The hand surrounding Danny’s was huge. With next to no effort, it could crush his bones, but the thought didn’t stick with him like it usually would. Rhodey was a familiar presence, safer than the crowd in front of him, almost like a big, solid place to hide.
Inhaling deep, Danny stared up at Rhodey, turning a bit to press against his chest, all rock hard and warm under the soft cotton of his black T-shirt. The scent of whiskey and cigars was comforting, making Danny think of Jared and how the man would put an arm around him, encouraging him in his deep, soothing voice. There was a darkness in both men, but it didn’t scare him.
That darkness was there to protect the people they cared about.
And he was lucky enough to be one of them.
“Sir…” Danny swallowed hard, shivering as he tried to get a hold on his nerves as he tipped his head back to look up at the much bigger man. He kept his voice low so even the closest mic wouldn’t catch a word. “I need your help.”
Steel gray eyes searched his as Rhodey lowered a little, putting an arm around Danny’s shoulders as though to shield him from the people beyond the gates. “I’m not exactly the PR type, Stuart Little. Nothing I do is going to make a good story.”
Danny wrinkled his nose. “Depends on your definition of ‘good’.” He wet his bottom lip with his tongue. “I wouldn’t ask this, but…”
For a few beats, Rhodey waited, arching a brow when Danny exhaled and shook his head. He chuckled, curving his hand under Danny’s jaw. “But I am going to make you ask.”
Groaning, Danny pressed his eyes shut. The man was mean. He knew exactly what the request would be. If he took control, this would be so much easier. The solution was obvious and they both knew it, but Danny would be the one facing all the consequences. Which meant he had to make it very clear this was what he wanted.
Here goes nothing.
“Please, sir?” Danny brought his hands to Rhodey’s shoulders, holding his breath, then blowing it out when the Dom simply waited him out. Apparently, there was no way around saying the words. “Will you...kiss me?”
“You are too fucking adorable.” Rhodey let out a soft laugh against Danny’s lips as he lowered a bit more. “This will put a target on your back, but I suppose the one already there can’t get much bigger.”
Not the most reassuring thing the man could’ve said. Danny’s breath caught as Rhodey’s lips covered his, his grip on those wide shoulders tightening as the last illusion of control was swept away with the heat and pressure. Being kissed by this man was like doing some of the more dangerous stunts in past music videos, taking that step off towering props and praying the hidden harness and cord would hold.
And still being left stunned when they lowered him safely to solid ground.
Eyes closed, Danny gasped as Rhodey’s lips left his. Goosebumps covered every inch of his skin and his legs didn’t seem to want to hold him anymore.
Rhodey must’ve sensed that, because he kept a firm hold on Danny as he whispered in his ear. “Pull yourself together, my boy. You’ll have to give them more than that to get rid of them.”
Inhaling roughly, Danny nodded, straightening and drawing away from Rhodey to approach the gate. He managed a sheepish smile he hoped was convincing as he sought out the most familiar face, a journalist from one of the less sleazy tabloids, Celebz Insider. Jessie Maynard liked digging deep, but she got more exclusives because she always cleared her stories with the subject before sending to print.
Jessie flashed him a knowing grin before holding out her mic, brushing her wavy brown hair away from her mouth as the breeze picked up. “I’d ask how you’re doing this morning, Danny, but from what I just saw, you’re eager to get back inside with your man.”
“He’s not… It’s complicated.” Danny barely managed to hold back a wince at his own fumbling of the distraction he’d orchestrated. He cleared his throat, resisting the urge to pull his hood back up when the wind pushed it off his head. “For the privacy of the members here, I’d rather not get into details. When I saw you all here, I thought me and Jamie were being nominated for an award or something. Or you’d somehow found out about our latest projects.”
Excitement brightened Jessie’s hazel eyes. “No, but that sounds like a much better story than using an eight-year-old in a gossip piece.” Her lips thinned when a few of the men behind her started up with questions about Reed again. She turned to hiss for them to shut up, then brought her attention back to Danny. “Since it’s been brought up, though, could you put the rumors to rest? Has Reed heard from his father about his sister?”
“No.” Danny relaxed a bit at the way Jessie’s expression sharpened, like she’d expected as much. Knowing her, she’d bury Reed’s father for trying to use her as a weapon against his son. Lifting his chin, Danny raised his voice enough so none of the reporters would miss his reply. “It was very hurtful for Reed to learn about his sister’s condition the way he did. Of course he’ll help her if he’s a good match as a liver donor, which his father would know if he hadn’t wasted time stirring up drama. a way, I guess we can thank you for letting us know she needed him. His friends and family will make sure both she and he has all the support they’ll need.”
“That’s wonderful to hear.” Jessie’s tone warmed with approval and she gave him a slight nod as though to let him know that she had enough to put the story to bed. She glanced at Rhodey, lowering her voice a little. “Both you and Jamie seem to have a thing with older men and...alternative lifestyles. Any chance we’ll get to hear a bit more about that?”