Today Natsumi and I are going to take a job. "Natsu, what job should we take?" Natsumi asked looking at the request board. "Hmm, I don't know." I said while looking as well.
Happy and Spotty came to help us look. After a good 20 minutes of searching, Happy and Spotty finally found one. "Can I look?" asked Natsumi. "Sure."
"Hmm. Capture a group of robbers an return the stolen necklace. Reward: 500,000 jewels. Wow, this isn't bad. Let's take it!" "Yeah, I wanna see you fight Natsumi!"
Natsumi and I walked towards Mira. "Mira, we're taking this job." "Ok guys good luck!" We both ran out the door.
After Natsu and I ran out the door, we had to go to the train station because the town is an hour away. We got our tickets and got on the train.
Natsu and I took our seats. Once the train started to move Natsu stated to get motion sickness. His head was hanging out the window. "Happy. Spotty what do we do."
"Let Natsu be himself right now, want some fish?" asked Happy. "No thank you." I replied with a smile. "Ok more for me and Spotty." I giggled.
"Natsu are you ok?" I asked while rubbing his back. "Uh. N-no!" He threw up out the window. He laid on the seat. I sat next to him. "Lay your head on my lap Natsu."
He nodded and did what he was told. I put my hand threw his pink hair and began to massage his head. Its going to be a long train ride.
After an hour of comforting Natsu, we finally made it to the town. We met the people that assigned the job on the request board.
"Yes, they have been robbing and stealing our things. You can find them in the forest." "Thank you sir."
Natsu and I left to the forest. "Happy. Spotty. Why don't you guys fly up and try to look for the robbers up there?" I pointed to the sky. "Aye, sir." The said in unison.
"Natsu, let's start looking." "Yeah." he said with a joyful smile. We liked for probably 30 minutes when we spotted them. Natsu told Happy and Spotty to come down.
"Ok do you have a plan?" I looked around for my brother. "Natsu? Natsu?" "Roar of the Fire Dragon!" I saw Natsu fighting the robbers.
"Hey! Let me get in this fight! Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" I took out a whole group of robbers. "Natsumi, let's finish the last one, together." Natsu let out his hand. "Hell yeah!"
I took his hand. "Roar of the Fire Dragon!" We combined our fire and it turned into a huge tornado of fire. It looked so amazing.
Natsu and I walked towards the main guy of the group. "We'll be taking that." Natsumi grabbed the necklace. "We did it." We fist-pumped each other.
After an awesome battle we went back to the town, returned the necklace, and collected our reward. We had to take the train again, but Natsumi was there to comfort me. What a great sister.
When we got back we are some lunch. "Well Natsumi how was your first job?" I asked my sister. "It was so cool. How we fought together and combined our powers, amazing!" She jumped in her seat.
"It was cool when we combined our magic together." I saw Gray coming my way. "Finally your back! Let's fight Natsu!" "Fight like a man!" yelled Elfman. "Lucy, Cana Wendy, take cover."
"Hey, popsicle boy!" "Let's go hot sauce!" "Everyone! Fight like a man!" I cracked my knuckles. "Natsu!" I saw Natsumi give me a thumbs up.
I love Fairy Tail, my friends, and my sister.
"Hey who threw the table at me!" "I did you blazing idiot!" "Roar of the Fire Dragon!!!" "Ice-make Lance!" Yep, we're an awesome guild.