Lilliana Rollins°
I laughed at Olive's whines as I dished up her favorite meal. She had been going on and on about this new person she met at the park today. A young girl like her and now, she was asking me to let her attend the girl's birthday party.
“Momma,” she cried as she pulled at her hair which had fallen loose to her shoulders, the blue scrunchie I had used to pack it up in her other hand. She may be a blonde like her dad but she still had my thick mass and long hair traits. Something I also got from my mother.
“Olive,” I sighed as I shook my head. I finished dishing the meal just the same time Delaney strolled in from the guest room she usually occupied.
I walked over to Olive and took the scrunchie for her. She sat up in her seat, eager to have her hair packed. I wasn't sure she enjoyed the length as I do. When I was done, I patted her shoulders and urged her to eat.
“So, have you called him yet?” Delaney asked as she dished up her meal of homemade rice and soup.
“Not yet,” I took my seat at the table and started to eat after I was sure that she was okay.
Delaney halted what she was doing to stare at me, her face scrunched up in confusion. “No?” she questioned. “Why not? I thought it was what you wanted.” She pulled back her chair and took her seat.
“It is part of my plan.” I nodded before scooping rice into my mouth. I wasn't the best cook but I always managed. At least, my friend and daughter enjoyed my meals. It was all that mattered.
“So, what do you plan on doing?” she asked, still seeming confused. I chewed quietly and swallowed before turning to her.
“He asked me to call within twenty-four hours. If he doesn't get my call, he will call. He is the one desperate to have her. I'm just playing my cards right.” I explained.
I wasn't cunny or anything. Or maybe I was since I regularly snuggled life out of people but I planned to make Jace desperate. He had to want Olive so badly that he would sacrifice anything to get her. Including his home because he had offered for me to move in. If only he knew that had always been my plan from the onset.
I was going to make him pay through blood. I was going to infiltrate his thoughts, make him fall for me hard, and trust me. Then, I would ruin him. It was all going to take a while but I was in for it. In the meantime, my baby could get to know her dad before his time runs out.
It was cruel but I was never backing down.
“Smart,” Delaney mouthed and I smirked. I was going to have so much fun, I could start squealing.
“I know, right?” I shrugged with a grin. Olive made a sound as she pressed her lips together with a finger of her right hand placed over it, asking us to quiet down. She was observing her manners.
“Okay, baby girl.” I giggled seeing her wide-eyed. She nodded in affirmation before she continued eating. I turned toward Delaney who had an amused look in her eyes.
“Have you told her yet?” she asked through a mouthful. I knew what she was talking about. The truth was that Olive was the least of my worries. Occasionally, she always asked me about her father. She would be over the moon to meet him now.
“Not yet but I will, tonight,” I whispered back. Delaney nodded and continued eating. We ate in silence after that and didn't say any more words until I left Delaney to do the dishes while I followed Olive to her room. She was skipping happily in front of me, hands holding onto her tablet.
Most kids I knew were obsessed with their teddies. Not Olive. It was a tablet for her.
“Momma, I'm going to wear my pink onesie today. I want the pink one. And you are going to take a picture of me.” She muttered as I pushed the door to her room open.
“Okay,” I nodded.
“And you are going to read Beauty and the Beast tonight. I love that book!” She could barely read. She had not even started kindergarten properly but she was already so excited about everything.
She danced over to her bed still clutching her tablet closely. “And you are going to braid my hair and tell me about your day and...” she was going on and on, rapping and ranting like the child that she was. I just couldn't help the smile on her face while I went ahead to set up her bath.
I helped her take off her and dump them in the hamper before I guided her to the bathroom where I had prepared her strawberry bubble bath. She was only too excited to get into the tub without a fight. Quickly, I cleaned her up as I ignored her attempts at a water splash. She could be so annoying and cute at the same time.
“Okay, little criminal. Time to step out of the tub.” I held out her towel as I threw her a funny gaze. She giggled loudly as she stepped into the bath mat.
“Momma?” she called minutes later after I had dried her up and got her into her onesie. I led her to her bed and helped her sit up.
“Yes, pumpkin?” I listened as I met her gaze.
“Will you let me attend Wesley's party? She invited me.” Sometimes, I forget that she is just going to be five with how mature she speaks.
“I will think about it.” I mused and she held my gaze before nodding slowly. I settled down on her bed beside her, not bothering to grab her favorite book from the shelf beside her bed.
“We are not reading tonight. I want to tell you something.” I told her and she nodded, big eyes looking curious.
“So, you remember what I told you about Daddy?” I asked as I brushed the frontal part of her hair with my hand while still staring at her.
“Yes. He is not around.” She grinned. I nodded at her sheer innocence.
“Pumpkin, Daddy is back now and he wants to see you. Would you like to see him?“ Her black eyes widened as she thought deeply. Within a few seconds, she had begun to nod excitedly.
“Yes, momma. When is he coming home?” She started to dance on her bed and I laughed.
“He is not coming here, Olive. We are going to him. And you remember that I told you about your elder siblings? You will be meeting them too.” I added.
“Really?” she gasped.
“Really,” I nodded. She squeaked before climbing off the bed to throw her hands around me.
“Thank you, momma. I want to see Daddy. And everybody else.” She started to ramble again.
“But you have to promise to behave yourself, okay? We don't want anybody not to like us.” I forced her back into bed but she didn't care. Still happy and excited.
“Okay, momma.” She smiled. Satisfied, I told her other things and when I rested assured her that she was tired because she yawned; I kissed her goodnight and pulled the duvet over her.
I had just walked back into the living room when my phone started to ring again. I stole a glance at Delaney who was watching me as I strolled over to grab my phone from the center table. I smiled when I saw that it was Jace calling.
“You haven't called,“ were his first words after I answered the call. I settled on the sofa beside Delaney and placed the call on speaker because she wouldn't stop sending me curious looks.
“And now you are calling,” I mused in reply as I rolled my eyes. “I wasn't sure when to call,” I added, after a few seconds.
“Damn it, Lilliana! Do you want me to beg you before I see my child? You do know what I'm capable of doing if I want her here tonight. You should not play...”
“We are getting ready. We are moving in tomorrow,” I stopped him from going on with his threats. Only that they were not threats. He could exert his right and authority and restrict me from seeing her. He had too much wealth and dominance for me to handle or go against. I was going to tread softly because he could so easily crush me if he detected my plans.
“Great!” He sounded relieved. “ I would hate to lock the mother of my daughter up in jail.” He added, firmly. “I will ask the guys to come to pick you up.” He said after a few seconds of silence.
“I'm not moving out of my apartment. I just want to stay over for a while. For as long as it would take anyway. You don't have to send your men over and have them harass me. I'm capable of coming myself.” I told him, sitting up on the sofa and crossing one of my legs over the other.
“You also don't have to worry about me running away. Just text me the address and we will be there.” I concluded.
“I needn't worry because my men will find you before you take a step. So, no, you also don't have to worry about that.” I gulped and glanced at Delaney who was listening with interest.
Once again, I am reminded of the fact that I was dealing with one of the most powerful men in the world. The wealthy billionaire; Jace Beecham.
“Get your ass here by noon. It's the weekend anyway.” I rolled my eyes at his sheer ignorance and delusion at the fact that people worked on Saturdays. But I knew he was just teasing because he would also be working on Saturdays.
“Don't make me call you again, Lilliana. Don't,” his tone was firm and unwavering. It was filled with future promises. I gulped and nodded but the line went dead.
“Such dominance,” Delaney seethed with hatred but I didn't even blink. I already knew he was like that.
“I would work around it,” I hissed and tossed my phone onto the space beside me.
“But, how will I get to see you after you move into the house?” Delaney suddenly asked.
“Jace wouldn't stop me from inviting people over. He should know what he is getting himself into.” I shrugged, nonchalant.
“Phew,” she exhaled in relief and I tsked. A phone chimed but it wasn't mine. Delaney grabbed her phone which was on her lap. “Uh oh,” she looked at me and I sat up.
“What?” I bellowed.
“Ryker just texted me. We have a job to do in the next thirty minutes. He has been trying to reach you.” She said as she stood up from the couch. I grabbed my phone and saw the multiple texts I had skipped in my notifications bar.
“Sounds interesting,” I said as I scanned the details. This time, it was a senator we were asked to kill. And he was going to be armed. Why was I Blood if I couldn't get him? I was always thirsty.
Glancing up at Delaney, I said “Meet me out in five minutes.” I flipped my hair over my shoulders and started to walk over to my room.
It was time to kill. Time to quench my bloody thirst.