On the fourth day. My father and brother had gone to the river to catch some fish, as the day was said to be a blessed day. While Julia had gone to the market to get food stuffs.
I was at home alone. As I saw that there was no one at home, and that most of our neighbors had gone to the market, I prepared myself, took my bath, applied my makeup, took my belongings and ran off to Cletus house.
Elizabeth Cletus Mum wasn't around when i packed in, for she had gone to see a friend. When she got back, she was surprised to see my clothes and my other belongings in Cletus's room. Before Elizabeth could ask a question, Cletus was quick to explain.
"Jordah will be staying here with me now as my wife. I fear that her father might decide to marry her off". Cletus said.
"What are you saying my son, we haven't even paid her dowry". The mother replied.
" Yes Mum, I know all that. I have no money for her dowry for now, but when I do; I will be sure to do the right thing. Even Jordah herself is in support of this", Cletus said, as I nodded my head.
Elizabeth didn't know what to say anymore, so she had no other option than to respect her son's decision. She was quite happy for her son for she believed that he had taken such a big and brave step, but was also sad for she knew we were doing it the wrong way.
She turned to me and said
"you are welcome my daughter".
"Thank you ma" I replied smiling.
"But, what about your father, how will he react to this?", Elizabeth asked.
"Don't worry yourself ma. Leave that to me to handle, I shall deal with that aspect myself", I replied her with confidence.
I followed Elizabeth to the kitchen to start carrying out my wifey duties, for I wanted her to start seeing me as an ideal daughter in-law.
My father and brother got back from the fishing on time. He caught alot of fishes and was calling out my name to come and help them pour it into a bowl. But it was only Julia that came out, I didn't show up as I was not at home.
"Where is jordah?", My father asked Julia.
" I am just coming back from the market dad, I was as shocked as you when I got back and found out that jordah was not at home", Julia replied.
They concluded amongst themselves that I might have gone out with my friends as usual. They poured out the fishes themselves, and gave Julia some to fry; instructing her to keep the largest portion for me, and that she did.
Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes to hours, but I was still yet to return. My family members became restless and decided to go into my room.
"Maybe she might have sneaked in without anyone knowing", they said to themselves.
But when they got to my room, my stuffs were missing and the room was empty; not even a drop of my hair was seen. It was at this moment that they knew that I must have ran away with my lover.
They went outside the house and began asking our neighbors if any of them have seen me or know where I must have gone to, but they kept on getting negative response.
"Jordah has brought shame to this family. Ohhh!!!!, Let not the plans of my enemies succeed", my father lamented.
They visited all my friends house to know if any of them knows my where about, or who my lover could be. But the negative response still remained the same.
They finally dropped by my best friend house who goes by the name Barbola. She was the only one that was able to give them the name of my lover and his address.
"Ohhhh goodness, the man is a nobody and his family isn't known. Jordah is a big shame to us. Something must be done to bring her back home as soon as possible", my brother Fredo said with fury.
" First thing tomorrow morning, I shall go to that fools house and drag jordah back home", Fredo concluded.
My father was unhappy and filled with shame.
"But if she insists on staying, just let her be, for she has brought nothing but shame to me", My father warned facing the floor.
The next day, my brother and his friends came to bring me home. Immediately I saw them, I tried running inside, but I remembered that their was no one else at home, and I had promised to deal with my family members myself; so I decided to stand firm and face them myself.
"To what do I owe this visit?. Hope all is well?" I asked.
"All is not well Jordah, how could you have ran out of the house to the house of a man that is yet to be your husband, you are a bunch of shame to our family. Now listen to me and listen good, go in there pick up your bags and follow me back home", Fredo ordered.
I wasn't just ready to let him have his way, I became violent and persistent, even when alot of force was applied to take me home. I just couldn't leave my husband's house.
Fredo didn't want to disrespect father's wish, so he looked at me and shooked his head bitterly, after which he turned around with his friends and left without saying a word.