An online story that involves wrong messages, hugot, facebook chats with a whole lot of cute moments between a romance w...
Day 1: Drunk
1:09 AM
I said I don’t wnt 2 anymre, but why? Afte i unfrndd u hir i am ahain adding u. Im stupid. Ahajajahaj
Lex, dnt u wnt me anumore?
Of course. U obviously dnt wnt me anymore. Thts y u looks dor somthing new.
That's why we left you me
Is there anyone who wants to leave? You left but you love?
That stupidity.
But Lex, I still love you.
Its hard, eh.
I forced to accept. That is, it took three months. But I can no longer pretnd.
I'm just fooling myself.
They say i cn live without you. I managed twenty two years without you. Who said I can't live without you? Yes, I do. but its not thw ssme, Lex.
1:45 AM
Im jokinf.
I dony love yoi anymire.
You've been punk'd!
2:30 AM
Lex ...
Let’s be together again.
Please choose me once again.
Seen, 8:18 AM
Alexis Ran Crowell accepted your friend request
8:20 AM
Alexis Ran: Who the fuck are you?!