« So you’re studying to be a doctor ? » I joked.
« No, not exactly, » he said. « You ? »
« Science, » I said immediately.
« You look more like an arts girl, but now that I think of it, science fits better « he said.
« Arts girl ? » I enquired.
« I haven’t seen a science girl with firetruck red hair before, plus you seem like a bit of a maverick, » he said.
I shrugged. « I’m a misfit, I guess. I like the color red, » I added.
« I like the color as well, » he smiled. « Red. »
I studied him closely and took a bite of my pizza, his jacket looked expensive, he was so out of place in a mall that kids came to with their allowance. So was I, but the circumstances were different. Even the cadence of his voice was too cultured.
« I’m sorry if I’m being rude, but you look tired, everything okay ? » he asked.
Tired ?
Was that why he offered me a seat ? Out of pity ? Not that I was complaining, I still got my food.
« Yes, I’ve had a taxing day, » I sighed.
« Already ? » He asked.
« I know, I hate to think what the day holds, » I added. « Why are you here ? » Fuck if I was being rude.
« That was direct, you didn’t even make an attempt to be subtle about your curiosity, » he laughed.
« I’m sure if I had, it would have failed anyway, » I said honestly.
« I see, » he noted.
« So, are you going to answer my question ? » I prodded.
« If you answer one of mine, » he agreed.
« Deal, » I smiled.
« So what am I doing here ? » He clarified.
« Yes, » I nodded.
« I’m here to find somebody, they told me they would meet me here, » he said.
« Did they ? » I asked.
« That’s a different question, » he smiled. « But I’ll put your curious little mind to rest, they did. »
« Oh, and I assume they left ? » I asked lightly.
He shrugged. « My turn. »
« Okay go ahead, » I laughed. I was prepared to lie yet again.
« What is your real name, Penelope ? » He asked, leaning ahead and crossing his arms over the table. His voice had changed from friendly to threatening in matter of milliseconds and the laughter vanished from his eyes.
« Penelope, » I insisted. I had to pretend as if nothing was wrong, maybe then I could get away. But if I had an uneasy feeling about this guy then, there were alarm bells ringing in my head now.
My suspicions were right.
Or I was a shitty liar.
Kai was too reserved, I had to catch him off guard to uncover any secrets.
I leaned ahead and nudged the bottle of water that stood precariously at the edge of the table, sending it toppling down.
Except it never reached the ground. Quick as lightning, Kai’s arm shot out and he snatched the bottle out of its fall, all while keeping his gaze fixed on me.
Luck ? Doubtful.
« Nice save, » I smiled. Brilliant, this guy was also a trained mercenary. I needed to get out before he did. Sweat began to pool in the palms of my hands as fear crept up my spine.
Kai stared at me for a minute and then burst out laughing.
« Clever girl, you wanted to see if my reflexes were as honed as the mercenaries, » he smiled, showing his dimples.
Yeah, I got the idea from Mr. And Mrs. Smith.
« I don’t know what you’re talking about, » I said, but my voice shook. Had he just confessed to being a mercenary ? Sweat trickled down the back of my neck. I wiped my hands on my jeans.
« Kestrel Seran, » he said. Drawing out the syllables of my name as if he was tasting it.
The blood turned to ice in my veins as I slowly got up, ready to leave.
« Nice meeting you, Kaito, » I said formally.
« Sit down, Kestrel, » he ordered.
« I really must be going, » I insisted and started to walk away.
« I see, give the mercenaries my regards will you ? It is a pleasant surprise when we get a target so oblivious and stupid, » he said conversationally.
I stopped and turned back to him.
« Did you honestly think that they wouldn’t come after you after you escaped, Kestrel ? » He asked condescendingly. « Come on, I know you’re a smart girl. »
« How many ? » I asked.
« All five of them. Three near the car and two near the gates, » he said.
Was he telling the truth ? If he was, I was truly fucked.
I hesitated. « Why should I trust you ? »
« Because you have no choice ? And maybe because I need something from you, » he said.
« Still doesn’t give me a reason to not cause a scene and escape, » I said.
« I can help you find Arianna. »
That stopped me. He could help me find Arianna. Would I risk it ? Of course I would, she’s the only family I had and if both of us…
« Is she okay ? » I asked.
Kai looked me straight in the eye. « I don’t know. »
That was good enough. He didn’t lure me into anything. It was the cold harsh truth. But he didn’t say she was dead. I was going to have to find her and also figure out Dean Cavilleri’s role in this mad play.
« Who sent the mercenaries after me ? » I asked.
« I don’t know, » he told me. « But you do. »
I raised an eyebrow and he smirked. « The car papers, Penelope. Stupid doesn’t become you. »
Stupid ?!
« I’m a lot of things-«
« Naïve, impulsive and somewhat clumsy ? » He graciously supplied. I wondered how he could be so calm but then I remembered that he didn’t have any mercenaries chasing him, nor did he have a missing sister to find. If naïve, impulsive and clumsy kept me alive, so be it.
« -but stupid isn’t one of them, » I said coldly. « You would know that if you were so good at stalking. »
« I didn’t stalk you. Quite frankly, if you’re as smart as you think yourself to be, I’m a bit perplexed as to how you haven’t figured one thing, » he said, taking a bite of his pizza.
« And what would that be ? » I asked.
His lips curved in a cruel smile. « Never let your enemy know your strengths. Impressive tricks with the fireworks, by the way. I’m genuinely surprised you lasted this long. »
How the hell did he know anything ? Was he stalking me ever since I escaped ?
« Who are you, really ? » I asked nervously.
Kai calmly took a sip of water. « I’ll tell you soon enough, but for now, let’s get the fuck out of here. »
I nodded dumbly. Too fast, this was going way too fast for me.
Kaito nudged the grease smeared plate towards me. « Eat, if you faint of weakness, I’m probably not going to make the effort to help you. »
« What a gentleman, » I muttered. His full lips twisted into a semblance of a smirk. As if there was an inside joke I wasn’t privy to. But because he did have a point, I sat down uneasily and ate the rest of the pizza. It tasted like sand in my mouth but as long as it satiated my hunger, I didn’t care much.