I was not mistaken on my cousin, he was a madman of rage to what I am seeing, he caressed me gently the head with his hands that were so soft, I attacked his tongue that I bit, he smiled to me gently and took his tongue out of my mouth. He ran his tongue all along my head without even getting tired. Suddenly, he thrust his hand into my vagina.
Ouch," I cried.
Do you like that? he asked
Yes, go ahead honey. I replied
He continued to move back and forth with his hands, I screamed with pleasure, to avoid waking my parents, I screamed softly. I did not want to wake up the parents.
He brought his tongue down and gently caressed my neck, I was only squeezing it, he took my breasts and started caressing them. Oh my God! What pleasure? No, it couldn't be. I couldn't believe it, I was about to fuck my cousin. Anyway, I was going down, I just wanted him to eat my pussy with his thing. He got up slowly and took off his towel, Oh my God, what a cock! I couldn't hold back anymore, I grabbed his cock.
He smiled at me, from the look in his eyes you could tell he was happy, he gently removed my hand and spread my leg. Without even giving me time, he penetrated me with his tongue.
No, that's not true! I exclaimed.
He licked my vagina for a long time, the night was full of axes on my side. He removed his tongue and gently pulled me away. Suddenly, he penetrated me gently with his big cock.
At last! At last! At last! What I was waiting for had just been inside me, he gently lifted my feet and started with the back and forth movements. His cock was floating in me so much that I could hear it deep inside me.
I couldn't stop screaming at myself, I was really in heaven, that he is a God in bed. Even my boyfriend didn't make me feel so comfortable like my cousin did.
You're an angel Madeline. You're an angel, your pussy is really tight, oh yes you're so good my darling.
He squeezed me very, very tightly, I ran my hands all over his body, which still made him mad.
Tighter cousin.
Yes, sir.
He accelerated with a very big speed, suddenly, he shouted with joy while withdrawing.
Why are you withdrawing? I asked
I don't want to cum inside you.
No, you don't have to worry cousin, soon put it inside me, I'm already mature enough, I took precautions for that. So soon put it inside me.
All right. We have to change our position. Slowly.
He lifted both my feet. And entered me again. Who is this guy my God, he continued the back and forth movements again, to tell you the truth, I have never felt such a crazy pleasure in my whole life. After having a great time in this wonderful position, he slowly released himself into me.
Oh how beautiful! I exclaimed.
He grabbed my lips and started kissing me. Crazy with envy, I also seized his lips. He pulled back and smiled at me. This time I should go to my room and go to bed, otherwise my parents might surprise him.
Well, I think we have to stop here for today. I can't believe I had sex with you John.
I wonder how we got here, too.
I think we were overwhelmed with pleasure and...
I wanted to tell him about his masturbation this morning but I decided to hold him back at the risk of doing something more foolish.
And what?
I saw you masturbating earlier and you were calling my name.
___ Okay, I need you to turn around in your room.
Satisfied with my sex romp, I got up and went to my room to lie down quietly while thinking about that beautiful night and that beautiful dick of my cousin.
To be continued.