After dinner we went back to the Rhodes mansion, the car ride was silent and filled with tension. My mother was blacked out drunk and being held up by my dad which was very embarrassing for me but quite normal honestly, Kaz decided on taking his own car back to the house and I couldn’t be any more grateful.
We finally arrived at the house, I basically sprinted out of the car far far away from my parents. Bodhi was to busy being a kiss ass with my dad, he helped him get my mom out of the car and carry her upstairs. I didn’t wait around and instead headed to my room, I so desperately wanted to get out of this tight dress. I practically ripped my jewelry off my neck, it’s a strange feeling when you feel like the walls are slowly closing in on you.
I stood in my bathroom with only my lingerie on, my chest was heaving up and down from the struggle of trying to breathe. Panic attacks happen often to me, I think it’s just a product of acting like I’m okay all day then at night when the act is over, it’s like painfully breaking free yet picking up the pieces to start all over again the next day. My hands gripped the sides of my sink, I stared at my own broken reflection through the mirror.
My eyes spotted my recovering bruises, that’s what I’ll never understand. Bodhi claims that he loves me yet he’s seen my bruises and still hasn’t confronted my father about it, it’s disgusting and it makes me feel sick to my stomach that he’s okay that another man touches me in such a violent way.
Is it stupid of me to wish my fiancé would protect me ?
The sound of my bedroom door opening startled me a little, I could hear the hockey game playing on my tv alerting me that it was none other then my fiancé. If he could have sex with hockey he would, that’s what he talks about almost everyday.
I inhaled and exhaled before exiting my bathroom, I grabbed my sleeping gown and slipped it on. I could feel Bodhi staring at me but I payed little to no attention to him as I got comfortable in our bed.
« What did you think of dinner ? » He asked.
« It was…interesting. » I mumbled while leaving out the fact that his father had his hand between my legs.
« Are you excited that your brother gets to be at our wedding ? »
What’s with all these questions, I flipped around to face him better.
« Of course, he’s my big brother. » I replied.
« I get that but isn’t he a criminal. » He says.
I’m about to flip the fuck out, my eyes harshly stared at him. Words wanted to spill out from my mouth so badly, hurtful words. He knows nothing about my family, and he knows nothing about my brother.
« My brother went to jail because he was protecting me. » I told him, my voice leaked of emotion.
« But your dad said-« He tries to say.
« You know what, since you believe my dad so much maybe you should marry him instead. » I spit out, my body basically levitated off my bed. I grabbed my robe that was sitting on the couch, and walked towards the door.
« Great now you’re mad. » He blows out, when I turned around his eyes were still completely on the tv.
I cant lie and say it doesn’t hurt my feelings that he simply is more invested in himself then to listen to his future wife’s problems and feelings but I was quite use to it by now.
Once an asshole, always an asshole.
« I’m going to go make some tea. » I mentioned, dryly. He didn’t listen to a word I said, he cheered his hockey team while ignoring me.
I rolled my eyes and closed my door shut, I walked down the stairs with my arms flopping everywhere. Maybe I was destined for this life, I didn’t want it yet it’s been force upon me and there’s nothing I could do about it. I flipped on the light to the kitchen and the hallway, I’m terrified of the dark. Instead of making tea like I said I would, I grabbed a bucket of ice cream from the freezer.
Coconut flavor is the only ice cream I eat, I have a obsession with coconut. I hopped on the counter before ripping the top off the ice cream, I dug in. My robe was slightly open and was falling down my shoulder revealing my soft skin. I didn’t care, I was by myself and I totally have freedom right now.
Suddenly I heard heavy footsteps walking towards the kitchen, my first thought went straight to my dad. I waited to see who it was with cautious, Kaz entered the kitchen completely shirtless with just a pair of sleeping shorts hanging around his torso. My eyes widened as my mouth hung open just a little, his body was perfect.
His eyes caught mine, his beautiful eyes. They traveled down my face to my body where he stopped, an amusing smile appeared on his lips. That’s when reality hit me, I quickly closed my legs and tug my robe tighter around me.
« Just getting some water. » He says, I nodded like an idiot.
He walks over to the cabinet and grabbed a glass cup before filling it with water, I glanced away awkwardly. His body was so tone that I wanted to run my hands all over it, maybe even my tongue.
« You know, mint chocolate chip will always be superior. » His deep voice says, mint chocolate chip is disgusting.
I looked back up to reply to his comment but I didn’t realize how close he was standing in front of me, my hands lowered down the ice cream tube on top of my thigh.
« Mint chocolate chip is disgusting. » My voice cracked, this man makes me super nervous and no man has ever made me feel that way not even his son.
He tilts his head to side looking at me with a astonishing glare, he moves in closer and stands between my legs. That’s when my whole body started to catch on fire, I leaned back just a little to create some type of space between us and I lifted the ice cream off my thigh so he wouldn’t get any on him. He was so much taller than me and it showed right now since I had to look up at him.
« I’m shocked you aren’t telling me that I shouldn’t be eating ice cream. » I mentioned.
« Now why would I say that, darling. » He leans in a bit closer.
Yup there was definitely tension between us
« Because you and I both know that your son cares more about my appearance than anything. » I replied.
Bodhi believes that eating a lot calories before my wedding could make me gain to much weight, our wedding is still far away.
« My son is a moron, you’re perfect the way you are. » He says.
That made butterflies start fluttering around my stomach, not only is he hot but also respectful.
The spoon filled of ice cream I had was slowly starting to melt as I stared inside his eyes, he slowly leaned down towards the spoon. He took the spoon in his mouth, my lust filled eyes watched as he was dangerously close to my pussy.
Holy fucking shit
He slurped the melted ice cream before glancing up at me with his hooded eyes, I gulped. My legs gently squeezed around his torso to prevent some of the wetness between my legs, he quickly took note of the action. He started to test out a theory, his hand moved slowly along my leg. My body couldn’t take it, my hips lifted off the table very discreetly. A guy has never been so close to pussy before, a dick of course but never a face.
Bodhi always likes to pleasure himself and never me, he’s never fucked me with his tongue but instead his dick like the boring asshole he is.
« You’ve never been eaten out before ? » He asked with a tight face like it was a painful question for him.
His hand trailed higher up my thigh, my breathing became uneven and the tension became unbearable. I shook my head to avoid talking since I couldn’t form the correct words, he exhaled painfully as he shook his head.
I decided to push the limits, I was horny now and wanted something, anything.
I leaned closer to his ear. « Why ? Are you hungry ? » I purred inside his ear as my tongue gently licked his earlobe.
When I pulled back I could see his eyes darkening with thirst, his fingers dug against my milky thigh.
« I should go before I do something we’d both regret tomorrow. » He bites down on his lips before pushing off the table.
I didn’t want him to leave, I wanted him to lick me up and down like his very own lollipop.
« Goodnight, darling. »
« Goodnight, Kaz. » I said with a hint of tease behind my voice, I could see his shoulders visible tense after calling him by his first name.
He grabs his cup and makes his way out of the kitchen, leaving me hot and wet. I felt like I could finally breathe correctly now, I jumped off the table and shoved the ice cream back in the freezer. I raced upstairs to my room, all the lights were switched off and the tv was pitch black.
My robe slipped off my body when I got closer to my bed, I needed someone to touch me. I crawled towards Bodhi, he was sound asleep so I started to kiss his back trying to slowly wake him up. I sat on top of him with my thighs straddling his bare torso, his eyes fluttered opened with confusion.
« Let me ride you. » I whispered inside his ear.
I could hear his chest rumble, he carefully pulled down his boxer. I slowly lowered myself on him completely, soft moans escaped pass my mouth. He suddenly flipped us over so I was under him, he never lets me enjoy myself. He started to thrust inside of me softly like he always does, I wanted to ride him and most of all I wanted him to go rough on me.
Why didn’t I just fuck his dad ? Right because he’s a good friend of my dads, and my dad would kill me literally.