I woke up with Pietro calling me.
Pietro: Jessy, wake up...
I jumped off the couch in fright.
- My God, what time is it? I'm really screwed Pietro, I didn't buy the cleaning supplies I needed to start working.
Pietro: Calm down girl, I bought it for you, now get up and eat something before you go.
- He bought? How did you buy it if you didn't even know what I needed.
Pietro: You left a list on the table, and I deduced that it was to buy.
I jumped on his neck and hugged him.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you Pietro, you are an angel in my life.
I looked at him and our faces were so close to each other that I felt the climate heating up between us, and I felt a slight tingling in my pussy, making it clear that the simple contact of our bodies was enough to make me go into flames, but he backed away, as if he wanted to avoid me.
Pietro: Come on Jessy, eat something and get ready before you miss your schedule.
- Why did you leave Pietro?
He sighed heavily, and looked at me.
Pietro: Nothing will happen between us, understand Jessy?
- Why not?
Pietro: I already told you the reason, now don't touch that subject anymore, okay?
- Oh, is that so? So all right, your will be done.
I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, feeling hate for being rejected by Pietro, but what hurt the most was knowing what he really thought of me, that I had no respect for myself.
As I passed soap through my body, I kept thinking about his body glued to mine, and it was inevitable not to take my hand to my pussy, I wanted him, I wanted him, and I was starting to nurture feelings for him.
I was squeezing my chest, while moving my fingers on my clitoris, until I came saying his name.
When I left the bathroom, I went to get ready in his room, then I walked to the living room, and took the material he had bought and my cell phone, while he watched my movements, sitting on the couch.
Pietro: Aren't you going to eat something before you go?
- Not.
I opened the door and walked out.
Pietro: Jessy, wait...
I stopped halfway up the stairs and looked up.
- What is it?
Pietro: Do you have money for the ticket?
- Yes, you've done a lot Pietro, don't worry about it.
I continued down when he called me once more.
Pietro: Are you angry?
- No, why would I be? After all, I can find sex anywhere, it just can't be with guys from here, wasn't that the deal?
Pietro: Jessy, I...
- I don't have time for this conversation Pietro, have a nice day.
I got out of there as fast as I could, before anyone saw me.
I knew I needed to save some money to leave Pietro's house soon, before I got attached to him to the point of suffering, since he didn't want anything to do with me.
I took the taxi knowing that I would have to buy a car for myself, as the taxi was much more expensive.
- Good morning, I said as soon as I arrived at the agency, but it was another woman who was attending.
Attendant: You must be Jessy, right?
- Yes
Attendant: Good morning Jessy, my name is Amanda, and I'll be here until 2:00 pm, then Kelly comes in, who was the woman who helped you yesterday, here's the address of the house you're going to today, after you finish there, you call here, and we'll send you to another house, here's the number.
For the first month, a Van will drop you off and pick you up, but after that you need to have your own transport, we provide fuel allowance and money for food.
Any questions?
- I'll clean the house by myself?
Amanda: Now you're going to clean Mr. Amadeu, and it's not very big there.
When the house is not very big, we only send a single person, we send two or more people to larger houses, now wait for the Van to arrive to take you to the residence, and about the money, you do not receive anything from the hand of the customer, your payment you receive directly with the agency, understood?
- Yes, I understood.
I kept going over all the information in my head, so I wouldn't do anything wrong, until the Van arrived.
When I arrived at the residence, it wasn't as small as Amanda made it out to be, and I was unlikely to finish cleaning the house in an hour, it would take much longer than that.
As soon as I rang the doorbell, a man who looked to be around thirty-five opened the door.
He was tall, muscular, dark, and wearing a formal outfit, the smell of his perfume was woody, and I think I spent ten seconds admiring his masculinity.
Amadeu: Hello, are you the cleaning lady?
- Yes, yes, it's me.
I smiled trying to hide my embarrassment, that job was very important to me, and I couldn't fail.
Amadeu: Wow, you're so young.
Please come in, I'll be in my office if you have any questions.
- Right, thank you.
He went out of my field of vision, and I was totally lost, not really knowing where to start, so I called Amanda, and asked for help, and she gave me all the tips I needed.
While I was cleaning up in the kitchen, Amadeu appeared to get a glass of water, and looked at my ass surreptitiously, and tried to make conversation.
Amadeu: How long have you been working with this?
- Actually, this is my first day.
Amadeus: Really? You're cleaning so well, it looks like you already have experience.
- Thanks.
He was taking the water calmly, while he devoured my body with his eyes, I pretended not to notice, but that was making my panties wet, and my mind was already imagining several things at the same time that I would like him to do with me.
It was insane, I knew that, but it was something I had no control over.
- Fuck it, I said, dropping the duster and facing him.
Amadeus: What did you say?
- I said “FUCK IT”.
I took off my shirt and bra, and he nearly choked on the water.
- Why just look when you can touch?
He placed the glass on the counter, and approached me, his eyes sparkling.
Amadeu: Can I really play?
- Yes you can.
His dick was clearly hard and I couldn't wait to have him all the way inside me.
He squeezed my breasts and started to suck on them, and his hot mouth made my skin crawl.
He opened my long pants, and took them off, leaving me only in my panties, but then he got rid of my panties as well.
Amadeu: You are very perfect.
He took my hips and lifted me, placing me on top of the counter and I opened myself up to him.
He smirked, and started to lick my pussy deliciously.
I started moaning as I let myself be consumed by the intense desire that took over my body.
That man knew very well what to do with the tongue, and he drove me crazy.
He undressed, revealing his thick cock, and pulled me off the counter.
Amadeu: Let's go to my office princess.
He pulled me by the hand and led me into his office.
He opened a drawer, took a condom and put it on the cock, then moved some objects from the table and placed me on top, and then penetrated me.
- Huuum, what a thick dick, aaah.
Amadeu: Lie down on the hot table.
I obeyed and lay down completely on the table, leaving my head on top of some papers.
He grabbed my neck and started to choke me, he started to push hard, and he squeezed my neck harder and harder until I was out of breath, for some reason, I didn't despair, quite the contrary, I felt an orgasm Intense fill me as I heard him moan in pleasure as well, until he released me and I sucked in a sharp breath.
Amadeu: Forgive me, I didn't want to kill you, I just like rough sex, are you okay?
- Dude, you're crazy.
Amadeu: Please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you.
I started to laugh at his desperation, and he just stood there, not understanding anything.
- I'm kidding you, that was one of the best orgasms I've ever had.
He smiled at me, like he liked what I said.
- Now I need to wash and get dressed, to finish this cleaning, I wasted a lot of time and I can get hurt for it.
He took out his wallet, took out $200.00 and gave it to me.
Amadeu: Here, that's so you don't lose money, since you earn by the hour.
- You know how to please a woman, thank you very much.
I kept the money and asked permission to use the bathroom, when I went back to the cleaners I didn't see him anymore, I only saw him when I finished the job, because I needed to clean the office, which I left for last.
- All right, it's all clear.
Amadeu: Thank you Jessy, I will do a great review with your agency.
I thanked him, left the residence and called the agency who sent me to another house, this time the owner was a woman.
During the day, I cleaned three houses in total and managed to earn 84.00 dollars, for 7 hours worked, in addition to the 200.00 that Amadeu had given me.
I went back to the agency to collect my payment for the day and Kelly said that I got great reviews and that I could come back the next day, which made me very happy.
When I arrived at Pietro's apartment, I smelled food right at the entrance, I was exhausted and hungry.
As soon as I entered the kitchen, I found Pietro again in his underwear.
- The impression I have is that you stay like that indoors, just to tease me.
Pietro: It's not like that, I just like to feel comfortable at home.
- I like it too, and I hope you don't mind seeing me at ease too.
I turned my back on him and went straight to the bathroom, and once again I masturbated thinking about his cock entering me.
After taking a shower, I went to the bedroom with just a towel, grabbed some panties, and put on another of his blouses and went to the kitchen for dinner.
When he saw me in just my panties and shirt, he just stopped breathing.
I passed by him, grabbed a plate, served myself and sat down at the table to eat.
I glared at him as I put a spoonful of food in my mouth, and he bit his lip as he tried not to laugh.
He knew I wasn't going to make his life any easier and he was glad to hear that.