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With the trial run going along smoothly, I ended up with a new problem on my hands which I entook to Mr King the first thing Monday morning. Wearing a grey fit pencil skirt and a white long-sleeved blouse that was inside one of the moving boxes which I found out Mr Holt had ordered for me as a form of apology for the events of the night before.

« LUCIFER AGUSTUS KING ! » I shout, storming into his office, startling the junior editors who scramble to do their work. « What is the meaning of this ? How could you sign me up for something like this ? »

Holding his hands up in defence, he opens his mouth as if he’s going to explain but he makes a sudden dash for the door which I locked the second I came into his office. Laughing shakily as he eyes me, I dig into my handbag for the papers Mr Holt handed to me on Sunday night.

« It’s not funny, Mr King ! » I shout, my cheeks heating up as I slam the very real looking marriage licsence on his desk, the adrenaline coursing through my body making my words which under normal circumstances would be uttered and stuttered, spill out as smoothly as a hot knife going through butter.

« I don’t want to get married. Heck, I don’t even know the guy and you suggested that I could ‘help him out in this area’ ? I’m not an object that you can just toss into a deal, I have feelings and a brain. »

God…the memory of Mr Holt explaining to me about the marriage is still fresh in my mind…

« I have Lucifer and Ford’s signatures as witnesses to the so-called marriage, all that’s left is your’s, » He says passing me a paper with the words Marriage License written in bold black ink on the top of the page. « As Lucifer had mentioned to you before. »

What ?

‘I’m sorry, you have me at a loss here, » I mumble shocked as I stare at the paper apprehensively. « Mr King never mentioned anything about marriage much less anything about you before meeting you that day in his office. »

« You’re telling me, that that scoundrel didn’t tell you about this ? » He asks, looking at me sternly, his grey eyes sharp and brewing with anger. « Not one word was mentioned about this fake marriage ? An idea that he concocted ? »

Shaking my head vigorously, Mr Holt sighs heavily, « Long story short, your boss while intoxicated had told the Seattle Times that I am remarried and have moved on from my divorce. When he became sober, he fixed me with this fake marriage plan which means for public sake you and I just have to act as if we’re happily married to each other but other than that we needn’t be closer other than boss and employee. »

« Okay, okay, » he says quickly, wincing as I continue to glare at him. « I was drunk and after I found out what I had done, I just thought that you two would hit it off, you know…since he has a baby and you like babies. He likes working, you like working. It looked like a match made in heaven to me ! »

« MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN ? » I scream hysterically, raising my arms in the air. « TRY MATCH MADE IN HELL MR KING ! I can’t marry someone who I don’t even know and the best part is you never told me about the fake marriage part of the ‘nanny’ job and because of that, I looked like a total idiot last night when he gave me the Marriage License paper ! If you like him so much, why don’t you marry him for publicity sake ? Cause I’m…not…doing..it… »

Staggering backwards as a wave of dizziness suddenly flows through my body, a pain like someone has cracked my head open with a hammer and nail causes me to lose balance and lie flat on the carpeted floor of Mr King’s office. The last thing I remember is the darkness enveloping me in a warm hug as the office door breaks open.

Slipping into bare consciousness, I feel my body shaking as paramedics wheel me down a hallway and shout orders over my motionless body, nearby I hear someone, a familiar male voice yelling above the rest of the voices, but because of the dizziness in my head, I don’t recognise it.

« What the hell happened ?! »

Someone murmurs an unintelligible response which I don’t catch and the man’s response tells me that the response is something he didn’t want to hear.

« What do you mean you don’t know, King ? She was in your fucking office ! »

My body’s reaction is instant to these words as everything that has happened, all comes flooding back to me in a rush, like a gigantic wave consuming me, a warmness spreads through my numb body, and a painful prick in my lower back has me arching my chest towards the sky in pain, my eyes open wide but unseeing, and my head…if only I’m in the state of mind to say how bad my head feels.

« She’s having a fit »…it hurts…my head…everything… » Hold her head ! Watch her legs ! »

Groaning in pain, I try but fail to wrestle my way out of the hands that hold me down, gasping from my exertions. Slowly but surely, I feel like the pain has subsided a little but something is not right… my heart isn’t relaxing like the rest of me in fact, it’s pounding away like an animal in a cage. Restless.

« Mr Holt, we need you to step out for a bit, » another voice speaks out but this time it sounds echoey and far away. Mr Holt ? « We need to sedate Ms Summers. Please step out. »

« Fucking hell, » the same voice roars, angry. « King, I fucking swear if she is in any way harmed… »

Distracted by a sharp pain prick in my hand, I don’t get to hear the rest of the lowly spoken threat only managing to hear so much before everything around me ceases, the sounds quieten and I fall back into the dark welcomed abyss of my unconsciousness.

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