Chapitre 2
So pretty
Sibelle Hernandez, no matter how long you spend in there, you're going to have to come out one day, I won't go without you.
- Andréa, you know that I don't like going to these crowded places, I wouldn't feel comfortable.
- You've never been there how can you know if you don't like it.
- I know, that's all.
I hear the voice of our mutual friend: Rodrigo
- hey girls, why are you still in the bathroom, hurry up, otherwise we will miss the best seats.
- We're coming, just be patient, okay.
- dada!!! how do you find it Rodrigo?
- This mini skirt is magnificent and looks great on you.
- Thank you Rodrigo, that’s nice.
- So, can we go?
- Yes, we can go
we go down from the floor where our dormitory is located, take Rodrigo's car, the club is not very far away. We arrive quickly, it is 11:30 p.m., the box is full, we look for a good place to sit. Rodrigo leaves to get us a drink. the music is loud, too loud for me, but it is very danceable.
the atmosphere is good, after a few drinks, we decide to go dancing
- Come on, Sibelle, I know you like this song
- Let's go
We move around on the dance floor to the sound of Kenzy Girac's song: pasito.
I feel two hands on my hips and a man pressing against my behind.
It must be said that I have a huge posterior, which always attracts attention, but men do not interest me now I prefer to devote myself to studies. People tell me that I am very beautiful, but I think that beauty is subjective.
I come from a family of two children: my little sister and me. We are very religious in the family. my parents, from a young age, instilled moral values in us: having the fear of God, loving your neighbor, not wishing harm on someone even if they are your enemy. I grew up in this atmosphere of joy and devotion.
I have known Andréa since primary school, she is a year older than me, she is extroverted, very funny, always asks me to get out of my comfort zone.
we move around on the dance floor, I join our table to quench my thirst. Before going back to dancing, who would have thought it, I love dancing and I love the atmosphere.
- For someone who didn't want to come, you're having fun.
I'm a little tipsy, I sit in front of her smiling,
- I loved dancing, we should come more often.
- that wouldn't be a problem, we'll come back next Saturday. said Rodrigo who comes to join us accompanied by a muscular man.
He likes them with lots of muscles. Rodrigo is gay, his parents, rich men, disowned him because of his inclinations towards men, his father calls him a wimp. They follow the same circuit as us, that is to say accounting and management, in this university thanks to a scholarship.
We waddle out of the club, Rodrigo left us behind, he left with Mr. Muscles.
- What do we do now ?
- we're going to walk it's not that far from campus.
- But I don't want to walk.
- You have no choice, there are no more taxis at this time. Come.
We begin to walk, slowly, a stone's throw from the campus, a vehicle arrives at high speed and brakes suddenly in front of us, blocking the way. Three men come out, armed, pick us up and throw us into the vehicle.
I pee on myself, I'm very afraid, Andréa, tries to struggle but, they put rags soaked in a product on our noses.
And it's complete darkness.
I wake up chained in a cell.
What will happen to us, my parents won't soon find out that I'm missing, I call twice a week. And Rodrigo? will he realize that we have been kidnapped? Lord, by your grace help us.