"Where is Shark!" ignoring what I said, the students here were confused and looked for the man he was saying, are they so scared of Lana
"Zyrah, we need to take Misha to the infirmary, he's having a hard time breathing!" Liannah
"Difficult to breathe after the infirmary? Must be in the hospital ..." I quickly approached Misha and looked into his eyes "Hang in there, Misha"
"Zyrah, behind you !!" I was alert and immediately turned away and I saw Lana holding a stick, wood? Where did he get that
"Don't take that b*tch to hospital! Nerd !!!" missing in its own saying "She's supposed to d*e !!!"
Before I could answer I saw Shark and Dwayne running towards Lana
"I told you to stay here! Where did you go? !!" its shout at Dwayne
"We're sorry, it won't happen again" Shark replied
"Are you okay, Queen?" Dwayne
"Of course I'm okay !!!" aloud its answer
"But you have wounds, we have to take you to the infirmary" Shark
"What did you do to him?" Dwayne asked me in a whisper
"How come you and Shark are that woman?" if you can worry, it's okay
"She's our cousin" Dwayne
"Tss, not obvious"
"Why did you hurt him? When Kaizo finds out I'm sure the sun won't shine on you anymore" Dwayne said last then they left with Lana, the students followed them so we were the only ones left here
And what is their relationship with Kaizo?
All of us here didn't know what to do when the woman stopped breathing, she stopped breathing. It's like I'm blaming myself ...
"What's your plan? We can't leave her body here. And even if we tell the head master they don't know anything" Liannah said, I also feel like they didn't accept that it's gone, well it's our first someone died in front of us so we didn't know what to do
Suddenly, I heard foot steps coming. I looked up and saw Andra focused on the lifeless woman, she's not shocked as if she's used to it always happening.
She look at me with a curious face "Did you all did this?" his opening question "I saw Lana messed especially the Mean Girls, what did you do ??" d*mn! if we can ask, it's still our fault
"We didn't do that, we didn't k*ll Misha if that's what you're thinking" Nixie answered because I really didn't have anything to say even because we didn't do anything
"Then how about the girls? They said you kick th ----"
"Yes, we did that" I said sarcastic
He smiled at us as if he was planning something, the difficulty of reading his reaction was that he really should be president "You guys always surprised me, imagine ... you were the first to hurt the fiancee of the famous and arrogant Kaizo here. It's not just that you're just nerds, there's something to hide "she paused a little and Maya maya pay someone took Misha's body the men" I want to see more what you can do, well ... good luck "she smirked then left out
I sighed at the same time as the bell rang
"I don't want to go in, I want to go to the rooftop first" they nodded at my answer, Nikki tapped me on the shoulder then they left me here alone to enter