« Your dad is gone, he’s never coming back Bella. You really need to move on. » My mom yells, causing me to jump at the coldness of her voice.
I shook my head in disbelief at her tone toward me. My watery eyes moved from my mom’s eyes to Carter’s, he had pity written all over his face but there was another emotion splattered across his face that I couldn’t quite get it.
« Have a nice dinner. » I quickly got up from my chair and threw my napkin on the table.
« Honey I didn’t me-« My mom tried speaking but I cut her off mid-sentence.
« Nice meeting you, Carter. » I said.
I stormed out of this fancy, annoying restaurant with tears covering my cheeks, my mom didn’t even try to make an effort to stop me.
I didn’t have the keys to my mom’s car and I also didn’t have my house keys and I didn’t have my dad either. I’m a mess so I started walking to the one place where I know I’m always welcomed.
« Gracie. »
I pounded on my best friend’s house door, sobbing my eyes out and shaking because it was freezing out there and I didn’t have a jacket.
The door opened and someone I never expected was standing right in front of me.
« Isabella, is that you ? »
« Isabella, is that you ? »
I couldn’t speak, I’m completely numb, first the whole dinner thing, then this. Can my life get any worst ?
« Your back in town. » My voice came out as a mere whisper.
« I just came in tonight. » Ryan said while looking around outside, once he realized no one was outside with me his dark brown eyes met my light green ones.
God, he still looks just as hot
« This was a mistake. » I tried turning around but Ryan was quick enough to grab my wrist and pull me against his tone chest. My breathing became heavier and my hands immediately started sweating.
« Don’t touch me, Ryan. » I jerk my arm back to my side.
« Just get inside. » Ryan says, his voice is so different, it’s deeper and stronger, and his eyes were darker than they were three years ago. His hair wasn’t slicked back with a gel as he had it before, now it was messy and lighter, he was tanner than he normally was and his style changed dramatically.
« No, I’m leaving. » I spun around to walk away but once again he caught my wrist and pulls me back.
« I’m driving you. »
« No, you’re not. » I said correcting him, I yanked my arm from his strong grip.
« Yes. »
« No. »
« Yes. »
« Jesus Christ, I’ll go with you guys just stop going back and forth. » My best friend, Grace appears behind Ryan, with an irritated facial expression.
« Grace you take me, I’m not getting in the car with him. » I said while glaring at Ryan.
« Damnit ! Just let me take you, Isabella. » Ryan shouts angrily.
I looked at Grace, she was looking down at her feet to avoid the awkwardness as if her legs were all of sudden interesting.
« Fine but grace your coming. » I started stomping towards the car, Grace quickly and quietly follows behind me.
I’m currently sitting in the back while Grace sits in the passenger seat. No one was talking until my best friend decides to ask a question.
« What happened tonight ? » Grace asks.
« My mother. » I huffed as I leaned against the car window watching house lights in the distance begin turning off.
Flashback :
« Grace where is he ? » I barged into her room, probably looking crazy as ever with my messy blonde hair and Ryan’s long t-shirt with nothing under but my skin.
Let’s not forget about my makeup from the night before, in which I was wearing dark eyeliner and now it just looks like I have two black eyes.
« Bella, who are you talking about ? » Grace stands up from her bed and approaches me slowly.
« Ryan, your brother. » I shout out.
« Isabella, he left. » Grace says it like she’s known forever meaning he’s had this planned for a while.
My whole world just came crashing down with just those few words.
« What ? » I asked, confused not wanting to believe a single word that she just said.
« He left for Hawaii two hours ago. Did he do something ? Is that why you’re looking at him ? He pranked you huh ? » Grace laughs, « Classic Ryan. What did he do ? Wait, he left an exploding confetti box at your doorstep ? »
My face turns pale, everything starts spinning. All the theories she came up with and neither of them is right. He left me after he promised he wouldn’t, he lied to me and took something I could never get back.
« Bella, why are you crying ? » Grace asks, worriedly.
I didn’t even realize I was crying till she said something.
« Grace, I gave him my virginity. » I cried as I broke down right in front of her, my legs gave up on me and I was crashing to the floor when she caught me.
« No, Isabella please tell me you-«
She gets cut off by my urgent nod confirming her new, right theory. She holds me as I shout and scream, and she places her head on top of mine.
« Shh, it’s okay. » Grace hums.
« I care for him, Gracie. » I cried.
« Shh. »
Flashback over :
« Isabella.. »
« Bella. » Grace snaps me out of my sudden flashback, she was facing me with a concerned look.
« Yea ? » My voice cracked, the sadness was coming back and this time I couldn’t escape it.
« We’re here, Bella are you sure that you’re okay ? » Grace places her hand on my knee.
« I’m fine. » I smiled weakly at her.
I slowly opened the car door and walked towards my house door. I didn’t even try looking back at Ryan not even getting one last look, I was too afraid.
He still has a hold on me and now that he’s back in town it’s going to take a toll on me, mentally.
I knocked on the door as loud as I could so my mom would wake up. I heard Ryan’s car pull out of the driveway, my body relaxed a little more now that I know he was gone. I kept on pounding till the door finally opened.
« I don’t want to hear it, m-«
My sentence cut off once my eyes landed on dark blue ones, the same ones that make me shake to my very core, Carter’s. My eyes traveled to his bare chest oh no. My eyes widened at the sight of his strong chest, he simply had on sweats and nothing else, and his hair was messy and unbearable, I wanted to run my fingers through it.
Once he realizes it was me, he opens the door wider so I could walk in but he didn’t move to the side meaning I would have to squeeze thru his abs and the door frame.
As I was squeezing thru he decided to trap me between his chest and the door frame. His nose was almost touching mine and his hot breath fanned against my pale cheeks, his head was slightly tilted as his eyes started drilling holes into me. My hand gripped my thigh as I became more nervous, my lips parted wishing I could feel his juicy, pink ones.
Carter passed my face and leaned closer to my ear. « Your mother was worried. » He whispered in his deep, sexy voice.
« I-I. »
I couldn’t even speak. I was so focused on the fact of him being this close to me that my mouth became dry with the need for water. I closed my legs tightly as I felt a weird sensation down there, Carter glanced down.
« Need to pee again ? » Carter smirked, wickedly. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out.
« Don’t forget to lock the door, Bunny. » Carter purred my nickname with so much intensity that I shivered. He winked at me before climbing up the stairs leaving me conflicted and surprisingly wet.
After last night with the whole carter thing, I realized something. I want carter and not in a stepfather type of way but sexually, he made me feel needy, sexy something I’ve never felt before and that made me nervous, or maybe because I’m currently packing my things to go live with him.
God, I need to get these sinner thoughts out of my head, Isabella he’s engaged to your mother, I repeated in my head as I box up my clothes.
« Bella. » I heard my mother’s sweet voice calling for me.
I turned around with my boxes in hand, my mom was leaning against my door frame.
Shit does she know about last night, I thought.
« How are you feeling sweetie ? » my mom smiles gently.