Chapter 6
exchange of love
I'm going to the hotel to meet Henrico, I actually have no idea what he wants, but I need to show him that I love Eduardo, and that what happened was a mistake...
As soon as I arrived at the reception and I was told to go upstairs, that Mr. Katisoure was waiting for me, Roberta the receptionist knew me, and was a friend of Eduardo's, I didn't worry at the time, because I thought it would be quick, I barely knock on the door, he he already opens the door seemed to be waiting for me already, and already pulling me into his arms kissing me madly...
My heart almost came out of my mouth, and I soon managed to free myself from fighting him, but later on, I explain everything to Eduardo's boss, which was a mistake, what happened so I asked him not to tell Eduardo, even because he he didn't deserve what we did, and aside from everything he did for me, I ended up telling him about the last help I received, and it was essential to save my grandfather...
He then says that I helped him by giving this information, I didn't understand anything, but I kept begging him not to say anything.
But then he made me a proposal to sleep together just today, so he wouldn't tell...
I hated your infamous proposal, but ended up accepting, so as not to see my Eduardo hurt.
In fact, I still didn't know what I would do, because how was I going to tell Eduardo that I was no longer a virgin.
Having no option, I went to him, and let him use me, but I couldn't stay without corresponding, I ended up giving in to him, I think he must have some power over me, because I'm not myself when I'm with him.
He made me moan loudly, and uncontrollably, the sex was intense, I came a few times, even though I can't buy it with another.
Henrico and demanding, passionate, voracious and insatiable, I was tired and he seemed to have just started, I finally decided to react, he finally came, I wanted to get out of there, as soon as possible, but he said he wants me more, several times still, I'm impressed with his voracious lust, and I say I'm going to take a shower, but I didn't close the door and soon he comes and takes me there in the bathroom, and again fucks me there under the shower intensely.
I'm exhausted, and I barely see him putting me to bed, falling into a deep sleep...
However, at dawn he woke me up with kisses on the back of my neck and continued walking his hands on my naked body, I'm half asleep, and half awake, and soon I feel his kisses all over my body, and finally I feel him again sucking my intimacy and soon he is on top of me, opening my legs and entering my body, which even half asleep is longing for him.
The act was quick and pleasurable he sucked my breasts and kissed my mouth, and was alternating while his thrusts were fast on my sex.
I started to moan, he smothered my moans with thirsty kisses, and soon I felt my body melting in a new orgasm, he soon came too, and pulled me into his arms, letting me sleep.
I woke up the next day, feeling pain from the hot night, and so much sex.
I was naked, and mortified,
I felt terrible, so I got up and saw a note from him saying he wanted to meet me later today!
I took the note, and threw it in the trash.
Enough is enough I told myself!
I've already seen that he won't stop, so I can't anymore.
Going to take a quick shower I went back, dressed in my clothes and left, it was still eight o'clock, so grandma must have been in bed, I ran away, but to my chagrin Roberta saw me again.
I smirked and walked away.
As I was an idiot, now Eduardo's boss will want to have sex with me until he gets sick, but I won't fall for him anymore.
How angry at me for being so naive, and giving in to him thinking that like that, he wouldn't tell Eduardo.
Now I have to talk, because I'm not going to be a plaything in anyone's hands, almost arriving at my grandparents' house, I see Amanda, she's sad, and then as soon as I got in I hear my grandmother's crying, so I understand what there was and crying too…
My grandfather Olavo was gone for eternity, so Amanda said it was better to take action, as the hospital had already released him...
So Amanda helped me, and we did everything, grandma preferred it to be quick, at the end of the day my grandfather was buried.
The night was painful, grandma cried until dawn, but finally slept.
My cell phone had hundreds of calls, they were from Eduardo and Henrico...
But not even open, I wanted to disappear and go far away to lick my wounds, and suffer my loss.
With much cost to sleep, sleep was tumultuous.
The next morning, grandma, she didn't get up, she said she wanted to leave with her love and says she'll stay there in bed until she goes.
My heart is in pieces to see her like this, four friends are with me, and they advise me to bring a doctor, so I call a doctor who says, Grandma has post-traumatic depression, and Alzheimer's, and the best thing for her is a nursing home.
Because, in case she has no return, she needs a specialized team.
I got into despair, and my friends supported me a lot, in the end the doctor himself indicated me a place.
I said that I would see, and that as soon as possible I would take her.
With no strength left for anything, Jackeline makes me sit down and eats her something, and I eat with great effort, and then I say I'll go to bed.
Grandma is sleeping on the medicine the doctor gave her, and so only Jackeline stayed in the house, the others left, I lay down for a while, and barely twenty minutes passed, Jackeline comes to tell me that a man is waiting for me in the room, I I say I'll be right away, wondering if anyone to give us condolences.
But I'm surprised by Henrico, he makes a point of sitting like he owns everything there.
Making me angry, and with hate.
I then ask Jackeline to let me talk to him alone, and he says he came to know why I didn't answer his messages, and didn't answer his call, so I said it was none of his business!
And I take it and I already say that it's over, I wouldn't be with him anymore.
I insist on screaming out loud! For him to hear as well.
"If he thought he was going to arrest me with blackmail, I didn't care anymore.
Anyway, I'll have to tell Eduardo, and if he wants to end, that's fine.
I would be devastated, but I can't lie either, I wasn't raised to be just any woman, as this Henrico is making me feel.
I'm disgusted with myself".
He then says that he has a serious matter, to talk to me, but that he will be back at another time, as I am out of control.
Because you just got a call from his house in Florida.
I say, I don't want him to come back!
He left, and just after less than fifteen minutes after Eduardo arrives, I'm still a nervous wreck, and I barely see him I threw myself in his arms, he comforts me, and says he can't come to the wake and the burial, because he was in São Paulo, and his office at the company's headquarters caught fire, so he didn't make it in time.
I said I understood him, he then said that he was now there for me, so I hugged him.
I didn't see, that Henrico had returned, but seeing the scene he left.
Eduardo asked to see my grandmother Amelia, so I went with him to the bedroom.
Grandma recognized him and said she was about to make coffee for her boy, getting up and going to the kitchen.
Because, according to her, it was inadmissible for her to be lying down, and her boy was still without breakfast...
I realized that she was having a memory of her work times, and I helped her prepare the coffee.
She served Eduardo, looked for the cookies she said she had baked and made today.
She has already started to get nervous looking all over the kitchen, and finally she cried and even sat on the floor there in the kitchen.
My heart broke, Eduardo picked her up, carried her to the bedroom and lay down on the bed.
Grandma then asked Olavo to come take her, because she didn't want to live, and cried more.
Eduardo then consoled her, and soon managed to make her take a tranquilizer.
Soon she calmed down and fell asleep, so we left and went to the living room, I explained the situation, Eduardo said that the best thing was for me to follow the doctor's instructions, and he would help me.
He then took the card the doctor gave me, called and resolved everything.
Soon, Eduardo said that he needs to go to São Paulo, as he is having huge problems at the company, as the fire was criminal, and according to the police, it was purposeful to erase the company's data, as the only place destroyed was his office.
His boss was suspecting theft in the company, and he even accused him of being the thief.
"By heavens!" This is very serious.
— Yes, my love, but when he learned of what had happened to you, Mariane, he said that at the time you were the priority, he even came with me, but I left him at the hotel, so far I have not understood the reason for his coming.
“Okay, I have no idea.
"Unfortunately I lied."
— Yeah, he insisted on coming, so as everything is in such a mess, I didn't say anything.
- I understood.
"But now I have to go back and prove that I'm not a thief!"
- I know.
— Mariane, I've never robbed anyone, and Henrico is like a brother to me, I don't know how he thought that, if there was a robbery it wasn't me!
- But...
— Before you doubt it, I receive a salary of twenty thousand a month, and my parents are rich, I have an inheritance from my grandfather that I invested in the stock market, and it gives me a good profit, that's where our wedding expenses came, and all the money I gave you.
I wouldn't screw this up by stealing from the international company, which could mess up my resume.
You know that I have plans to be a millionaire before I turn thirty, and it's not with theft that I'll get there, because I'm not an idiot!
Besides, that I will never do anything illicit to go to jail.
My parents would have a fit.
“Oh! Dear pity, this Mr. Henrico is arrogant and despicable for doubting you my love!
I believe in you Eduardo!
The best thing is for you to go, and settle everything in São Paulo.
— Yes, I'll go Mariane, but I want you, after solving your grandmother's situation, to go live with my parents, I'll talk to my mother, and my father before I leave.
So we said goodbye, I promised to do what he asked.
Author: Graciliane Guimaraes.