The doctor was taken aback at her question, he gave her a confused look and since her expression didn't change, his suspicion was confirmed.
This was really one mysterious couple, maybe they are not part of this world, or have mental problems,else, why would a full grown woman be asking him such stupid question. Doesn't she have knowledge of atleast the basic biology?
How the hell, was he supposed to answer that 'oh madam, that strange young man that just left here, inserted his penis into your vagina and in the process his semen was released and you became pregnant' such dumb question from a dumb woman.
He almost said that out loud, but didn't want to offend the distressed looking woman infront of him, and so he tried to fake a smile.
Noticing his confused look Amanda understood that she hasn't asked the right question, so she stepped into the office and shut the door to give them some privacy.
" I mean how can I be pregnant when I haven't had sex with my husband?
Now the doctor looked confused, and sat on his chair, could this be another virgin Mary Case, definitely not.
looking at Amanda she didn't look like a virgin and was surely not naive, so what was she trying to claim?
He calmed himself and ushered her the seat, she was occupying a while ago.
How do you mean? He asked looking all the more confused but curious.
Amanda accepted his invitation and placed her hands on his table as if showing him she wasn't hiding anything.
I haven't allowed my husband touch me since I lost my baby.
At least she wasn't a virgin and this was no mysterious case but maybe spiritual. The doctor thought to himself. He was really interested in the case, he searched her face, as if he would know, if she was telling a lie.
"What baby are you talking about Mrs......He tried to get her name again.
Mrs Dave, but you can call me Amanda.
No Mrs Dave is fine. So what baby are you talking about? He asked the question again, and Amanda took a deep breath, before answering him.
I had my first child via a C-section and I lost him to jaundice.
That is what the doctors told me.
I was devastated and an emotional wreck, at the time, and I still am. plus I wasn't very happy that I had him with operation, I wanted to try for a Vbac of which my doctor said I must have to stay for at least two years or more, if I must try for a Vbac. So I ensured I didn't allow my husband touch me.
Why didn't you go for a family plan or even use a condom, why deny your husband of sexual pleasure, how would you feel if he gets frustrated and gets it from someone else? The doctor was getting even more interested in the case, as he relaxed his back, after asking her the question.
She sure knows about condoms and family plan, so why would she want to abstain, when she could still have it the other way.
Amanda had not really thought about it that way, for Dave to cheat on her was something she hadn't really tried to imagine, she was aware he loves to have sex, but he was very faithful to their marriage and would never cheat on her, if he would take 2years to wait he would.
She quickly dismissed the thought of Dave cheating and went further to answering the other question about the family plan.
I have always had my doubts about family plan, I really don't want anything to change my system and I don't want to get fat unnecessarily as I have seen it happen to some people, so it wasn't an option.
About using Condom, I learnt it could fail and knowing my husband he could be really rough sometimes, what if his force tears off the rubber? So I just decided to abstain".
She ended it there, not wanting to go further.
It was no lie, that Dave was a sex machine, and he could actually remove the condom himself, if he feels it is disturbing him.
"So you mean you didn't sleep with your husband all those times? The doctor asked, as if suspecting her, that she was sleeping with another man.
"I didn't". Was the simple answer she gave and she looked down as if feeling guilty about it. But the doctor, misunderstood her signs for something else, that he asked.
Did you sleep with someone else? He was hoping she would not feel embarrassed about the question, but the way she looked up scared him.
His question forced her to look up at him with eyes wide open, she blinked many times before trying to open her mouth to talk.
What was this doctor saying, was he accusing her of cheating on Dave? She thought to herself.
No! She exclaimed, ' I could never cheat on my husband, I have never even thought of it. Weren't you listening?
I was trying to abstain from having sex I didn't want story of any sort. I couldn't cheat on my husband he is very good in bed, if you think I got bored with him? Then you need to think again. He was very ready to give it to me at will. And he sure knows how to spice it up at every point in time.
Amanda was explaining herself so much that the doctor regretted asking her such question.
"I get it Mrs Dave I am just trying to unravel this mystery". He raised his hands to surrender.
"Well if you didn't sleep with your husband or anyone else? Then maybe your husband raped you".
No way! She exclaimed, thinking of the possibility.
Dave cannot do that, he is too decent to behave in such a manner".
Now the doctor was angry but was still trying to stay calm.
"You said it yourself Mrs Dave, your husband loves sex and you have done nothing but deny him for the past six or seven month and he doesn't seem like someone who would cheat on you, then he must have raped you to get himself satisfied, and you couldn't have known because he probably drugged you".
Amanda seem to be following, because she almost looked convinced, and the doctor on the other hand, started to feel like a detective. One could see he was really proud, of the proof, he was able to come up with.
Now the doctor was making sense, Dave really loves sex and he must have gotten tired of asking her for it, and decided to rape her instead, her face darkened, she was really angry, she thanked the doctor and without another word she left his office, opened the Uber app on her phone to get one and in less than five minute a black spot car was infront of her, she slowly got into the passengers seat, giving him her location and watched as he typed it in and the voice from the map could be heard they drove slowly towards her home.
She opened the door to her house which wasn't locked to show that someone was inside, she wasn't surprised to see Dave looking all worried. He must think she is a fool, she walked in, shut the door behind her, and asked the question she had in her mind, from the moment she got out of the doctors office.
Dave, did you rape me?