is eyes widened at that and his tongue snaked out to wet his gorgeous full lips. I could tell he wanted me to toy with him, and make him beg. He was rock hard, with the pink head of a sizeable dick throbbing for attention, I ignored it. Dylan probably got everything he wanted, but maybe his real desire was for someone to finally say no to him. He wanted me to deny him instant gratification. Hella creepy. But... whatever rows your boat Dylan. It just might row mine.
"Is this how it is in your fantasy?" I bend over him, grabbing a handful of his hair so I can whisper in his ears as seductively as I could manage. He laughed breathily, a lusty sound, squirming so his ass would rub over my aching dick. Cock tease.
"Hell yeah! But not exactly," Dylan taunted.
I pushed his head down and spanked both of his reddening cheeks, drawing a loud gasp from him before he leaned into the pain and cast a beaming smile back at me. That smile said it all. This was his fantasy, someone taking from him, dominating him. He needed this.
"This more like it? Like in your dirty little boy dreams?" I demanded answers gruffly, my inner dominant stirring awake.
"I'm pretty sure that I’m older than y-"
I smacked him three times in quick succession, and squeezed on the last hit so that he screamed, then moaned. I didn’t care about his age.
"Look at you. Mr. Ryman, if the world could see you now.... Begging for cock," I teased his entrance with my fingers. "Lube?" My question had the effect of ice cold water on a boner.
He groaned, "Do it without," he ordered, hissing back at me. His eyes almost appeared in slits, like he couldn't believe I'd dare to interrupt his fantasy.
"No. Go get it." I back away, letting him up with a final slap on the ass. That ass. "Then you can come back and suck me off. It's impolite to leave me aroused like this for too long." I leaned on the counter, fully aware of my erection sticking towards the roof.
"Fuck you," he said. But his eyes took me in, long and languorously. "Wait here, I don't want to move this to the bedroom yet."
"And waste a good counter top session, I wouldn't," I reassured while fighting a grin. My kind of guy. Besides the running over dogs part. I watched him turn toned and attractive tail with balls hanging low so that I saw it as he walked, and he disappeared up the stairs. When he reappeared it was with a tube of astroglide, brandishing it like a whip before handing it to me and sinking to his knees wordlessly. My dick definitely appreciated his position, finding him and aiming like a compass needle to north.
He looked up at me, not moving. His eyes pleaded to touch and taste me.
"Good boy," I saw those beautiful irises shine as he took the compliment, then widened when I said, "Suck it."
Turns out he was very enthusiastic about it too. He started with shallow suckles, but grew bold pretty soon. His tongue traveled over my length like he was mapping it to memory. I could tell that he’d had tons of practice. He sucked me off like a pro. He never gagged, and never cut teeth on me, although I can't see how he managed it with his cute little mouth. He quickened the pace suddenly, working his tongue into a rhythm, following a trail. Like he was memorizing the path so he'd find the way home again, and again, and oh damn. I was going to...
I pushed back his head and fought for the quickly slipping self-control. My mistake was looking down, only to come undone by those piercing blue eyes, demanding, "Come."
I was done for. Dizzily I recovered to see his face covered in come, lips ripped into a sexy grin while his eyes danced mischievously. I could just hear his thoughts. He was the one on his knees but he could make me come on his command.
If he thought that would piss me off he was in for a surprise. At twenty-two, I didn't mind coming this early, I'd be ready to go again in five minutes. Five minutes of torture for him. I flashed him my best smile and pulled him up to kiss his reddened lips. His cheek painted my own with jizz as I tugged lightly on his nipples.
"My turn," I told him when I finally pulled away.
My apartment was in a mess. Mostly because I was hardly there, and when I was it was only to make a ton of mess to cook dinner. Or make a ton of mess to get ready for work and then tumbling to find books and pens for class.... yeah. I was living like a slob. And it was time for a general clean up.
But my mind kept returning to Dylan. Dylan on the counter top, ass in the air. Dylan moaning my name when I bite his flesh. Dylan coming hard as I rimmed him right there... Then Dylan. Cold and detached as soon as it's over. Dylan insisting that he had to be up early. Dylan who refuses to look me in the eyes.
Of course I left. My boner died the second Dylan turned into a freak. Well... the moment he stopped being a freak I guess, but who am I to tell? Just the stranger minutes away from screwing him senseless. Also the stranger blackmailing him into taking care of a dog he'd ran over. Damn. This was some messed up shit.
I called Romeo as soon as I'd finished cleaning, collapsed on the sofa and wondering why robot maids weren't on the markets yet.
He picked up all hot and bothered, sounding out of breath, "What is it?"
"Whoa, who's in your ass?" I teased, it was our normal banter.
"Sod off," he sniped but I could tell he was smiling, "Watcha need now? More help with making Ryman squirm?"
"I got that all wrapped up on my own now, thanks," I replied with ease, but with my mind on just how wrapped up I was a few hours ago. "But I wanted to check on Spotty. How is he?"
"He's stuck with Nancy back at the hive, but otherwise, he's a strong one, doesn't cry out, and eats anything we give him. You sure Ryman deserves this dog?"
"Nope," I said, thinking about the cold, unwelcoming mansion. "But maybe he needs him."
"You've gotta stop sometime Andy, I'm telling you, you're in too deep. The guy's dangerous, he's got people and money and so more people."
"Wow. You're really insightful. I didn't know he had money, how'd you figure? It was the driveway that gave it away, wasn't it?"
"Don't be a smart ass or I'll spike the bill."
"Do it. Dylan's loaded." He was, obviously. I had never known anyone rich like this, but what run-ins I had had with finery was sporting punks from high school and maybe a few from college. They didn’t come close to Ryman, who simply oozed ‘wealthy’ whether he wore slacks or a tie.
Romeo laughed and the sound echoed back. “Hey, what are you doing tonight?"
I was about to jerk off. "Um, it's Wednesday, already midnight and I have a class at nine."
"Grampa," Romeo scorned. "You don't know how to have fun. Remember to swing by for spotty tomorrow at four - today at four? Whatever, just bring Mr. big bucks with you, I wanna see this asshole in my clinic so I could knock his teeth out."
"Whoa, careful there. He's got money and people remember?"
I woke to my phone going off. Alarm? Nope, that wasn't until eight-fifteen. I groan, rolling over, Dylan flashing into my mind until I realised I didn't have his number. I made a mental note to work on that before I answered the phone without checking for Caller ID, it was probably the landlord anyway. Mostly I didn’t have to have any contact with him but sometimes he’d call just to talk about some random problem he was planning on fixing. I'd planned to tell him to leave me the hell alone until eight-thirty.
"Jesus H Christ, what!"
"Andrew Killian Burrie!" Shit. My mom.
I rolled out of bed, still swearing under my breath and springing back up like a bat out of hell. "Sorry, mom, didn't realize it w-"
"It shouldn't matter. You're still in bed aren't you? At eight in the morning. When will you learn," she sighed over dramatically. My mom had endured twenty two years of my pissy morning attitude, I don’t know what she expected when I finally left for college. That I’d rise with sun? No freaking way.
"I only learn when I get some sleep," I muttered into the phone, yanking on clothes since I knew she had to be outside if she had called at this hour.
"I have a proposition for you." Her tone became conspiratorial. She never came to visit without a proposition of some sort.
"Uhuh," I said, immediately suspicious. "I'll be right there mom."
It barely took a minute after I hung up, and by then she was tapping her bright yellow heels. She breezed into my apartment while tossing back her blonde curls and sounding superior, with a tone that almost but didn’t quite match Dylan’s "Took you long enough." I didn't grace that with a comment so she pressed on. "You look.... good."
"Mom," I warned. I knew this was going into her customary remarks of how I was living my life and if I was sure I was eating enough and not too lonely living out here in Tennessee.
"Skinny though," she continued without acknowledging. I could see her assessing me, working out a match for me. At least now she'd stopped bringing girls.
"No mom. I'm not going to go out with a leather daddy."
"He isn't a leather daddy!" She protested, eyes wide. Bingo, my guess was on the money this time. She had taken to finding out what my type was. She started from nerdy and went right on up to a bear. Now she had found someone on the kink scene. The woman certainly had a stomach in her.
"Whatever, no mom. You suck at this. So I'm gay, that doesn't mean being single is a crime!"
"I just don't want you sleeping around when you can settle down and get started on my grandkids."
"I already told you -"
"And I told you that I want grandkids, your being gay doesn't have to ruin my life plan for spoiling my grandchildren. I'm a supportive mother, take me or leave me." She frowned and her golden brown eyes looked worried.
"Now you tell me, I hadn't realised I had a choice," I muttered under my breath.
"What was that dear?" She arched a brow at me.
"Nothing. I have a class soon." I pressed on before she could, "Yes, I know, I'll wake up earlier. No I'm not going on a date with whatever his name is so you came all this way for nothing."
"I won’t say that. It’s great to see my son after so long, but I know you have to go to a class now. So I'll be here when you're done. We can bond over coffee or ice cream."
I looked at her like she had gone absolutely out of her mind before deciding that I couldn't win. The woman was stubborn. And she had set her mind to see me married before twenty-five, which was her idea of the expiration date of bachelor life.
I huffed very audibly. Fine. Then I left her in the living room as she cast her critical eye everywhere. What could she possibly see? I'd cleaned. Mothers.... This is why you go to colleges twelve states away.