A rousing spanking sets things straight between this couple in "After The Coffee", then in "John’s Very Last Hurdle", he...
I don’t take too well to labels. Sure, it’s perfectly fine to find yogurt in the aisle marked “Dairy,” but setting labels to people or absolutely defining the things they might do via preconceived notions, assumptions, or a well-worn trope doesn’t allow for the complexity of who we are and what we might want. I’m even more suspect when it comes to sexual labeling, kink definitions, when one person instantly assumes something just by what one person says, or does, or wears.
I find the word “Femdom” tricky like this.
First of all, is the fem in question a biologically born lady, a binary female or a man playing the role of woman? Is she older than thirty, younger, or a widowed granny getting in her last round of kicks? And what constitutes Dom? Is it the obligatory ‘kitten with a whip’ made popular by mid-50’s fantasy depictions captured by guys like Irving Klaw or a leather-jump-suited Emma Peel (ok, I know I’m showing my age) or maybe even the lady who taught Mr. Gray all his moves? The field is wide open I feel for an objective definition of both terms.
In the ten short stories that follow, I have attempted to take on the idea of Femdom from a bunch of different angles. I present a varied type of lady (all my ladies here are biological ladies), as much as a multitude of ways they are prompted to, encourage, get turned-on by, use their wits, hand, and yes even some instruments (although, as my title says, you won’t find any whips here) to dominate. And not just dominate men as you will see from one story here. In some instances, the ‘sub’ prompts and requests, the domination, while in others, the lady comes to realize what she has stumbled into or suddenly desires. And the ‘domination’ runs the gambit from the physical to the mental, from teasing action to the more hardcore.
I am just trying to defy labels.
As I always do with anything I write and publish, I hope the reader (you, in this case) is entertained by scribblings. If you come away from any of these little salvos-across-the-bow of Femdom thinking that time has been well spent, then that’s really all I can ask.
Thanks for reading me,
Ralph Greco, Jr. from the wilds of suburban N.J. 2020