"He's a liar, Miriam. This is why I insisted on letting him go." Jason suddenly screamed.
It was clear something was amiss. In all my time with Jason, he has never done anything that would make me suspect him of anything like this as he happened to be the most calm person ever. At this point I had no idea what I should believe anymore but I needed to hear at least Jason's side of the story. That should be enough to make me decide but if I was being honest, right now I feared that a lot of things about me might be a lie. I calmed myself down and then turned to stare at Jason.
"J you said you found the necklace at the cliff right?" I asked him
"You don't believe me?" he asked me suddenly squinting his eyes
"Wait, the necklace of us both which he stole from my neck before wrapping that damned plant around my neck?" Eli suddenly asked me
"Enough Eli!!! I'm talking to my husband right now." I screamed at Eli suddenly and honestly I felt bad about doing that. I knew I had hurt his feelings but I needed to assure Jason that I was on his side.
"Fine. Talk to your husband then." Eli said as he got up and walked to stand by the little aquarium in the sitting room corner. He was watching the fishes and then I had the privacy I wanted as I slowly started turning to look at Jason.
Jason looked really whitewashed. In fact it looked like the very presence of Eli in the house about to break him. When he would not speak, I walked up to him and touched his hand as he flinched underneath my touch. Man he was burning hot and I could tell it was increased thanks to his increased temperament. Werewolves are usually hot and warm but right now it seemed like my husband was on fire. I needed him to speak to me and clear all these doubts I was beginning to have about him because as it would turn out, if everything Eli has said is true then that would mean that my dear husband was basically a murderer and could not be trusted. That would mean that everything I knew about him so far was all lies. That would mean that he murdered my entire family and ended my love life. That would mean that thirteen years with kids was all a lie. I needed Jason to say something but he was looking away from me and it seemed like the more I tried to probe him, the more he was drifting away from me.
"Please Jason. Tell me everything he says is a lie and that you found the necklace on the cliff." I said to him
"What would it matter? You would believe him anyways. It doesn't matter what I say to you now. You would believe him anyway because he's your mate!!!" Jason yelled and punched the flower vase beside him and it fell shattering into pieces. It was loud as it was night already. I flinched. I have never seen him that way before in our entire time together. Thirteen years and I was just seeing this side of him for the very first time.
Has our entire life together been a lie then?
"Oh come on mate, you better start telling her the truth. You have lied to her this whole time." Eli shouted from where he stood
"You made a mistake when you chose to show up at my home buddy." Jason said angrily.
Before I could say anything to them, in a flash of a fur ball, Jason ran towards Eli and Eli too ran towards him
The both of them crash into each other right in the middle of the sitting room. Eli's towel fell but right now he cared less about his modesty as the both of them engaged each other in the fight. It was something else. A battle of claws and roars as they both fought crashing into the furniture. I was busy screaming for them to stop but neither was ready to actually listen to me. There I was caught up but so I did not get hurt, I shifted to the side of the stairs where I stood pleading that they stop what they were doing. They had already started drawing blood from each other so badly that I sincerely feared for them at the moment.
They were not stopping and I could see the neighbors light come on in their houses from the window. Very soon their unnecessary rampage would draw attention and should the humans see them this way then we would all be doomed. Seriously now they needed to get a grip before things got out of hand. I wanted to go there and stop them but I was scared. I also thought of calling one of Jason's close friends who was a wolf too but I also could not because if what Eli said is true then I would only be bringing a gang up against him. Tears were streaming down my eyes at this point because seriously I hated the feeling I was getting. I disliked the fact that they were fighting and I disliked the attention being given. It was little wonder that the neighbors were yet to start pouring out in front of our doorstep to ask questions because I knew certainly they would want to know what in the name of the heavens was actually happening. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulders.
"Mom, why's the naked man fighting dad?" My seven year old had woken up and it was thanks to the noise. I looked up and saw his sister standing there looking confused and worried.
"Come with mommy sweetie." I said to my son as I led him by hand and away from the chaos. My daughter too and I took them back to their bedroom assuring them that everything would be fine.
"But they're bleeding." my daughter said
"I would handle it. Please you both should go back to sleep. I promise I will stop them." I said
"Would you send the naked mad man away?" My son asked
"Yes. Yes I will Daniel." I said to him and covered him up then kissed his forehead. I did the same for my daughter too before putting off the light and then I started downstairs.
Suddenly I felt this boiling rage and urge like I needed to let something off. It was not until I came there before them that I screamed.
"Stop it!!!!"
There was sudden quietness as lights flickered that instant as there was temporary darkness before slowly light came on. Both Jason and Eli had stopped and were staring at me.
"What just happened?" I asked
"I thought you said you had no powers, Miriam." Jason said to me
"I didn't. What was that?" I asked still.
Eli started laughing as he stood upright.
"You're a fucking banshee my love." Eli said excitedly
"What's a banshee?" I asked.