The vroom sounds of cars and motorcycles could clearly be heard as Sabrina runs through the spaces of cars, tears keeps falling down her eyes and she ran panting heavily.
She didn't mind the traffic signals before crossing to the other side of the road, she was almost ran over by a car.
"Hey kid, Are you nut!!!" The car owner yells at her.
"I'msorry, I'm sorry" She said bowing severally before taking to her heels again. Her knee was hurting due to how she fell down ealier cos of the run, but she didn't care.
Sabrina quickly enters the hospital panting heavily, she rush to the nurse receptionist.
"Where's my brother? What happened to him?" Sabrina asked crying.
"Whose your brother?" The nurse asked.
"Seth. Seth Bernardo... His just five years old" Sabrina said crying.
"His in ward 114" The nurse answers after verifying it from her computer.
"Th... Thank you" Sabrina said and took to her heels again.
"Is everything okay with her?" Her fellow nurse asked looking at Sabrina who was still running.
"I guess she's the sister of the kid who was rushed here because of food posion" The receptionist nurse answers.
And the second nurse sighs.
Sabrina rushed inside the ward, and seeing her brother unconscious, she broke into one more tears.
"Seth" She mutttered crying.
"What were you thinking to have left expired food groceries for him?" Mrs Julius asked, she's Sabrina's neighbor and the one who also brought Seth to the hospital.
"Am sorry Mrs Julius, I didn't know the groceries at home were expired" Sabrina said crying.
"Whatever Sabrina, since your here, you can take over... Am going back to my shop" Mrs Julius said.
"Thank you" Sabrina mutttered.
Mrs Julius sighs and leaves.
Sabrina held Seth's little hands crying.
"I'm sorry Seth, am so sorry" She said crying.
She had ealier told him to make use of the left over groceries, having no idea that it's has clocked it's expired date.
"I'm sorry, Please big sis wants to see your eyes" Sabrina said crying. She was still crying when a doctor entered the ward and Sabrina spranged up quickly.
"Doctor how's my brother? Is he going to be okay?" Sabrina asked sniffing back her tears.
"Sure his going to be fine, After he gets treated" The doctor answers.
"How much is it going to take?" Sabrina asked.
"Three Hundred dollars"
"Three Hundred dollars? Where on earth am I suppose to get such money? Can you please begin treatment on him? I promise to find a way to get the money" Sabrina said as more tears falls down her eyes.
"I'm sorry kid, but this is not a charity hospital" The doctor said and Sabrina could feel her world crumpling.
She was still anticipating on what do to, when her phone rang. She wipe the tears in her eyes before bringing out her old broken small cellphone from inside her pocket. She looks at the caller and it was from Stacey- Both work in a Pork restaurant.
"Hello Stacey"
"Sab where're you?" Stacey asked over the phone.
"At the hospital Stacey, My brother is hospitalized" She said trying to fight back her tears.
"Sorry Sab, But the boss wants you back at the restaurant, his so furious right now, He..." Stacey was cut short because the owner of the Pork restaurant took the phone from her.
"Boss" Stacey mutttered and he glared at her before placing the phone in his ear.
"Sabrina" He said.
"Boss" Sabrina mutttered.
"Does my restaurant look like a joke to you? Does it look like a Mall where you can go in and come out anytime you want huh!!" He yells at her.
"Sorry boss I had to leave because I got a call that my brother was hospitalized" Sabrina said crying.
"And how's that my business? I didn't send your brother to the hospital, So get your f**king self back in the restaurant if you don't want to get fired!!!" Her Boss yells at her from the phone and more tears formed in Sabrina's eyes.
"I'm so proud of you Nadine, as always your ranked top 3rd in the modelling Brand" Mrs McDonald said and Nadine smiles.
"Is just a starting point mom, I won't stop until I become the top 1" Nadine said with proudness.
"I know you can do it" Mrs McDonald said with a smile and when she looks at Nadia who was busy eating, she frowns.
"Don't you have any shame?" Mrs McDonald asked, directing the question at Nadia.
Nadine shakes her head with a sigh, sipping her pineapple juice.
"Shame of... what?" Nadia asked.
"You emerge as the least models again Nadia, How can you happily eat when you keep failing as a model, even those whose beauty can't be compared to yours are doing way better than you, What with the dull charisma?!!" Mrs McDonald scolds her.
"I promise to do better Mom" Nadia said calmly.
"That's what you always say but yet you always present thesame results, Don't let her ruined your day Mom, you and I know she's nothing but a looser" Nadine said and looks at Nadia irritatingly.
"And that's why am so proud of you Nadine, your always the best in everything you do, so that's why I have decided to change your car".
"Really Mom?" Nadine asked excitedly.
"Yes. Is a new school year, so getting you a New car won't hurt".
"I love you so much Mom, your the best" Nadine said smiling and Mrs McDonald smiles caressing her cheek.
"What about me Mom?" Nadia asked and Mrs McDonald throws her a look of meaning.
"Have been using the same car since I was 16, am now 18, shouldn't I get a new car, you got a new car for Nadine when we turned 18, but you didn't get me any, is not up to two months and your getting her a new car again, Don't I deserve to get one too?" Nadia asked.
"And what for Nadia?" Mrs McDonald asked and Nadine chuckles.
"Cuz am your daughter, and also Nadine's twin, Shouldn't we be getting equal things?"
"And what have you ever done for the family? Nothing right? All your good at, is lacking behind and bringing shame to your sister, You can't even climb up to the top 40th model in Chicago talk more of getting to the top, and yet you want a new car, sorry to burst your bubble Nadia, but I won't waste my money on a failure like you" Mrs McDonald said and Nadine smiled satisfactorily.
Nadia drops her cutleries.
"I'll just.... be in my room" Nadia said standing to her feet.
"Go ahead Nadia, that's what your good at anyways" Nadine said. Nadia looks at her before going for her room upstairs.
"She sometimes makes me sick" Mrs McDonald said.
"And that's why am always here for you Mom, Your serious about getting me a new car right?" Nadine asked.
"Of course I'm Nadine, am going to get you the lastest car on board first thing tomorrow".
Nadine giggles excitedly.
"Then I can't wait to show it off at school tomorrow, and also see Carding too" She said smiling.
"Carding... You still have a crush on him don't you?"
"Of course I do, we practically grew up together, so is going to be weird if I don't have a crush on him... Is no longer a crush am in love with him, You don't have a problem with that right?"
"Of course not Nadine, his of thesame higher status with us, even if he was born from wedlock, he still have the blood of Vince Wendell, so his good to go" Mrs McDonald said and Nadine smiles.
"Then I can't wait for him to confess his love for me, I know he loves me, he doesn't know that yet" Nadine said smiling.
Nadia sits in the bed writing in her diary, she has a diary where she always write down how entire emotions, when she was done, she drops her diary and sighs.
"It feels so suffocating being in this house" She mutttered and got her phone and someone's picture came to view. Her face brighten when her eyes met with the picture.
"I love you" She said kissing the picture as she smiles more widely.