Happy birthday Iman! May this year bring you lots of happiness!
Wow! Another update. I wasn't really going to update but my awesome reader deserves a gift doesn't she?
"Hey beautiful!" Maya looked up to see the ever smiling Daniyal in front of her.
"Hello Mr. Daniyal." Maya said trying not to roll her eyes at his attempt to flirt with her.
"Sweatheart, its not fair how you always treat me like a stranger." Daniayal said to her taking a seat across her.
"Lets get down to business. How are your injuries?" She said ignoring him completely. She had known him only for a week when he came here after a car accident and he irritated her so much already.
"Leave my injuries. Lets talk about my heart that you have broken, Doctor." He said.
Maya was currently in the hospital. She had started her house job a few months ago and loved her profession. She loved helping others and thats what she did.
"Come on. Go out with me." He said to her with a smirk. She muttered a astaghfirallah under her breath. Was this guy even a muslim? He knew for sure that she was a muslim given her hijabi get up.
"Mr. Daniyal, let me check your injuries. I don't have time for all this crap." She snapped at him.
Daniyal was a good looking guy. Sure. He had everything any girl would want. He had the looks, the flashy personality, everything. But that wasn't enough for Maya. To her, religion mattered more. This guy took no care of religion and flirted with every other girl. So he was out of bounds for her.
"You and I both know how you are dying to be with me." He said with a smirk but she remained unmoved. She had talked the head doctor here that she could not deal with him. But the head was too strict. He said that either she dealt with all kinds of patients or she gave up her job.
"Take off your shirt please I need to check your injuries." She said and cringed when she realized who that sounded. She was determined not to fall for his looks. She loved the idea of love but she wanted it to be halal. The kind of love Allah puts in their hearts. She wasn't ready to give it a face yet.
"What? Already? I always knew you had a thing for me!" Daniyal said with a smirk, not letting go of a single opportunity to flirt with her shamlessly.
"Mr. Daniyal you better shut up or do you want me to call the guards and tell them to escort you out?" She said angrily. She would not take crap from anyone. Even if the person was this heart breakingly dashing guy.
"Princess, be careful of the language you use with me or you never know what might happen." He said with a threat behind that casual smirk of his as he leaned forward to touch her cheek.
She cringed at the contact and pulled away angrily but he came more closer that he would touch her body if her moved an inch.
Flying into a rage, Maya's hand made contact with Daniyal's cheek and his head snapped to the side. He rubbed the sore spot that was stinging so badly and glared at her that she would have been ten feet under the ground if looks could kill. A wave of futile rage had swept over him, and he would get his revenge from her for bruising his manly pride.
"You are going to regret this." Daniyal said to her in a low menacing voice with anger burning in his gray orbs.
"Oooh. Guess what? I am so scared!" Maya still had the audacity to say. If it were any other girl she would have gulped in fear. But she was Maya, who didn't take crap from anyone.
"You better be, sweetheart. Or you don't know what I can do to you." He said seething with anger as he approached her menacingly and gripped her upper arm tightly making her wince in pain.
"Don't you dare touch me." She snarled at him snatching her arm out of his tight grip.
"Oh you will see the things I dare to do." He said threateningly through gritted teeth.
Before Maya could supply a retort, Daniyal's phone started to ring and he canceled the call looking at the ID.
"I'll see you soon again, sweetheart." He said with a smirk and before Maya had the time to react he leaned forward and pecked her on her lips.
He kissed her.
On her lips.
Maya couldn't move. she just froze into her position. How dare he?
Her hand rose her lips where he had kissed her and without thinking she spat at Daniyal's face disgusted by him.
He looked at her with so much anger when he realized what she had done. A string of abusive words left his mouth and Maya cringed at them. He cleaned the spit from his face with the back of his hand and glared at her with ruthless impersonality.
"You are going to pay for this, doctor." His voice crackled with anger.
With that he stormed out of her room and Maya rubbed her lips disgusted. He had touched her when no other man was allowed to. She felt bile rise up her throat as she thought of that. Her first kiss. The one she was saving for her husband. He had kissed her. Even if it was a light peck, he had kissed her.
No non mehram had ever touched her. She was saving herself from the wrongs of the society. But this man violated everything. He destroyed everything she had worked so hard for.
To others it may seem as a little thing but to her it wasn't. She hated this man from the core of her heart. He was a player with no moral values at all.
She ran to the washroom and washed her lips. She got soap and rubbed it on her lips and rubbed them brutally like a maniac till they were sore. The vile taste of soap entered her mouth and she spit it out angrily. She shouldn't have let him even come close to her. She was supposed to have a table in between. How could she face everyone at home now when she had partially been at fault.
She washed her mouth and looked into the mirror only to find her image blurry as angry tears gushed out of eyes and rolled onto her cheeks.
She must not cry. She was a strong girl. She would lodge a complaint against him for sexual harassment. But she knew no one was going to listen to her. No one would believe her. Because she was a girl. In this society the men always had the upper hand.
Sometimes she hated being a girl. She hated how girls were looked down at. But then she always reminded herself that Allah made her a girl and she must accept it. There was nothing wrong with being a girl. In fact the society was wrong. Girls were emotionally and mentally stronger than men even if not physically.
She splashed her face with water and tried to rub the black trails that the mascara had left on her cheeks.
She stared at herself. With the mascara smeared on her face and the tears flowing down her cheeks she looked pathetic to say the least.
She was not going to cry. She chanted this mantra in her mind and washed her face again.
She felt so guilty. She shouldn't have allowed him to come even an inch of her radius but she had to examine his injuries and give him the medicine accordingly.
That's all for now folks!
Hope you guys liked it and I tried to describe her emotions well. Hope i nailed it!
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