Olivia glances at me expectantly, knowing I missed the first day. I hop up from my seat to go grab the papers—something I typically wouldn’t do if she wasn’t staring at me, because there’s a ninety percent chance I’ll lose them within the next couple of weeks, anyway.
I make a slight show of grabbing the papers and taking them back to my desk, pretending to thoroughly glance over them to appease Olivia.
« Class, » professor Hobb addresses us as soon as everyone is in their seat and class is officially scheduled to start. « It looks like we have a full class today, so why don’t we do introductions since we skipped out on those last time ? »
A low groan erupts from the class. I look over at Olivia to see her shoulders sagged and her lips slightly turned down into a scowl, not thrilled like the majority.
I lean over in my desk to whisper to her, « I’ll introduce you if you introduce me ? »
That causes a spark to twinkle in her eye, and one side of her mouth tugs up in a half smile. « Deal. »
« I didn’t know you were double jointed, » I exclaim to Olivia, referring to the fun fact she stated when we had to list one about ourselves during our introductions. She even demonstrated her skill by bending her thumb all the way back to her wrist.
« Well, we just met so we don’t really know anything about each other, » she states as we walk out of the building, our class over.
True, and I want to know more.
« Still, that’s sick, Liv, » I tease, feigning disgust and cringing at the thought of her twisting her fingers around in an unhuman like way, imagining the pain it would cause me if I even tried.
She shrugs, unaffected, with a satisfied smirk on her face.
As we walk across campus she opens up our English textbook, skimming through the pages.
« We have to read all of that ? » I gawk, watching as Olivia rests our English textbook on her forearm and uses her free hand to flip through the pages she bookmarked. Professor Hobb assigned us a few poems to read and discuss for class on Friday.
« It’s only five poems, » Olivia giggles, examining them.
« Yeah, but that one’s two pages long, » I retort with a slight whine in my voice, pointing to the rather long text. « Aren’t poems only supposed to be a few lines ? »
She chuckles, closing the textbook and hugging it to her chest. « They can be longer. It’s not that bad. It shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes total to read them all. »
« Still, » I huff, exasperated. « Who assigns homework during the first week of class ? »
Olivia presses her lips together, trying to suppress a smile while giving me a sympathetic look, but I can detect the laughter dancing behind her eyes.
« Yo, Bronx ! » I hear someone yell, and I look to my right to spot Brennen walking our way.
« Hey, man, » I greet him with a bro handshake, and he falls into step with me and Olivia. « What’s up ? »
« You going to Kohan’s party tomorrow night ? » he asks.
I let out a low curse. « I almost forgot about it. Yeah, I’ll be there. You wanna to come ? » I ask, turning to Olivia.
Her eyes widen in surprise. « Oh, no, thank you, though. Parties aren’t really my thing, » she admits, nervously tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
« You sure ? It’s going to be fun, » Brennen persuades, leaning in around me to talk to her directly.
« Oh, Olivia, this is Brennen. Brennen, Olivia, » I introduce them.
« Hi, » Olivia says softly, giving him a small smile and wave. « And yeah, I’m sure. »
« Positive ? » I press, slight hope in my voice that she may change her mind.
« Positive, » she confirms, and I feel myself deject.
« Where you heading next, Miller ? » Brennen asks, looking at his watch. « There’s still over an hour before we have to get ready for practice. »
« I have to run to the bookstore to pick up my books. Teacher’s already assigning homework. »
« Already ? » Brennen asks, appalled, and I nod. « Damn, bro, that sucks. »
« Tell me about it, » I mutter.
I see someone approach Olivia from my peripheral vision, and I turn my head to catch Delilah loop her arm with Olivia’s, walking with us. « Hey, girlie, » Delilah greets her friend. « Since when do you hang out with football stars ? »
« We’re just walking together, Dee, » Olivia states with a slight eye roll.
Delilah shrugs. « Ready to start MCAT prep ? »
« Yep. We’re meeting Quinton in the computer lab, right ? » Olivia confirms.
« Correctomundo, but his class doesn’t get out for another thirty minutes so guess who gets to stand in that long ass line with me at the coffee shop, » Delilah sings cheerfully.
Olivia lets out an exaggerated groan. « Really, Dee ? It’s well past noon. »
Delilah grins. « Really. »
« You’re going to get an arrhythmia from the amount of coffee you drink, » Olivia mutters. « See you guys, » she announces to me and Brennen before she veers to the left with Dee towards one of the campus’s coffee shops.
« See ya, partner, » I call after her with a wave.
« Ready to hit the bookstore ? » Brennen asks.
« No, » I admit honestly, but we head towards the bookstore anyway, Brennen deciding to pick up his books for the semester too.