In Silverville, town of Wisteria Kingdom, where dragon hunters are more common than the prey, 18-year-old Netra works as...
Chapter 1: (Prologue) The Caged Dragon
The horse cart rattled through the cobbled streets towards the town square. It tugged a gigantic metal cage on a long and sturdy wooden trolley. The horses grunted irritably under its weight, with the driver’s whip cracking on their backs at regular intervals.
Too large to be caged, the massive, winged, four-legged creature trapped inside had curled into a feline position. Smoke rose from its dilated nostrils. Feeble groans escaped its long mouth. Although its discomfort was obvious, no one cared for the poor dragon’s plight.
Silverville had last sighted a dragon some twenty years ago. Despite its waning reputation, dragon hunters were a common sight on its streets. They came in drones from far and wide, hoping to trap at least one fire-breathing beast. But no one had even met a dragon until now. So, when the townsfolk heard about the latest capture, even in the dead of night, they rushed to see the famed magical creature again after such a long time. The young pointed at it and giggled in glee. The old beamed in awe and debated its similarity to the dragons of the past.
“Look! It’s huge! It’s a monster!” the children shrieked and laughed.
“Where did you find it?” the elders inquired.
“Is it really a dragon?” the women asked.
“Of course it is! Did you think it’s a lizard?” the men teased. “Can’t you see its teeth, and horns, and wings and scales?”
“He was hiding in the forest all this time,” a hunter said. “We lost two of our brothers today trying to capture him. We shall remember their sacrifice forever.”
The caged dragon was truly a majestic creature. Its aqua-blue scales shimmered with an iridescent sheen in the moonlight, while its enormous body trembled with every smoking breath. Obsidian black horns rose from its brow. A set of yellow, deadly fangs and razor-sharp teeth became visible each time its lips parted, gasping in torment. Its front paws jealously guarded a pearly white egg the size of a small boulder. Despite its sorry condition, it mustered great strength and snorted flames upon the egg at regular intervals to keep it warm.
While everyone admired the creature’s size and beauty, no one bothered about the bloody gash under the dragon’s wing or the bruises on its face and arms. Except a single young girl, standing in the middle of the crowd, a few steps away from the cage. A frown of dismay eclipsed the girl’s beautiful amber-coloured eyes, set in a pretty heart-shaped face. Bitter tears streaked her pale cheeks. She covered her mouth with her small hands, full of tiny needle scars. Dressed sparsely in her night-clothes and a thin shawl, she had rushed out from her home on hearing the news of the dragon, not caring for the chilly night air. Her olive-coloured complexion shone through the thin white ankle-length gown. Even her bright red waist-length hair was a complete mess.
As she watched, the rowdy mirth of the jeering audience reached its peak. As though in contempt for their rejoicing, the dragon banged its tail against the cage with a deafening blast. People winced and covered their ears. A hunter poked a spear through the bars of the cage into the poor creature’s soft belly. It roared in anguish and cringed against the enclosure. Seeing it cowering and shaking, the crowd guffawed and the cruel hunters smirked in satisfaction.
Furious at the insult, the astute dragon turned its flaming red eyes and scanned the town folk. At once, its gaze landed upon the weeping young girl. The sight of her was strangely calming to the dragon. Its irises changed from fiery red to emerald green. Unable to watch its suffering any longer, the girl ran from the square. Before the hunters could discern their silent exchange, she was gone. The dragon turned its head away and rested it on the side of the egg, exhausted from the tumult.
Hiding behind a stone pillar next to the public water tank, some distance from the square, the girl wept bitterly into her shawl.
They caught her friend.
She had prayed so hard they wouldn’t find the secret hideout. She had been certain the place stood well hidden.
Then how?
“Netra!” a disconcertingly familiar male voice whispered close to her.
The girl flinched and turned in haste, stumbling over the loose stones on the ground. A sturdy hand caught her waist just as she was about to fall. Netra looked up in surprise and gasped. A pair of sharp black eyes stared back at her from the perfect face. A square jawline, chiselled features, long curvy eyelashes, a snow-white complexion, and curly black hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. Dressed in the best quality blue overcoat, white shirt, black trousers and leather boots, the handsome young man looked like a fairytale prince.
Being a head taller than Netra, he leaned towards her until their faces were only inches apart. Blushing at their proximity, she tried to extricate herself from his grasp. His hold tightened and pulled her closer.
“Kai,” Netra entreated, “please let me go!”
“Are you crying?” Kai asked.
“None of your business!”
“Why did you run from the square?”
“Are you following me?”
“What if I am?”
“I said let me go!” She slammed both her palms into his chest and pushed him away.
Peeved at her vehement reaction, he leaned against the pillar and crossed his arms, ogling her from head to toe. His shameless scrutiny unnerved her.
“I’m going home,” she announced and turned away from him.
“Are you out seducing men now?” His voice was thick with contempt.
“What?” she turned back, horrified and hurt at the insinuation. “How dare you?”
“Dare I, indeed!” He unlocked his arms, stepped away from the pillar, and approached her slowly. His threatening stance made her recoil backwards. “Isn’t that what you usually do? Isn’t that how you seduced me? Just look at you now! Dressed like a whore! And where are your shoes? Showing off your pretty feet?”
Netra burst into tears again. Overwhelmed at seeing her dear friend caged, Kai’s harsh words worked like fuel to the fire. Watching her cry, his handsome face remained expressionless. Roughly wiping her cheeks with her shawl, she glowered back at him. “If you have nothing more to say, I’m leaving,” she declared.
“I saw you staring at that dragon,” Kai said, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes at her. “Have you seen it before?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Is that so? Then why are you crying?”
“Why do you care?”
He grabbed her arm and pulled her close again.
“What are you doing?” She struggled to free her hand.
He leaned closer than before. She could feel his breath on her skin and smell his musky scent. It stimulated dormant memories that she wished to forget. “Netra Tylor,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re hiding something.”
“It’s hurts!” She whimpered as his fingers dug into her wrist.
“They’re going to kill it, you know,” he continued maliciously. “It’s only a male dragon. They don’t need it. If it was female, then perhaps they would spare it. The egg is most valuable, though. Some collectors up north offer large bags of gold for it. That’s what the hunters told me.”
“Leave me alone,” she cried in agony.
But he pressed on, delighted watching her torment. “A dead male dragon is more profitable than a live one, they say. The horns, teeth and claws could fetch a fair price. I was thinking of buying a horn for myself. Perhaps I can gift it to you—”
Suddenly, his lips reached for hers. She pulled her head back just in time.
“—for the right price,” he added, releasing her hand.
Netra backed away from him again, rubbing her sore wrist and glaring at him through her tears. “Mr Kailasa Winter,” she said. “Does your sister know you’re here?”
His smirk vanished. Resentment flashed in his black eyes.
“Sir, you can despise me as much as you like,” Netra continued, unperturbed. “But I work for your sister. Not you. And I’m not a whore! Please stop following me.”
“Be careful, Netra,” he warned through gritted teeth. “My sister can’t protect you forever. Some day you’ll regret everything.”
Without another word, Netra turned and ran towards her home at the other end of the town, tears still streaming down her cheeks.