Here’s what you need to know about Goddesses, the real kind and the human kind. You’re not going to have anything they want. That’s it. They are born with a silver spoon in their mouth and a red carpet with rose petals rolls out in all the directions they move and they fart potpourri. Their core psychological structures are fundamentally different than males, and even most females. People, mostly rich men, just give them stuff for being beautiful, and more often than not, without them having to give something back. They have everything they want, physically; emotionally, they are often starved and lonely. Most beautiful women and rich men are equally, emotionally starved, but when beautiful women hook up with rich men, both are left hungrier than when they came together. This mean, you can have absolutely nothing in your pocket, even be outrageously ugly, and still fuck a Goddess. Most the time, all it takes is talking kindly to them. You don’t even have to hide the fact you want to fuck them. They know it. It’s been part of their exchange rate since they came of age. The whole point of the Princess and the Frog is to remind people a Goddess will kiss a frog if there is a chance of finding a prince. And since there are very few princes who are worth their salt, frogs are more companionable.
The one last thing about Goddesses you might want to know is, whether you are in hell, on Earth, or in Heaven: once you’re in, you’re IN. And sometimes, they invite their girlfriends in to play. More to the point, you get a Goddess turned on, there is no backing out. You’re playing through. And when she has four arms, and four eager hands, well, your clothes come off pretty fast and she man handles you into the position she wants.
Sinthra’s six backup singers lay on the floor, side by side, heads alternating, so that three heads were to the east, and three heads were to the west. They were close enough together that they touched, and their bellies became the bed that Naraja lay me on. I felt like I was in Alizee video, and I was just a doll to be played with. The bed of females was erotic in ways I hadn’t imagined. Three sets of knees came up on either side, cradling us with thighs. The backup singers brought their knees in close and pumped, as if they were riding bicycles. Their knees tapped Naraja’s back, their thigh moved against my side. Breasts moved against me on all sides. Six sets of hands, in addition to Naraja’s hands, played between us, grabbing me, grabbing her. The backup singers gave a left right motion to the ocean that was their bodies, and Naraja’s riding me gave us movement back and forth. I was inside her, her legs stretched out beside mine, and at first, her two upper hands pinned my wrist to the floor. My head almost touched the floor as we moved back and forth over the top of her backup singers. The only thing that had kept me from premature ejaculating, given the amount of movement and force was the simple fact, the Goddess had not given me permission, yet. She held me at the edge, desperate for that release, harder than I have ever imagined I could get and not be in pain, but the warmth and wetness of her silky insides eased that discomfort while keeping me hard. A Goddess vagina can squeeze, caress, and suck in ways that few humans can duplicate.
When she decided to unpin my hands, she brought the left one to the second backup singer’s vagina and put my hand in play there. She brought my right hand to the same backup singer’s mouth. I was basically fingering Naraja’s companion, and her vagina was sucking just as much as her mouth, and if it weren’t for the teeth on one end, I might not have been able to make the distinction of which side was which. Because as soon as Naraja put my hands in play, her upper hands came to my head, pinning it so she could force her lips on mine, her tongue going in my mouth. Her lower hands were pulling on my butt, as she held herself firm against me.
“Look me in the eye,” Naraja instructed. “Don’t look away, and don’t blink, as I am about to cum.”
Naraja resumed kissing me, staring me in the eyes, holding my head to her. Her tongue filled my mouth, making me fear I would suffocate. I have never experienced a larger tongue, both thick, and long, and went deep into me, triggering the gag reflex, but everything was blocked. Her legs suddenly wrapped around my own, as if they were snakes. One of her girls caressed my balls and pushed in on the perineum. One of her girls rubber her clit. Naraja orgasmed first, followed by each of the backup singers, and only after that, was I permitted. I was on the verge of passing out from lack of air. Naraja’s eyes spun and I moved through them until the merged into one, as if I was falling through a tunnel.
And suddenly, I was back on the playing field. I lay back, breathing, and feeling awesome. When I recovered, I sat up, just enough shielding to ward off magic missiles, but not enough to shut me into my own world. The man who wanted me to kill him was looking at me expectantly. A quick assessment revealed his right leg was broken. I tried healing, but what I was unable to access Loxy’s ability, and so, I reached for my mail bag and managed to pull out the items necessary to create a splint.
“What are you doing?” he demanded.
“If I am to get you out of here, I need to immobilize your leg,” I said.
“You’re rescuing me?” he asked.
“Going to try,” I said, preparing the items.
“That’s against the rules!” he said. “Leave me, get out of here while you can.”
“Are you with me that you and I will not be the first seven?” I demanded.
He nodded.
“Then that part of the game is lost, might as well go for the second option, get out of here alive,” I said. “And I will not run this maze like a fucking scared rat, eating my neighbors. I am going to help you, and you’re going to cooperate, or I will kick your ass all the way home.”
He swallowed. Apparently he believed me.
“Now, what’s your name?” I asked.
“Alodar,” he said.
“Really?!” I asked. “That’s your given name, or you wanted to be funny?”
“You don’t like it?” he asked.
I looked him in the eye. “Alodar? This is going to hurt.” And I straightened his leg.
He cried like a man who had his leg broken. I didn’t expect any less. I got him on his feet and headed us towards the fountain. My shield began to glow we were taking so many hits, but I was trying not to fortify it, because every time I did, I went somewhere. Something exploded, dislodging the ground beneath us and sent us tumbling, I fortified the shield, and we rolled forwards, and into the fountain, and were suddenly free falling, like pinball in a chute.