When I opened my eyes I found myself in a strange room and bed. Oh and I wasn't wearing my dirty clothes again, wait what!!!!, the money, I left it inside the cloth.
How did I end up here and who changed my clothes, I tried to get up but I fall back do to the pains all over my body.
What if those men caught me, oh my God wait that means if those men caught me, they would have had their way with me by now.
I tried to up again but the pain was too much, I can barely feel my own body. No wait, there is no way those men could have touched me, the lady that I saw before I passed out fought them so easily. Just then the door opened and a lady dressed like a nurse walked in.
Wait, why is a nurse in this room? This doesn't look like a hospital room, it looks like a room given to a Princess.
I have seen rooms like this countless times but I was never around in because is either I was told I will steal something from it or that I will dirty the already clean floor which is more neat than I am.
"You are awake, how do you feel?" The nurse asked.
"I feel pain all over my body" I replied her.
"Yeah about that you really sustained a lot of injuries from those guys that beat up yesterday but I don't think your head injury was caused by them giving that it was already infected when you got here" she said, before checking my temperature, its then I saw the little pipe connected to my hand.
"Ma, please who actually brought me here?" I asked her trying to sit up but I fell back on the bed ones again. She saw me struggling to get up and rushed by my side and helped me up, I thanked her.
"You shouldn't struggle too much you are still very weak, how can you neglect your body to this extent. You do know you are a woman right, and we women our body is our pride" she said coming close to me, she took my hand looking at the marks that was left behind from my abuser, my stepfather father.
"Why does your back have a fire burn, it looks like someone was dropping a melting lead on them" she said, but I avoided her glance because I didn't feel like talking about it.
"You are the one that took my clothes off right?" I asked her
"Yes, I did with the help of the lady that brought you here" she said
"Did you kind of see my money, please I really promised someone I won't lose that money please help me find it, I pleaded with her.
"Don't worry, your money is safe, ones you recover it will be giving to you" she said but does that mean I won't be able to go out of this room until I recover?
"Can I also have my clothes back?" I asked her knowing that the current one am wearing is a hospital cloth.
"Don't worry about those, you should be asking me about your health and body not about your dress" the nurse said.
"Is she awake?" I heard another voice from the door of the room, I turned to find a woman. Well she is not that old, I will assume she will be in her middle fifties or late fifties.
Wait I have seen her face before, wait she is the lady that gave me the bed, the one am using in Mrs Grace's basement.
"I know you, you gave me the bed, am the girl from the basement" I told her trying to see if she can remember me.
"I know who you are" she said giving me a smile.
"Ma, why are you here?" I asked her
"Oh, I own this hospital and I also kind of sent the lady that saved you from those guys. What I want from you is to just to recover, we have a lot to talk about" she said confusing me the more.
What will she want to talk about with me, wait don't tell me am in trouble, I didn't do anything, is it because of the money Eva gave me?
"Relax nothing is happening, you look so tensed" she said and i took a deep breath.
Soon a tray of food was pushed inside my room, I was so hungry I couldn't get my eyes off the food. It came with many delicious food to pick from and lots of fruits.
"Okay, Amber, I really need you to eat, you are so weak and to regain your strength you need to start changing the food you are eating. So what will you like to eat?" She asked.
"Bread and water is fine, is my favorite" I lied, knowing that there is no way she will be giving me anything that I want to eat and besides what if she is going to use the money Eva gave me to pay for it.
I can't avoid to lose that money, I need it to start up my life again. As much as I want to devour the food in front of me, I couldn't.
"How is bread and water going to help you recover faster or give you the required nutrients you need. Amber you have eaten too much of flour and too much of it is not good for the health" she said, I know she was right but who cares if am healthy or not.
"Ma, can I know your name?" I asked her when I figured out I don't even know her name.
"Call me Jane" she replied.
"Well, Jane I can't afford those food so I just eat the one that i have" I told her.
"Am not asking you to pay for anything, is on me all I want from you is to eat, now dig in" she said bringing the first tray of food.
I only took one spoon and I felt like I was in heaven, I don't think I have eaten anything so delicious before, I continued eating until my stomach couldn't contain any more food. Just when I thought it was over, a tray of fruits was brought to me.
That was the best meal I have ever had in my life, i thanked Jane before she told me to rest that a new clothes will be given to me.
I couldn't believe it, the cloth I had in my hand cost a lot, how on earth am I supposed to wear a cloth that cost more than a house rent, but Jane said it was nothing.
She was dressing me up, making me look nice but am tensed. I keep feeling like am a girl whose mom is very rich but she is about to marry her off.
"Why are you dressing me up?" I asked her, although I have briefly told her how my life started and how I ended up here. She is a nice woman but am not used to having people do things for me.
Am used to people telling me how pathetic I was and how I looked so miserable so I had to ask her to know what is going on, she was curling my hair.
I can't even remember the last time I properly took care of my hair, I don't think I have been to a saloon since I was like ten.
"I have something for you, actually I started tracing you from the day I saw you at that basement" she said
"Why, what could you possibly want from me?" I asked her knowing that I don't even own anything. I can't even afford my own under wears.
"Actually my boss is the one that wants to speak to you, so I want you to go over to this restaurant, I will call a cab for you. When you get there just listen to him, act natural" she said before she started styling my hair.
When it comes to being obedient am very good at that but what will Jane's boss want from a low life girl like me.
A girl with no hope of life, giving that Jane is a very rich woman to own such a big hospital, am guessing her boss will be the God of money.
"So wait, you want me to meet your boss and listen to what he has to say and then what?" I asked her just to be clear.
"Until you get back we talk properly, and if you must order something to eat before he comes here is my card, you can buy anything of your choice as long as is something healthy" she said giving me a Gucci hand bag.
Why must I dress up like this just to have a boss talk to me, I look like am going on my first date whereas am going for talking.
It was still early in the evening when the cab driver dropped me in front of the restaurant. When I got to the restaurant, i had no idea how the door walks.
It was a very kind little girl of about ten, eleven that helped me inside. I know what you are thinking and of course I was embarrassed but the little one didn't mind.
One of the waiters walked up to me, she was a girl about my age with the prettiest smile I have ever seen. She asked for my table number wish I told her. She left and returned few minutes later and lead me to my table.
Immediately I was seated another delicious meal was served for me, I was surprised because I didn't make any orders. I know Jane said I could order anything I would like to eat but hell no.
A plate of food here cost a lot, I can't use all that money on just food. But here I am staring at my table being served with food.
"Excuse me" I called after the last waiter before he could go far.
"Yes, miss" he said
"I didn't actually order anything so you might have mistakenly my table for another" I told him and he smiled politely.
"No miss, Mr Edward told me to get those"
"Who is Mr Edward?" I asked him
"He will be joining your table soon" he said before he left.
I sat down waiting for Jane's boss, whom I haven't seen before, after looking at the food one more time I couldn't start eating the food I didn't order without the person that ordered it.
I had my head bent, am not used to having my face exposed, I just prefer using my long hair to cover it up but the hair style Jane gave me had all my hair up and packed inside.
I felt someone standing beside me, when I looked up I saw a man, God he is handsome. He could be the same age with Jane, but he looks so handsome with bold shoulder. I stood up immediately not knowing what to say.
"Good day sir" I greeted nervously.
"Get seated" he said, his voice holds this power, like a king.
So I sat back and watch as he started eating, I couldn't get myself to join him, I can't even look at him, his presence is intimidating.
"Why aren't you eating?" He asked and I picked up the spoon immediately and started shoving the food into my mouth.
"Do you always eat like this or am I making you feel comfortable?" He asked and passed me water when he saw I was already choking.
"Thank you" I told him and took the water immediately, I was already struggling to breath.
"So I heard your name is Amber, right?" He asked and I nodded.
"So Amber, how old are you?"
"Am twenty two, I will be twenty three in three months time" I told him not knowing if I should have just said an twenty three.
"Okay, now let's get down to business, I want you to do something for you, but don't get me wrong you will be paid"
"What can I possibly do for you sir?"
"I have a son, whom I want you to be his personal maid" he said and took his water.
A son, be his personal maid, I wonder if I should ask his age. Anyways he will probably be a little boy, maybe his parents are always busy.
"Sir am not good with kids" I told him, he looked confused at first but then a smile replaced his face.
"Don't worry, he is a very good kid and I can pay you up to a million dollars" he said and I nearly choked on the water in my mouth.
"Excuse me sir" I said before I started coughing really hard. He got up from his chair and started rubbing my back, I was surprised at first maybe if he knows who i really am he wouldn't even want to be this close to me.
"Are you always this careless" he asked before going back to his seat after making sure I was Okay.
"So as I was saying..........."
"I will do it!, I will be your son's personal maid" I said immediately thinking that he was going to change his mind or take back the money he offered.
"Wait, you will do it?" He asked and I nodded.
"Okay let me brief you on things that will be your job so you can really check if you can do this"
"There is no need for that I will do it, as long as I will be paid a million dollars who cares what I will be doing" I said immediately laughing nervously.
"Right, okay I will be needing you to go through this than sign it up" he said giving me a paper.
I didn't really bother to read through it my main consign was just the payment and I signed it immediately given him the book back.
"Thank you so much miss Amber but if you don't mind I have an urgent meeting I must attend to, I have settled the bill" Mr Edward said before he left.
I happily cleared the whole food all by myself, God finally I have gotten a job that can pay me a life time earn. If I have a million dollars I can go back to school and after schooling I can secure a good job for myself, this is God finally smiling at me.