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Rio Baby!

Later That Morning

Monica was already dressed and waiting for Joel. She looked so sophisticated in that pencil skirt with a white shirt holding a blazer in her hand.

The same procedure. He dropped her before the workplace and she had to walk to the place.

“Monica!! Man you had the boss worried yesterday… where were you?” Cale approached her.

“Boss was worried about me?” She asked confused and he laughed.

“He literally called his men to find you. How are you?” She touched her chest and smiled. “I'm okay thanks.” Cale noticed the diamond ring and he smirked.

“You're married?” he tried to touch her hand but she backed up. “Yes. Let me get to work okay?!” she saw Joel going into the elevator. She took the stairs.

While walking she saw Briana.

“Hey girl!!! I'm Brie. I have to warn you. Mr Dallin is a womanizer.” Monica yawned. “Be careful. He doesn't fuck anyone on his table. He just fuck you on the coach. I'm the only girl he fucked on the table.”

“Oh…” Monica was a little bit jealous. “I won't let him touch me.”

“Good. I knew you're a nic…” Briana stopped talking when The elevator door opened.

“What are you doing here Briana?!” Briana begun to stutter.

“She was helping me… I fell from the stairs.” Joel stole Monica with his look.

“Briana I think I asked you a question.” Joel stole Monica with his eyes. “I'll get back to work boss.” She walked to the elevator.

Monica gave Joel an annoyed look.

“Womanizer.” Monica mocked him. He walked towards her.

“I thought you're a betrayer of your kind. You don't like gossip.” They were a few inches from kissing.

“Whatever.” She pushed him and walked away. Joel smirked as she was jealous.

She walked to her office and sat down. To be honest Mariah had eveything sort out. She had nothing to do. She just helped summarize the presentations and correct some typos and didn't even go for lunch.

But something really made her Day. A text message from her mother in her new phone:

Veronica’s Sea Food. Meet me in 30. Hurry up. I don't have all day.

But the problem was… how will she tell her Husband? She disappeared yesterday now she wants to leave how will he trust her? How will she leave?

She grabbed her bag. Checked the coast and ran to the elevator.

She made her way to the first floor.

“Leaving again?” Monica laughed. “Yeah. I'll be back this time I promise.” She ran out.

MAMA'S Sea Food.

“Come on… you literally look like a sophisticated woman.” Monica laughed.

“Obviously you can't blame me. I mean… I'm in love haha.” Well Monica was right. She only spent two days with Joel but yet she found herself diving right into him.

“Man We had a lot to catch up. I wanna meet this Joel Dallin. I mean he even bought you a diamond ring.”

“I wanted to surprise you. But either way that's what happened when you date a rich man.”

“Don't forget my engagement party. Joel should come.”

“Mom. I won't. Besides it's not like I will, you've been telling me every day. Joel… is busy right now.” She looked away.

“Your eyes sparkle everytime you talk about him." Monica laughed and a waiter walked to them.

“A call for Mrs Dallin.” Monica grabbed the phone from the tray.

“Hello?” She answered the phone.

“Having Gooseberry Milk Mrs Dallin?” She rolled her eyes.

“What do you want? I'll be back… soon. I promise.”

“Nothing. Just gave my wife a call. I miss you.” Monica blushed. “Are you blushing Mrs Dallin? I mean that's a first. But either way… you didn't tell me that you'll be leaving.”

“… no I'm not blushing and please… leave me alone. I'll be back soon. I promise.” She hanged up and gave the waiter the phone.

“Thank you. Oh here is a tip.” The waiter shook his head.

“No thank you ma'am. It was already paid.” The waiter smiled when She insisted to put the money on the tray and walked away.

“Oh… who was that? Never mind. Oh my gosh…If you turn right now… I think you're going to cheat on Joel with this guy.” Monica laughed.

“Mom… you're crazy. I'll get the bill paid. They're looking for me at work.” Monica stood up shaking her head. She smelled one cologne that floated into the room. She turned to see Joel pointing at her talking to the waiter.

“Finally! I get to meet my sweet mother in law. I've heard a lot about you.” Joel had a bouquet of red roses and placed them on her mom's table. “Mrs Culberson.” He kissed her hand. Monica stood there pissed with her arms folded.

“Oh…” Her mom was surprised while blushing like a teenager.

“Oh look. There's my only princess.” He kissed Monica's forehead. And hugged her so tightly.

“Okay okay with the lovey dovie. Who is he?” Monica sighed. “Mom Meet Joel. Joel My mother Miss Culberson not Mrs Culberson.”

“Oh… oh… you didn't mention he'll be joining us.” Monica laughed as she took a sit next to him.

“Joel is full of surprises mom. I'm going to settle the bills. Okay? Mom be kind. Joel, please.” Monica begged him as she walked away. He knew why she said please that he examined her body while she walked to the pay the bill.

“I'm still surprised you still won her heart after she lost trust in men… after uhm I'm pretty sure she told you.”

“Sorry?” Joel wasn’t paying attention but the words really flew into his mind.

“Monica? She feels nothing at all. So she prefer to be hurt so that she can be low than to feel nothing at all.” He looked at her. “In other words the only feeling she knows is Hurt. Didn't she tell you about… you know…”

“…Yeah she did.” Because he wanted to know more.

“Does she still have the nightmares? But they actually occurs when she sees him or maybe when someone sneaks up on her but either way I know my daughter is strong. She's going to be a doctor soon. I'm pretty sure we'll see you at the graduation?”

“Yes. Yes of course. But… what causes the nightmares though?”

“I thought she told you.”

“Oh Yeah. Yes. She did. Slipped my mind. Work and everything.”

“Do you guys plan on making babies?” Joel coughed and Her mom just gave him a funny look.

“I'm done.” Monica walked back to them.

“Great! Was giving Joel some advice.” She looked at her with an assuring look. “I'll get you red roses too.” Joel smirked.

“Not all roses are red. Get her, her favourite flower. So pumpkin… you are almost a doctor now. I'm pretty sure she's the one who took care of that bandage…” Joel looked at Monica blushing.

“Yeah. Trust me I know.” Monica didn't seem happy about it.

“Well… since you mentioned work. I'll leave you too for it and I'll see you at the graduation ceremony soon. I'm not sure about your father we never talked.”

“…That's good mom. Remember When love is Unkind, it's no longer love. It was a wise decision.” Her phone ringed and she was excused.

“Like mother like daughter haha… Love was always unkind towards the both of us and that's when she thought she's not worthy of love n affection.” Joel was lost but he just smiled and nodded.

“My Engagement party. Hope to see you Joel.” Monica never told him about her and everything. What did he expect?

“Nooo… I mean, Mom Joel is a busy man. He's too busy.” Joel didn't have to answer to that but Miss Culbertson Was a little disappointed.

“Well… Cale was just looking for me.” Monica walked back.

“Well… we also have to go. Shall we Princess?” he gave her his hand but she looked away.

“Sure. I want to talk to Mom. I'll find you in a minute.” She looked at Mom as he smirked and walked out.

“Mommy. I'll explain everything all over again some other time. Please forgive me.”

“Don't be ridiculous. He's a masterpiece. Go to your man sweety!! I'm glad he convinced your mind to see your mother. Don't forget to tell your father about the graduation.” They hugged and shared that mother and daughter moment.

She walked out and to her surprise Joel was the one driving. He opened the door for her and she got in.

Their ride was quiet.

“So you decided to run to your mother?” She looked at him with a neutral look. And then looked at her phone.

“Monica?” he called her name two three times in a row. He got pissed and grabbed her phone, threw it out of the car. She wanted to react but she sighed. That's a new phone for goodness sake.

“I'm Talking to you! Damnit!!!” He punched the steering wheel but she looked away.

He stopped the car. “What are you doing?” She asked as it was at the middle of a road. Cars were busy honking. He had no intention of moving until she said something.

“Took you long enough to talk to me.” She looked at him. “Joel, What happened to don't talk unless you're asked to talk?”

“Oh I see now.” Joel continued driving. Monica looked away rolled her eyes.

Few minutes later he stopped the car and didn't have to ask. She got out of the car and walked to the building herself.

“Oh. For a moment I thought you were never coming back.” Monica giggled. “No… I was actually going to meet my mother.”

“Well. Can you give this to Boss. He got a trip to Rio or whatsoever. But I think he's busy at the moment.” She turned to see Joel laughing with Briana. Telling by her body language she knew Briana was flirting with him.

“I got this.” She snatched the letter from Cale's hands and walked towards them.

“Afternoon Mr Dallin. Hey Brie. Sir your wife asked me to give you this letter. It's actually a print out and she said thank you for that. I don't know what she meant by that. I didn't know you're married.” She mocked him. Joel smirked as he took the letter.

“Me too.” Briana added. “Maybe Boss doesn't want everyone to know. Especially the ladies.” She whispered to Briana and she gasped walking away.

“Thank you.” That's all she got from Joel. “For saving my ass away from her and giving me this letter.”

“Sure. Do you need anything?” Joel looked at her.

“Mrs Dallin. I'm okay. Thank you.” He walked away and she turned back and saw Briana had her gender around her. Gossiping.

“Guys for real! Monica!! Come tell them.” Monica slowly walked towards them.

“I'm sure his wife trapped him with pregnancy." Monica coughed. “Or maybe… she used a love potion on him.” Monica knew it was going to be a long gossip.

“Maybe. He found peace when he found her.” Monica tried to stay positive. “Wait… if it's Sarah then yes. He really loved her. I'm pretty sure he'd swim an ocean full of sharks for her. That man gave his all.” Monica looked down and smiled.

“Sometimes you'd find him day dreaming smiling. He looked at her as if we are faint stars and she's the brightest star under the sunlight. If I ever find a man… I want him to look at me the way boss looks at His Wife. He looked at her the way all other girls want to be looked. Me and you. Ladies… that man is… everything a woman could ask for.” The way one of the females described him Monica noticed she caused enough pain. She knew she has to do it right.

She then walked away and went to the elevator. She walked straight into his office and found him talking to two men. Joel then looked away with a pissed look. There was tension in the office.

“What can we do for you lady?” Monica examined the man's body language. She knew the guy was so full of himself. One glance and she made a conclusion that he's rude.

“I believe Mr Dallin should be the one asking all that.” Her sassiness was on another level. The man smiled with his eyebrows raised.

“Well… you have to be more specific if you're talking about ‘Mr Dallin' because we are all Mr Dallin's. I believe you're new here. Gray. Gray Dallin. Your Mr Dallin's older brother. And this old man next to me is… Our pops.” He reached out his arm towards her and she looked at him.

“Okay.” That's all she said making Joel and his father laugh. “Dad. Bro. Meet my… ahem uh… temporary personal assistant. Monica.” She really light up the mood in the room.

“Mr Dallins come on.. Haha pleasure to meet you all. But either way uhm… In case you didn't read the letter you have a trip to Rio or whatsoever.” Joel noticed she wanted to talk about something else.

“…Rio? Don't tell me you forgot.” Gray really yelled. “I'm right next to you. Don't yell please.” Monica smiled I mean at least she knew something about Joel.

“You seem like a lovely lady. Here take a seat.” Joel's father was kind. She looked around and noticed there's no extra chair. “Joel. Stand up.” Monica cleared her throat. “I prefer standing.” Joel stood up.

“I never asked for your preference. I said take a seat.” And she made a conclusion that all Dallins are rude.

“You don't have to act rude about it. Like I said I prefer standing.” Their father looked at her and smiled.

“Tomorrow you'll be at the Hall. Not Rio or anywhere else.” Joel sighed. “I need the contract dad.”

“You can send your personal assistant.” Monica didn't pay attention. Joel looked at her as she played with her heels.

“Right Monica?” Gray mocked her but she gave them a neutral look. “Yes. I mean… what? Sorry I wasn't paying attention.” Joel looked at her with a pissed look.

“Monica… you are going to Rio tomorrow to get a contract." Joel touched between his eyes. “Dad… She's new.”

“You hired her in the first place. You'll go to Rio tomorrow Everything will be settled for you.” Monica touched her forehead using her left hand and they noticed the diamond ring.

“You're married?” Gray asked and Monica looked at her ring. “Yes.” Gray wanted to ask more details but Their father was planning tomorrow's trip.

Monica stood there thinking how will Arteries and Lungs help her win a contract?

Joel noticed she's been standing there for 90 minutes and the heels are already killing her.

“Honestly you can go home. I think you should prepare for tomorrow.” Their father said Monica smiled.

“Yeah. I mean… yes.” She turned to the door.

“Remember Monica… don't be late.” There was much more warning in his voice. She knew he was telling her not to run away but she nodded.

“Yes boss. Mr Dallin. Gray.” Like that she walked out. When she got into her office. Turns out someone deleted all the work for today. Or maybe she didn't save it?

So she had to start afresh. Again. Because she was taught to stay humble she sat down and started to type the documents all over again.

She didn't look at the time how will she when he destroyed her phone? When she looked at the clock on the wall. It was 6pm. An hour passed after knock off time.

When she walked she saw Joel's office was on. Obviously he was her ride home but she didn't expect him to be here. So she walked to his office and noticed a bottle of whiskey that's half empty… or half full or whatever you call on his table. He had his eyes closed while facing upwards from his seat. So instead she walked inside.

She took the bottle cap when she was about to close the whiskey he pulled her arm

“What are you doing?!” she panicked because to him it seemed like she was trying to poison him. “Are you trying to kill me?” She was confused.

“What are you saying? I was trying to help.” When she opened her hand he noticed the bottle cap. He's not used to apologising so he let her hand go.

“What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in your apartment right now. Planning an escape.”

“I made a pact. To restore your soul. I can't just run from my challenges.” Her confidence was on another level.

“Seriously. I thought you've given up. My mom used to say never make mistakes of wasting your feelings on someone who doesn't value them.” His words were like a blade. But she kept smiling.

“What hurts me the most is the feeling that I'll never be good enough for you…” he looked at her confused.

“What are you saying Mrs Dallin?” she looked at him. “I'll always break the rules and if that's what restores that broken soul.”

“There are a lot of rules you can broke Mrs Dallin. But not this one.” He stood up and walked towards her. She stepped back.

“What are you doing?” she had no other choice but to ask when she noticed there's a wall behind her.

He stepped forward and brought his mouth down on hers. The sexual connection was instant and he met her gasp of shock with the demands of his mouth. His body pressed her back against the wall and he felt her lips part under pressure of his. She pushed him.

“No.” he didn't hear her at first.

“No we can't. We have to stop.”

Joel took a moment to comply with her request but he eventually stopped. Why would she want to stop? Love was in the air or just lust?

“Give me good reason why you reject my c…” Brie was shocked to see the situation they were in.

“…Ahem.” she cleared his throat but Joel's eyes were locked in Monica's. It was like he waited so long to taste her lips.

He was brought back to reality when Monica shifted her Bloodshot grey eyes to Briana and back to Joel.

“What is going on here?” Joel turned to Briana and sighed. “You ask me to wait up for you don't tell me she'll be joining us.” Monica gave Joel a death stare look.

“Monica…” She was heading to the door and walked out. Joel was trying to stop her. But she was already done for.

“Seriously Briana. Why do you always have to ruin things? I told you… we have nothing to talk about.”

“Seriously? You have a wife now you want to do it with your personal assistant?”

“Joel you and I both know the truth. You want me.” She started to unbutton her shirt.

“Close the door when you are done.” Joel grabbed his car keys and phone just like he left her in the office. What did she expect? That same personal assistant is his wife. But by the time he was outside Monica was nowhere to be found.

Well he can always track her but he threw her new phone out of the car. So instead he didn't care and just walked to his car.

At her apartment.

She packed her bag and opened his emails using her old phone and made a brief description of what the contract is about.

“Go to Rio and run away. Disappear forever.” She made a goal. So she tried her best to read but eventually fell asleep.

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