School is a few weeks away. I haven't spoken with Zander or Brittany in a week. Instead, I've been helping my dad paint the house, rebuild his 1976 Corvette, and any other job my dad can come up with.
"Are you okay, Ash?" Dad asks.
"I guess so, " I say.
"Well, it's summer, and as much as I enjoy spending time with you, you seem to be running away from something. Are you okay?" Dad asks.
"No, not really, " I confess.
Crap, I didn't mean for that to slip out.
"Are you and Brittany fighting?" Dad asks.
"No, not exactly, " I admit.
"Are you and Zander okay? Did that boy do something to you?" Dad glares.
"No, nothing. It's Zander we're talking about. As if...." I lie.
"Well, that'd better be the case. You know how I feel about him, " Dad says.
"Zander has a girlfriend anyway, " I say.
"Oh, really? That boy is capable of being in a relationship?" Dad asks.
"Not, really, dad. They make out a lot, " I reply.
I think I've told my dad quite enough.
"Well, dad, I think I'm gonna call, Brittany. Are we done here?" I ask.
"Sure, we are, honey. And don't forget you can tell me anything. I love you, Ash," dad says.
"Love you too, dad," I say.
I text Brittany.
Me: Brit, are you there?
Brittany: Yes, where the hell have you been?
Me: Helping my dad around the house.
Brittany: Are you grounded or something?
Me: Pretty much.
Brittany: Can we hang yet? School's going to start soon.
Me: I know. Let's go to the pool later today.
Brittany: Sure, see you there.
I get my bikini on and walk to the neighborhood pool. Brittany greets me and hands me a water bottle. I look in the pool and see Zander making out with Leslie. It makes me uncomfortable.
Zander sees me and gets out of the pool. Leslie Thompson follows after. Leslie Thompson is a sweet girl. There's nothing bitchy about her, then why do I suddenly hate her?
"Hi, Ash. You know Leslie, right?" Zander asks.
How can he ask me that? God, and the things I said to him the night of the party. Barf!! Fucking hell.
"Yes, I know her. I'm sorry I pushed you in the pool the other night. I thought there was a bee on you," I lie.
"Oh, is that what all that shoving was about? Well, I'm terribly allergic to them. Thank you," she replies with her perfect white teeth.
Leslie Thompson is an angel. Her wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and soft complexion make me feel like hiding. Zander didn't really mean to call me beautiful; that was a mistake. There's no way I'm beautiful compared to Leslie.
"How have you been, Ash?" Zander asks.
Like screaming at your face, you idiot.
"I'm great. I've been helping my dad rebuild his 1976 Corvette, " I say.
"Wow, your dad has one of those?" Zander says, amazed.
"Yeah, he does. We are rebuilding the engine. My hands have tons of blisters. It's a fun summer project," I say.
"Ewww, you like to be a grease monkey? So that's what boys are for? Wow, Ash, you really are a boy, aren't you?" Leslie says.
If Leslie wasn't a bitch before, she is now.
"So, I like working on cars. Who cares?" I say.
"Umm, women everywhere do. That's not cool, Ash. Get with the program," Leslie says.
"Excuse me?" I say.
"Honey, you're an upperclassman now. Start acting like it. It's time to drop the tomboy act and start becoming a real woman. No man is going to want to date you. No wonder you're a virgin. Everyone knows you're a stupid pathetic virgin," Leslie laughs.
I clench my fist. I think about punching Leslie in the face. I think hard about it. I tackle Leslie Thompson into the pool. Leslie finds me in the water. She grabs my ankle and drags me down to the bottom of the pool. She sits on me below the water. I breathe in water. A lifeguard jumps in and gets Leslie off me. Zander jumps in and drags my body to the side of the pool. I cough all the water out, and then I vomit. The lifeguard gets me water.
"Excuse me, miss," the lifeguard says.
"Who me?" Leslie says.
"Yes, you. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," the lifeguard says.
"Why?" Leslie asks.
"The Springhill Heights Community pool doesn't tolerate horseplay in the water. And you were clearly trying to drown someone. I could report you. But instead, I'm giving you a warning that you are banished from the Springhill Heights Community Pool," the lifeguard says.
"Well fuck all of you. This pool sucks anyway. Are you coming, Zander?" Leslie says.
"In a minute," Zander shouts.
"Go be with Leslie. I'm fine, " I whisper to Zander.
"Ash, can we talk sometime?" Zander whispers back.
"Not in your life. Go be with Leslie, and leave me alone," I say.
"Bye, Ash," Zander says.
Zander leaves the pool, and I could care less. Go be with your perfect wicked bitch of the west.
"Ash, are you okay?" Brittany asks.
"I was just half-drowned. So no, I'm not okay," I reply.
"Well, I'm sorry about Leslie. Zander and Leslie are wrong together. I can't believe Zander has a girlfriend. I mean, you literally kept all the girls off him the night of the party. I don't get it," Brittany says.
"It's a weird mystery, " I say.
"Want to come over for a sleepover?" Brittany asks.
"Sure," I reply.
"Kyle will be there, hanging with Zander," Brittany says.
"That's fine. I don't really care what Zander does," I reply.
"Well, see you soon, " Brittany squeaks.
"Okay, great, " I reply.
I know if it's a sleepover involving Kyle, that Brittany will sneak away to have sex. It's typical for our sleepovers. I don't mind. I sit there and watch movies on my phone. Only this time, I will have to avoid Zander. And avoiding Zander Hogan is not like me.