more if we leave him here like this.”
“Would we? I was perfectly happy knowing I would spend the rest of the day with you.”
“You’re mad at him.”
“No. He’s made his choices. I’ve made mine.” Zach arched a brow at her doubtful look. “Becky, I try to keep my life as uncomplicated as possible. There’s nothing uncomplicated about Scott.”
“There’s nothing uncomplicated about a woman with a child.”
“It’s not the same. I don’t have to worry about finding you in the arms of another man. Of you telling me you want me one day, then leaving me the next.” Zach raked his nails over the stubble of hair on his scalp. Creases lined his forehead. “You know exactly what he’ll want from you. What he’ll want from us both.”
“Who says we have to give it to him? Who says that’s what he really needs?” Becky leaned over the table, close to Zach, and kissed his cheek. “I’ll pretend I didn’t see him if you ask me to, Sir. I’m happy spending the day with you, too.”
“But you’ll feel guilty.” Zach groaned. “And so will I. I suppose it won’t hurt to make sure he’s okay.”
Straightening, Becky nodded, then moved toward Scott’s table, feeling stronger with Zach behind her. There was nothing Scott could offer that she didn’t already have. But there was a lot that she could offer him. Someone to talk to. Someone who cared.
Why do you, though? The man’s selfish. Shallow. You don’t need someone like him in your life.
For some reason, none of that mattered. Overnight, Zach had given her a sense of stability that made her less afraid of the chaos that was Scott. Nothing he could say or do could shake her. She approached his table, then took the seat across from him.
“Hey, you.” She folded her hands on the table. “Having a rough morning?”
Scott snorted before sucking at his straw. He licked his lips, then shrugged. “No comment.”
Ugh. So much for being pleasant. “I’m not a reporter anymore, Scott. This isn’t an interview—I just wanted to see how you’re doing. I’ll leave you alone if you don’t want to—”
“Wait.” He put his hand over hers, glanced at Zach, then drew it away. “Sorry, I’m in a mood. You don’t have to go.”
“Bad news?” Zach asked, dragging a chair up to the table to straddle backward. Becky couldn’t help but notice he’d set his chair close to hers, but not cutting into the small space between her and Scott. He rested his hands on his thighs. “You had that meeting with Keane today, right?”
“Yeah.” Scott put down his cup. The edges of his lips curled slightly. “Was all right. I’m not off the team.”
Zach grinned. “That’s awe—”
“What do you mean ‘yet’? Don’t tell me the bastard’s trying to fuck around with your contract. Silver got you for a bargain.” Zach lowered his voice as a few of the other patrons glanced over. He hadn’t shouted, but the sharpness of his tone carried. “Your agent is an idiot if he’s letting this slide. Let me talk to mine. She’s a—”
Scott barked out a laugh. “She’s a vicious little thing. She’s also not taking on any new clients—Carter tried to hire her last year. I’m fine with my agent—he’s done everything he can for me.”
Becky nodded slowly. She’d heard some rumors her first day at the office about Silver’s lawyer, Asher, acquiring an image consultant. No one could deny Scott’s value as a player, but he was also a liability. “What does Mr. Keane want you to do?”
“Short version?” Scott sucked his teeth. “Behave. I have to make the team and the fans love me.”
“Jesus,” Zach said under his breath. Becky smacked his thigh and he blinked at her. “What?”
“That’s not helpful.”
“Sweetheart, I’ll do whatever I can to keep Scott on the team, but there’s no use pretending it will be easy.” Zach turned to Scott, then reached out to clasp a hand around the other man’s wrist. “Tell me what you need. I’ll talk to the guys. Some of them are cool with you. We can work on the others.”
“Why?” Scott swallowed hard, his gaze locked on Zach’s hand. “You don’t owe me nothin’.”
“You’re my teammate. And more importantly?.?.?.” Zach waited until Scott met his eyes, then continued. “My friend.”
This man is incredible. Becky squeezed the thigh she’d smacked, smiling at Zach.
“Thanks, man.” Scott slid his wrist from Zach’s grip, then took hold of his hand in a way that was little more than a friendly handshake. He gave a wry grin, before pulling away and shook his head. “There’s not much to do besides listen to each and every thing my IC tells me to do. Like the suit?”
Zach arched a brow. “I noticed your shoes.”
“You would.”
“Fuck off.”
Becky rolled her eyes. “You clean up very nicely, Scott. The tie brings out your tan. But?.?.?.” She glanced over at Zach, not sure if she was doing the right thing. Hopefully, he’d understand. “It’s too nice out for such a stuffy outfit. Maybe what you need is some time to relax. Hang out for a bit.”
“I noticed you’re not all primped and pressed.” Scott gave her an appreciative once-over, cheeks reddening slightly as he looked over at Zach yet again. He dropped his gaze to his drink. “I mean, you look nice. Hope you two have a nice day. I should—”
“Did you miss the invite, pal?” Zach laughed and punched Scott in the shoulder. “Becky wants you to come with us.”
“I didn’t miss it.” Scott returned the punch. “I was trying to discreetly excuse myself. You two don’t need me hanging around.”
“We wouldn’t have asked if we didn’t want your company.” Becky pointed out.
“He didn’t ask. You did.”
Zach stood slowly, leaning one hand on the table in front of Scott. “I’m asking now.”
Picking up the pastry boxes, Becky eased out of her chair, hugging the boxes as Scott pressed his eyes shut and rubbed his brow with his thumb and forefinger. He mumbled to himself, something like, “This is a bad idea.”
He was probably right. The invitation could mean a lot more to him than it did to either her or Zach. But, at the same time, she couldn’t stand seeing him like this. For some crazy reason, she wanted the aggravating, outrageously flirty Scott back.
Do you? Really?
Yes and no. She knew how to deal with that man. How to turn her back on him. But she couldn’t do the same when he looked so broken. So lost.
And he couldn’t seem to believe anyone would want him around.
But she did. She had a feeling Zach did too.
So she met Scott’s eyes and whispered, “Please?”
“Hell.” Scott rose and took the boxes from her. “Like I could say no to you.”
The scream of little kids in the park across from the picnic area rose above the laughter of teens lounging around, smoking near the trees, and the light conversation from the adults seated at the table around them. Several young women had stretched out on blankets on the grass to tan, but Scott hardly noticed them. Damn it, it was almost impossible to look away from Becky, giggling as Zach fed her bits of pastry, making her close her eyes as he picked a new one each time. In the suits she always wore she’d been hot, but there was something sweeter, more approachable, about her in jeans and a T-shirt.
She was still sexy as hell. The way the white shirt molded to her breasts made his mouth water. Her jeans were nice and snug. She had an ass he just wanted to sink his teeth into.
But for the first time, he found himself drawn to her soft grey eyes, to her smile. She practically glowed every time Zach spoke to her, touched her. The two looked good together.
“Want some?” Becky giggled, rising up on the bench across from him, holding half a rum ball between her fingers. His brain didn’t kick in until he’d latched on to her wrist and drew her hand closer. The rich chocolate filled his mouth. He groaned as he sucked some from her fingers. Her eyes widened.
“Fuck.” He pulled away, chewing and swallowing, hardly tasting the treat anymore. Tension gathered between his eyes as he glanced over at Zach, whose expression was carefully neutral. After the way he’d treated the man, the last thing he should be doing now was hitting on his woman. Even unintentionally. Not if he valued their friendship. Which he did. “Sorry.”
Zach shrugged, picked up a croissant drizzled in chocolate, and eyed Scott, as though considering something very serious. He tore a big chunk of the croissant, leaned over the table, feeding it to Scott when his lips automatically parted. “Not sure I’ve ever heard you say that before. It’s all innocent fun. I don’t think I have anything to worry about.”
Innocent? Scott gulped down the croissant without chewing. “You’ve gotta test me?”
“You’re supposed to behave. Consider this me helping you out.”
Thanks, buddy. Scott shifted, trying to adjust his rock-hard dick without making it obvious. Becky and Zach were like a bundle of temptation, wrapped up in a great big hellish bow. He wasn’t used to teasing and flirting directed at him when he couldn’t do fuck all about it. So much for being a third wheel. The two of them seemed to have made an afternoon sport of driving him completely insane.
He took off his suit jacket, laid it neatly over the bench, then stood. Zach had brought a football from his car, so he picked it up and slapped it between his hands. “We didn’t come here just to stuff each other’s faces, did we?”
“Nope.” Zach stepped over the bench, wiping his hands on his jeans. He rolled his shoulders, and all the tight swell of muscle under his black tank top strained against the material. Scott lowered his gaze so he wouldn’t be distracted by the sight, but seeing Zach just as hard as he was beneath his jeans didn’t help much. He was on a strict no-man diet—being close to Zach made him want to fucking binge. He bit the tip of his tongue to stop himself from making a million promises, saying anything the man needed to hear to take him back, even though he knew he couldn’t keep a single one.
Zach deserved better. Had better. All those sappy songs talked about?.?.?. about loving someone enough to want the best for them. Or some shit like that.
Scott couldn’t say he loved Zach, but he cared about him enough not to push. Not to lie. Zach was being a good friend, and Scott would take what he could get. Show the self-control everyone was demanding from him.
“So how we playing this?” Zach moved closer to Becky, running his fingers through her hair and kissing her forehead before holding his hand up for the ball. After Scott tossed it to him, he handed it to Becky. “Every man—and woman—for themselves? Make it to the tree line for a touchdown?”
“That means no passing. Which sucks.” Becky wrinkled her nose. “How about we pass back and forth. Start close, then move farther apart after each round. We switch spots every second round, and only the person the farthest from the goal can go for it. Two points each touchdown. The first to ten wins.”
Zach gave her a crooked smile. “You’ve done this before.”
“Of course. Landon and I used to play with our cousins all the time, but there were rarely enough of us for a real game. So we made one up.”
“Touch or tackle?” Scott asked, then inwardly cursed himself. Neither would do much for his restraint right now. If he got his hands on either of them?.?.?.
Not that there were any other options. At least with touch he might be able to contain himself. A little. Maybe.
“Tackle of course.” Becky sniffed. “Just don’t crush me. You two are huge, and I didn’t have to worry about my brother hurting me when we played. He was a scrawny kid.”
“Really?” Scott laughed, trying to picture the hulking goaltender as a boy, playing a rough game of football with his older sister. “I’d love to see pics.”
“I’ll show you after I unpack.” Becky rolled her shoulders. “So are we clear? I don’t want to be sore tonight.”
Christ. Please stop talking. Scott thought of all the ways he wanted to make her sore, none of which she’d regret the next morning.
“Neither of us would ever hurt you, Becky,” Zach said softly. “Thank you for not trying to be all tough. We won’t forget we’re playing with a woman.”
Becky backed up about ten paces, letting out a light laugh as she threw the ball to Zach. It spiraled perfectly, and Zach grunted as it hit him hard in the gut, barely moving in time to catch the hard pass.
“Don’t take it too easy on me.” Becky cracked her knuckles over her head. “I won’t be taking it easy on you.”
Scott rolled his shirt sleeves up, preparing for a pass from Zach. His palms burned as the pigskin connected with them. He tossed the ball to Becky, careful to hold back, which had the pass falling short.
She groaned, snapping it out of the grass and tossing it to Zach without even looking. “That was pathetic! I didn’t know hockey players slacked off so much during the summer. Come on, Scott!”
Looking over at Zach, Scott received the next pass, retreated five paces, then shot the ball toward Becky with a bit more force. But keeping it a bit short so she could avoid it if it was too hard for her.
Swiftly catching the ball and cradling it under her arm, Becky darted forward, heading for the trees. It took seconds for him to realize what was going on. To notice that she was the farthest from the trees. To remember the rules.
Zach took just as long, and they both reached the trees steps behind Becky. Just in time to watch her slam the ball into the dirt and do a little dance. Her cheeks were flushed from the run. Her eyes sparkled. He really hadn’t pictured her as the competitive, sporty type, but there was so much he didn’t know about her.
So much he wanted to know.
“Nicely done, little doe.” Zach laughed as Becky gave him a high five. “You’ve put us ‘pros’ to shame. I think we both underestimated you.”
“Damn right, you did!” Becky laughed, twirling away from him to pick up the ball. “From what I just saw, my five-year-old daughter would put you both to shame. That kid has a wicked arm on her, and she didn’t get it from her father.”
Scott usually stayed away from kids. It was hard to see them, so full of life, after he’d gone to his niece’s funeral and watched that tiny coffin lowered into the cold earth. But for some reason, he wanted to know Becky’s kid. Wanted to see her running around in the park, playing football, laughing, looking so like Becky his heart had stuttered when he first saw her. She was part of the woman he didn’t really know. The woman who didn’t hold a recorder in his face and ask questions he didn’t want to answer. The woman who smiled so brightly at him now.
He’d never really been interested in chicks with kids. Something about it just seemed wrong. They were looking for daddies for their babies, and he couldn’t see himself taking on that role. He recalled a scene from the movie Jerry Maguire. Something about not “shoplifting the pootie from a single mother.” He had the urge to take a full five-fingered discount, but hell no. Not from Becky. His teammate’s sister. And a woman another teammate was obviously serious about. It didn’t matter how he felt about her. All he could give her was a good time.
A really good time.
Becky moved a few yards away from the trees. Zach jogged to the far point. Scott hauled in a deep breath and held it in. All right. He could do this. Maybe Zach was right. Maybe it was a good test. If he could be just friends with Zach and Becky, he could do anything. The ball was tossed back and forth a few times. He focused on the game. Found himself farthest from the goal and decided to make a run for it. Dodged Zach, then Becky. Arms wrapped around his legs, and he pitched face-first into the grass. Rolled with the ball and a curvy body in his arms.
He roared out a laugh as Becky straddled him and tried to wrench the ball out of his grip. “You don’t expect me to just give it to you, do you?”
Sitting up, Becky batted her eyelashes sweetly. “What if I ask really nicely?”
He grinned. “I might consider.”
“Pretty please, Scott?” She leaned down and whispered in his ear. “I’m a very sore loser.”
With her lips so close to his cheek, her breath warming his flesh, he forgot his newfound morals. His dedication to the team or anything else. Her name crossed his lips in a breathless gasp. He stared into her eyes, one hand on her arm, holding her in place. “Kiss me and I’ll do anything you ask.”
She bent down. Her lips brushed his. “Kiss you? Why? It wouldn’t mean anything.”
He held his breath. Flicked his tongue over her bottom lip. “We both know that’s not true.”
Setting her teeth into his bottom lip, she tugged lightly, then jerked the ball away from him. He felt her trembling, even as she pushed to her feet. “You’re right. It does mean something.” She tossed her hair over one shoulder, squaring her shoulders as she looked down at him. “It means I have the upper hand.”
From the ground, he watched her skirt away from Zach to make another touchdown. As the game continued, the sky darkened, but they continued even as the park emptied. Becky led the game with eight points. Zach had four. Scott was getting creamed with his pitiful two points. He hunched over, ignoring the raindrops hitting his cheeks, and grinned as both Becky and Zach prepared to chase him.
Long strides brought him to the tress. He whooped as the clouds burst, soaking him in an abrupt downpour. Laughing, he turned to do a little showboating.
Becky and Zach were running for the parking lot.
“Aww, come on!” Scott shook his head and sprinted after them. His shirt clung to him, the thin material completely soaked. He swiped water from his face as he met the pair by Zach’s bike. Becky had her arms crossed over her breasts and blushed as Scott grinned at her. Women in white when it rained. Sexiest thing on earth. “I take it we’re calling a draw?”
With one arm still covering her breasts—barely—Becky combed tendrils of wet hair away from her face. Stepping up to him, she snorted. “Yeah, right! I win, and that’s all there is to it!”
“I was about to make a wicked comeback!”
“Sure you were.” Becky spun around and put her hand on Zach’s shoulder, ready to mount the big motorcycle behind him. “We’ll have a rematch sometime. I suggest you practice if you ever hope to beat me.”
“Sounds good.” Scott forced a smile. Hanging out with them had been fun. Gave him something to do besides mope over how messed up his life was. He should head back to Vanek’s place. Pack up the last of his shit and see if Stephan had found him a place to live. Becky and Zach probably had plans. “Guess I’ll see you around—”
Zach used the back of his hand to swipe water from his brow. “You sure you don’t want to swing by my place for a bit? I PVRed a few episodes of The Walking Dead. Thought we could all watch it.”
Scott’s smile faltered. Another pity invite. “Becky’s not into that. And I’m sure you two—”
“I love The Walking Dead.” She pulled her T-shirt discreetly away from her chest. “Silver and I just got caught up on season three.”
“That’s cool, but—”
“Can we please discuss this somewhere dry?” Becky wrapped her arms around Zach’s waist. “I need to get out of these wet jeans.”
Zach chuckled as Scott groaned. “Speaking of which, you might be better off getting a lift from Scott.” He arched a brow at Scott. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“No.” Asshole. What was the man playing at? Sending his girlfriend with Scott, all soaking wet and sexy, was just plain stupid. Scott hadn’t done anything to earn that much trust. He held out his hand to help Becky off the bike. “You sure about this?”
“Yes.” Zach wrapped an arm around Becky’s waist, pulling her in for a kiss before letting her go. “I trust her.”
Ouch. Scott nodded, shoulders hunched as he led Becky to his car. Not only had Zach made it clear he didn’t really trust Scott, he’d added the extra uppercut that no matter what Scott did, Becky would turn him down. Arrogant fucker. Care to test that theory, pal?
Scott opened the door for Becky, then went around to the driver’s side, slouching into the seat and draping his arm over her shoulders as she shivered. “Cold?”
“Don’t.” She frowned at him and pulled his arm off her. “I shouldn’t have teased you. Things went a bit too far, and I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
“You didn’t. It was all part of the game.” He smirked as he pulled out of the parking lot behind Zach. “Like you said, you’ve got the upper hand.”
“Scott, I—”
“For now.”
The windshield wipers moved fast, but the road was hardly visible, forcing traffic to a crawl. Scott lost sight of Zach, but it didn’t matter. He knew where he was going. He turned on the radio to fill the silence.
Becky hugged herself, staring out the window, as far away from him as her seatbelt would allow. “You resent me, don’t you? You want him.”
“I want you both.” He ground his teeth, back stiff. “Be honest. You already knew that. And you both have me a little fucking confused. One minute you’re all flirty, the next you’re holding me at arm’s length. Just be clear with me, Becky. I’m open to a little kinky fun if you’re interested. Not so sure the ‘just friends’ thing will work, but I’ll try if that’s all you want from me.”
“That is all I want from you, Scott.”
“You sure about that?”
She didn’t say a word. Which was all the answer he needed.
“You were right. This was a bad idea.”
Standing in front of his dresser with a T-shirt and boxers for Becky to change into, Zach nodded slowly, disappointed, but not really surprised. “He came on to you.”
“Not really?.?.?. he just offered?.?.?.”
“Arms up.” Zach did his best not to grin at the way Becky’s nose wrinkled. Her hackles rose whenever he gave what could be perceived as an order outside a scene. But she never offered even a token protest. He had a feeling she secretly enjoyed it. “You may continue speaking, little doe. I just want you out of those wet clothes.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Sir.”
Another reason he enjoyed blurring the lines a little between scenes and daily life. She was so well behaved as a sub he couldn’t see himself having many opportunities to discipline her, but besides that, at any given moment she could be cheeky, even a little bratty, and earn some funishment.
Which he enjoyed handing out very much.
“I don’t like your tone. Strip off those jeans and bend over the bed.” He bit back a smile as she put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Now, pet.”
“No way! Not with Scott here!” She glanced over her shoulder, closing the door almost all the way, lowering her voice so Scott—who was hanging out in the living room—wouldn’t hear her. “I can use whatever tone I want outside the scene.”
“Absolutely.” Zach moved toward her slowly, backing her into the door until it clicked shut. He framed her jaw in his hand and brushed his lips over hers, whispering, “And I can choose to handle that however I please.”
“But Scott—”
“Would you like him here as a witness?”
Her cheeks went red. She shook her head and worried her bottom lip with her teeth.
“Five little smacks on the bottom. I’m willing to bet you’ll enjoy it.” He swept her hair over one shoulder as she bent down to peel off her wet jeans. Her panties went down with them, and his cock, which had been hard most of the day, jerked in his own damp jeans, causing a painful ache to spread into his balls. She bent over the bed, hands flat on the perfectly smooth comforter, feet shoulder-width apart. Her pussy glistened with her arousal. He stroked a finger through the moisture, humming with pleasure as she shuddered.
“It’s you that’s got me like this.” She lowered her head between her hands, drawing in a sharp breath as he stroked her soft, round bottom with one hand. “Not the idea of?.?.?.”
He bent down to press a kiss on the soft flesh at the small of her back. “It’s both, little doe. You know I can make this good for you.”
“I don’t like pain.”
“So you’ve told me.” He ran his hands down her back, cupped her butt in his hands, then squeezed. “I think you’re afraid that, if a little arouses you, you’ll be expected to take more. True?”
“I’ve tried, Sir. There isn’t much I haven’t tried, at least once.” Regret filled her tone, as though her only fear now was disappointing him. “Floggers, canes, whips. Once it started, I just closed my eyes and waited for it to end. The cane?.?.?. I threw up after the Dom released me. It was humiliating.”
Zach forced himself to keep stroking her the same way he had before her confession. Clenched his jaw to hold in a curse. She was so determined to please she wouldn’t safeword if she thought she was giving a Dom what he wanted. Pride probably played into it as well. And she obviously hadn’t been with a Dom observant enough to catch the subtle hints that she’d had enough.
She had no scars, didn’t seem overly traumatized. It could have been so much worse.
Still, the “Doms” she’d been with didn’t deserve the title.
He pressed his lips together, not speaking until he could erase any trace of how pissed he was at what had been done to her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he rested his forehead lightly on her back. “This is for fun, Becky. But for future notice, you will use your safeword with me when you need to. I won’t play with a sub I can’t trust.”
Turning her head, she gave him a sideways look. “Will you punish me if I don’t?”
“Then what—?”
“Relationships need trust. We don’t have one without it.” He watched her face, the transition from hurt to understanding. He smiled when she nodded. “Good girl. We’ll work on it. I need to earn your trust, and I’ll do that by not pushing your limits any more than you can handle. By paying attention to you so it ends before you need to safeword out. But I can’t read your mind. Your comfort is more important than my pleasure. Got it?”
“Yes, Sir.” Her lips twisted. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable being spanked with Scott in the house.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “Really? How not sure are you?”
“Umm.” She groaned, burying her face into the comforter.
Slipping one finger into her slick pussy, he felt her clench around him. Her body told him what she couldn’t say out loud. He withdrew his finger. “You need to be as honest about your needs as you will be about your limits. You want me to spank you.”
She mumbled something into the mattress.
“I’m sorry?”
Arching her neck, she lifted her head. “Yes, Sir. I need your hands on me. I-I think it will be different with you.”
“You’re right.” He straightened, then gave one ass cheek a smart slap. “It will be.”
Her hips thrust back to meet the next smack. She gasped as he rubbed over the light red handprint, then moaned as he dipped two fingers into her.
Another slap. Her cunt spilled with sweet juices, and he let out a rough sound as he brought his fingers to his mouth. She quivered as he bent down to lick her pale pink folds. Spacing the smacks would make her feel them more, but adding pleasure would change the experience into something she would crave again and again. It gave him a deep sense of satisfaction to know all those negative memories would fade with each new one he gave her.
I’ll make you forget them all.
Using his fingers to stimulate her clit, he rose, hauled back, and slapped her outer thigh twice. She made a low, keening sound.
“Tell me, pet.” He pushed his fingers into her, thrusting hard, drawing her closer and closer to climax. Blood surged into the head of his cock, which swelled and heated, the bead of precum at the tip cooling in contrast. “Do you care that Scott’s in the other room?”
“Who?” She whimpered, then collapsed onto the bed as she came. She tightened around his fingers, all her muscles within undulating with the violent climax. He kept his fingers inside her as he slid her completely onto the bed, easing down beside her as he let her come down in her own sweet time.
From beyond the door, he could hear Scott going through the fridge—probably helping himself to a beer. He would be fine on his own for a little longer. Zach gently slid his fingers free, rolling on to his back as Becky turned to her side, facing him. She blushed as he sucked his fingers clean.
“I almost?.?.?. almost feel bad for not doing anything for you. Again.” She propped her head up on her hand, giving him a curious look. “But that gets you off, doesn’t it? Tasting me. Toying with me.”
“It does.” His cock didn’t agree, but he rarely let it rule him. Having a bit of fun with company around was one thing. But when he made love to her, it would be just the two of them. “Is that enough for you?”
“Yes.” She leaned down and kissed his shoulder, her lids lowering as he cupped her cheek and drew her to him for a lazy kiss. “But sometimes I need to do more. It doesn’t have to be much.”
He smiled. “Believe me, that’s not a problem. I have a cute little maid’s uniform in mind. I’m not sure how much cleaning you’ll get done before I take you on the kitchen counter, and table, and floor, but you’ll have plenty of time to finish when I’m done with you.”
“Will you ever be?” She traced her fingers up and down the center of his chest, the edges of her lips curving just a little. “Done with me, I mean?”
From her smile, he suspected she already knew the answer. But he gave it anyway. “No.”
“Good.” She ran her finger over his bottom lip, then let out as husky laugh as he closed his lips around it. “We’re being very rude.”
Sighing, he nodded. “We are. I suppose we should see to our guest.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. You want him here as much as I do.”
“True.” His brow furrowed as he sat up, rolling his shoulders to rid himself of the tension that abruptly gathered between them. “But why? You already said this was a bad idea.”
“A moment of weakness. He does need us.” Becky quickly changed into the clothes he’d taken out for her. “That’s all there is to it.”
A lie, but not a conscious one. Zach had seen how things were between Scott and Becky for months, always push and pull, mostly on Scott’s end, but part of her was drawn to him. The part she shut off because she was a mature, responsible woman with a child, one who couldn’t involve herself in Scott’s reckless life. But there was enough between them for Becky to care about what happened to Scott.
As much as I do. No more, no less. But what if Scott changed—became the man they both knew he could be? Would the token attraction turn into something worthwhile? As a Dom, he was compelled to explore every one of his sub’s needs. But what if those needs involved another man?
Don’t worry about it now. It’s not an issue.
But it would be. And he wouldn’t make the same mistake he had in the past. Life was never cut-and-dry. Relationships didn’t have to be limited to a man and a woman. The fact that a good portion of the team proved it had been a big part of the attraction. His agent, Danielle Trey, knew his past. She’d suggested he use caution with how open he was about it but had taken it in stride when he’d come out.
“I love your non-answers.” She’d told him, snickering as she read over his latest interview. “Gets the press frothing at the mouth. That guy, Keane, already asked about extending your contract. Sweet four-year-deal. Not sure your announcement had anything to do with it, but it certainly didn’t hurt.”
“I didn’t think it would.” Zach slid on his sunglasses, sure their impromptu meeting was over. They’d meet again once she’d hashed out the details of the contract. “Give me a call when—”
“Sit down, Pearce, we’re not done. I’m happy things worked out.” Her sharkskin colored eyes narrowed. “But don’t ever do that to me again. I had to trash several endorsements I’d been working on for months because of this. Bunch of narrow-minded assholes, but that’s not the point. I don’t like surprises.”
“I understand.”
“You get involved with anyone, you better give me a call.” She waited for his nod, then continued, her tone suddenly relaxed, her way of telling him all was forgiven. “I’ve got a few things lined up. Tim Horton’s! I think you’ll like this one.”
Such an offhand way to inform him he’d given up the remnants of his private life. Zach dumped his damp clothes into the hamper, then pulled on a pair of fresh jogging pants. He lifted his gaze to Becky, who stood in front of his dresser, using his comb to smooth out her hair. She smiled at him as he grabbed a few things for Scott to change into. He planned to spend a lot of time with her over the summer, and every spare moment after. Which meant the press would be all over them. He should probably give Danielle a call.
“Ready?” He put his hand on the doorknob, then waited for Becky’s nod before opening it.
Scott eyed them as they came into the living room, his beer tipped against his lips, his throat working in long, slow swallows. Shirtless, slouched on the sofa, he was a great big bundle of sin with a lazy smile. Tiny goose bumps covered his flesh, but Zach knew the man wouldn’t cover up even if he was cold. Oozing sex was more important than comfort.
“Sorry we kept you waiting so long.” Becky moved closer to Scott, a shadow of guilt darkening her eyes as she ran a finger though his hair. “It’s still damp. Let me get you a towel.”
“I’m fine.” Scott gave Zach a crooked smile when Becky ignored him and went to fetch a towel from the bathroom. “She can’t shake that momma instinct, can she?”
“Why should she?” Zach shoved Scott’s leg off the sofa cushion and dropped down beside him, tossing the spare clothes on to his lap. “You need someone that gives a shit about you. You’re lucky she does.”
“You implying you don’t?”
“Not at all. But don’t push me where she’s concerned.”
“Whoa, buddy! I got that you’ve made a claim. I’ll ask for permission or whatever first, I promise. I’ve seen how it works at the club.” Scott’s lips curled slightly. “But if you think I’ll get on my knees first and bow to your überness like Carter does for Ramos, you’re gonna be disappointed.”
“Did I give you the impression that I was willing to share?” Zach took Becky’s hand when she returned, keeping her by his side, pleased that she didn’t resist. He could tell she wanted to tend to Scott, but he needed to be her Dom right now. In this mood, Scott might say—or do—something to hurt her. And it was Zach’s responsibility to keep that from happening. “More importantly, why would I even consider sharing with you?”
Scott snorted. “Do I need to spell it out?”
“Fuck, man! What’s up with the games? This whole day has been leading up to a fucking wild ménage à trois. I’m just waiting for the invite.”
Becky clung to Zach’s hand, her voice strained with remorse as she faced Scott. “I don’t know how you came to that conclusion—actually, maybe I do. And if it’s my fault, I’m sorry. You two are talking like Zach has the final say in what happens, but he doesn’t. I’m not having sex with you, Scott. If that’s all you want from me, you can leave now.”
“You can’t kick me out of Zach’s—”
“Actually, she can.” Fuck, he was proud of her. Becky was no one’s doormat. Zach stroked her palm with his thumb, hoping to convey his approval. Scott was difficult to deal with on his best days. And this wasn’t one of them. But she was handling him just fine. “If she doesn’t want you here, I’ll show you the door. You know I like keeping things simple.”
Tonguing his bottom lip, Scott nodded slowly. Stood holding the clothes Zach had given him to his chest. He glanced toward the door, then toward the bathroom. “Got it. Can I get changed first?”
“Go ahead,” Zach said, torn between relief and regret. Scott could have stayed with them. Had a pleasant night with two people who’d ask nothing of him but his company. But that didn’t seem to be enough.
“Just one thing before you go.” Becky pulled her hand free, then hugged herself. “We don’t want you to leave. But if friendship isn’t what you’re after, I don’t think we have anything to offer you. I just have to ask?.?.?.” Her eyes were sad, as though she knew there was more behind Scott’s crass behavior than his whole playboy front. “Do you really have enough friends to reject what we are offering?”
Damn him if Scott’s eyes didn’t glisten just a bit before he blinked and turned his head. Scott fisted his hands by his sides. “You two are fucking with my head. You want to be friends? Seriously? That’s it?”
“That’s it,” Becky said softly.
“What if I want more? You telling me it’s off the table?”
“At the moment? Yes. I can’t tell you what will happen a week, or a month from now. I can tell you that you scare me, Scott.” Becky took a deep breath and inched closer to Zach, threading her fingers through his as though she needed his strength to continue. “I won’t lie. I have feelings for you. But I’m not stupid enough to give you the power to hurt me. And looking at you right now, I can tell you will.”
Scott’s lips parted. He stepped forward. “I won’t. This is different from before, Becky. You’re not a reporter looking for a story. You’re a woman I can’t get out of my head. And Zach?.?.?.” The look Scott gave him stilled his heart. Raw and open and honest. For the first time since they’d met. “I need him to be part of my life.”
“Then you’ll give us the time we need. That might be how you feel today, but what about tomorrow? If you mean it, prove it.” Becky put her hand on Scott’s cheek. “Don’t ask for more than we’re ready to give.”
“Okay.” Scott ducked his head, tightening his grip on the clothes in his hands. “I think I can do that. Blue balls aren’t my thing, but I guess I can deal with them if it’ll show you I mean what I say.”
Fucking incredible. Zach did his best not to laugh, but Becky still gave him a dirty look at the gruff sound that escaped. He cleared his throat. At least Scott was trying. “We’ll turn the TV up loud if you need a few minutes.”
“Naw, I’ll manage.” Scott gave Becky a heavy-lidded look. “Do the zombies scare you? You gonna want to snuggle under the blankets?”
Becky smiled and patted Scott’s cheek. “Yes. Actually, I’m looking forward to watching the show between two big strong men, rather than hiding behind pillows with another woman. Maybe I’ll be able to watch what’s happening without freaking myself out at every creak in the house. Or worrying that my brother might pop in, groaning loud enough to give me a heart attack!”
“I always knew Bower was a jerk.” Scott chuckled and kissed Becky’s forehead. “I’ll make sure you feel safe. Wait for me?”
If Zach ever considered adding another man to his relationship with Becky, it would be Scott, as he was right now. The man was better than he knew. Than anyone knew. If he could accept the limits, who knew what would happen? Maybe the three of them could be happy together.
Don’t jump the gun, Pearce. You’ve never seen this side of Scott. It might not even be real.
Time would tell. But for the moment, Becky seemed happy. And Scott had accepted the little she was willing to give. Which seemed to be more than enough as they cuddled on the couch, Scott so well in tune with Becky that he covered her eyes whenever the music changed. That he spoke softly to her before moving his hands. That he laughed with her to ease the tension when she got choked up about a favorite character meeting their bloody end. At one point, Scott looked over Becky’s head and met Zach’s eyes. And told him, without words, that this woman meant something to him. That he really was willing to do whatever it took to prove it.
This man, the one who wasn’t trying to live down to the image he portrayed to the world, was the man Zach had tossed everything aside to be with that night. Was the man who fought for teammates on the ice, who was fighting to keep the Cobra black and gold.
Who just might succeed if his goals were more important to him than falling into old, self-destructive habits.
As Scott fell asleep with his head on Becky’s shoulder, she tipped her head back and whispered in Zach’s ear.
“I think we’re good for him.”
Zach nodded and reached over to touch Scott’s mussed up hair. “Yeah, we are.”
Quietly rising from the sofa, Zach helped Becky ease Scott’s head on to a cushion, then covered him with a light grey throw. Part of him wanted to shake the man, wake him up so he could join them in bed. But a bigger part, the part that was cautious, maybe even a little selfish, forced him to leave Scott there.
Just one more night with Becky in his arms, one more night to show her she didn’t have to be afraid to wake up in the morning to a cold, empty space on the other side of the bed.
The clock read 5:03 a.m. when Zach heard the floorboards creak. He stared up at the ceiling, listening to the soft sound of the front door opening, then clicking shut. Sleep weighed on him, dragging him down for a few more hours’ rest.
With no regrets.