At these last words, she leaves and I see her boarding her hybrid car. Here I am alone with my boss.
_ Uh mr…
_So you were my personal assistant and you claimed the opposite?! I will not spare you.
_But you promised to change, I say imploringly.
_No one said it had to be immediate. For some dark reason, you can't be fired and apparently you can't quit either so we're stuck together. I'm going to make your life a living hell. See you at the Aliyah office.
It is with these last words that my stupid boss leaves my house. He gets into his beautiful sports car and takes off with a bang, leaving screeching marks in front of the driveway. There, we can say that I am fo Finally the weekend has arrived. It's really not too early. This week has been the longest of my life. Since I've been working with Davis Brown and he knows I'm his personal assistant, I haven't had a moment to myself. Only on Saturdays and Sundays can I truly rest. I've been working for him for 3 weeks now. Three long weeks of suffering. He kept his promise, he talks to me more exaggeratedly than before. He does not hesitate to publicly humiliate me and abuse my free time. As soon as he sees Mrs. Jefferson though, his tone and words change. He becomes gentle as a lamb and speaks to me politely. What a hypocrite! I met Neil's assistant, a very charming 32-year-old woman. She seems to have a thing for Neil too. Unfortunately for her, he flirts with me. After being difficult, I ended up accepting his invitation to dinner. From there was born a delicious game of seduction. I love our little moments alone. Tonight, it is even planned that we go watch a movie and then we go to dinner at the restaurant on the beach. I can't wait to start our date. It rings the doorbell. I'm going to open it, it's Chloe. a very charming 32-year-old woman. She seems to have a thing for Neil too. Unfortunately for her, he flirts with me. After being difficult, I ended up accepting his invitation to dinner. From there was born a delicious game of seduction. I love our little moments alone. Tonight, it is even planned that we go watch a movie and then we go to dinner at the restaurant on the beach. I can't wait to start our date. It rings the doorbell. I'm going to open it, it's Chloe. a very charming 32-year-old woman. She seems to have a thing for Neil too. Unfortunately for her, he flirts with me. After being difficult, I ended up accepting his invitation to dinner. From there was born a delicious game of seduction. I love our little moments alone. Tonight, it is even planned that we go watch a movie and then we go to dinner at the restaurant on the beach. I can't wait to start our date. It rings the doorbell. I'm going to open it, it's Chloe. we go watch a movie and then we go to dinner at the restaurant on the beach. I can't wait to start our date. It rings the doorbell. I'm going to open it, it's Chloe. we go watch a movie and then we go to dinner at the restaurant on the beach. I can't wait to start our date. It rings the doorbell. I'm going to open it, it's Chloe.
_Hi beauty!
_ Hi Chlo. How are you?
_ Yes very well. Not ready for your date yet?
_Nope. I don't know what to wear.
_A sexy thing like. I have something for you by the way. She walks in and goes straight up to my room. I'm in a bathrobe somewhat intrigued. I know that one and her very surprising little gifts. I don't know what she brought me but I dread it. All smiles, she pulls something out of her bag and presents it to me. I had good reason to be afraid: Chloé presents me with a very sexy red lace lingerie set. She shakes it and gives me wide smiles while showing it to me.
"What do you want me to do about this?" I asked him.
_That you wear it. Tonight might be your night.
_I hope not. We're not even dating yet.
_What's the point of being a virgin if you don't even play your assets to make more than one salivate? Chloe grumbles. Drop your nun's clothes and open your legs.
_Uh... hello! Hello, my name is Aliyah and I am a virgin. There's really no chance that I throw myself into the arms of the first guy I like. I would have gone out with everyone otherwise. I sure as hell wouldn't put your... your thing there. Chloe sighs and sits on my bed. I won't wear her little outfit. My decision is final. She forgets how I am that girl.
_Listen Ali. This sort of thing is not necessarily to be expected. Sometimes the desire comes like that. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Please put this on and don't flinch. You don't have to take your clothes off today. But at least if it happens, you'll be sexy and well prepared.
_.... You are irretrievable Chlo. I'll put it on your set, I tell him, taking his hands. You better make it work for me. As if the universe sent me a message, the set suits me perfectly. Chloe helps me get ready for my date. She forces me to wear a fairly tight black dress with black pumps. She brushes my weave, puts on light makeup, and brings out my luscious mouth with blood red lipstick. Chloe is really proud of her work at the end. My average cleavage uncovers my breasts without exposing too much. I look at myself in the mirror, I'm really ma-gni-fi-que! I never thought I would be so beautiful.
_So? I did a good job, huh?!, comments Chloé with a smirk.
_I admit, you turned me into a top model.
_The model I had is not bad either. Come on, let me take some pictures of my work. While she searches for her phone, I take mine to see if I haven't received a call from Neil. Indeed, I received calls, but from my boss. He tries to bother me again on Saturday nights. I really don't intend to answer him. We take some shots with my best friend and my camera rings again.
_ You do not intend to pick up?
_Why? For him to tell me about his life on a good weekend? No thanks.
_ But he never called you as far as I know. Please pick up, it may be important. Under pressure from Chloe, I finally answer.
_Good evening Mr. Brown.
_ Good evening Aliyah. Tell me, do you have the Collins file with you?
_Uh ... yes mr, I have it at home.
_Perfect. Could you bring it to me?
_Uh... that is to say...
_Stop running Jessy. You will hurt yourself. Tyler Shawn Brown, put that vase down now! It's not a skittle. Stacy, come watch your brothers. Please stop pissing me off.
_ A problem mr?
_It's the children, they're going to drive me crazy. Do you... do you know anything about children? What question ! Obviously from how well you take care of them when they come into the office...
_If you try to ask me to babysit your children, the answer is no. The weekend is my time away from you. For the Collins file, I'll bring it to you tomorrow, I have other plans for tonight.
_Ah... okay, I understand. Thanks anyway ! He clearly looked desperate to me, but never mind. I am not a babysitter. I don't think I'm paid enough for it. Chloe gives me a disapproving look.
_You could have...
_I have an appointment, you seem to forget it.
_Yes but Neil would have understood. This is a case of force majeure.
_ Are you my friend or that of my boss? Need to know. He doesn't let me take enough advantage of my evenings during the week, I should also offer him my weekend. Let's be serious my dear.
_ You are a little harsh with him.
_I prefer. My phone rings again.
_Listen mr, I already told you that I didn't have time...
_Ali, how are you? Neil asks me.
_Ah Neil. Sorry, I thought it was... Forget it. Tell me, are you in front of my house?
_No no. I wanted to tell you that... I'm sorry but I can't have dinner with you tonight. My mother has fallen ill and she is keeping me at home. She loves me a lot so you understand. And my father left us then...
"I understand very well, don't worry. Maybe we'll put that off until next time.
_It's not maybe. We'll have dinner next time, be sure. Still have a good evening.
_Thank you, you too!, I replied with a hint of disappointment in my voice. I hang up and explain my conversation to Chloe. She then tries to convince me to go to Mr Brown, which I categorically refuse.
_ But you have nothing more to do.
_ Yes, I will spend the evening with you.
_No, I'm not going to spend the evening with you knowing that you could be of service to your boss.
_Chlo, you really...
_Don't see it as a chore. Tell yourself it's a long term investment. If your boss realizes your devotion and availability at all hours of the day and night, he will use his connections to find you a job.
"Do you really think so?" I said puzzled.
_I am sure. And you would both benefit. Him, he would get rid of you "the insolent assistant" and you, you will no longer see his satisfied man's face and you will finally have a job that matches your skills. I think for a moment. What she says does not strike me as silly, quite the contrary. Chances are, I can finally get what I want most in life if I show myself to be helpful. This is an avenue to explore.
_You won. Let me put on more comfortable shoes and let's go. I trade my pumps for flat sandals that show off my pretty legs just as much. Chloe is already waiting for me outside. I climb aboard his cutting and enter Mr Brown's address into his GPS. Head for an evening at Morningstar! e I get out of Chloe's car.
_Stay zen Ali. Please don't kill him.
_I try, but I promise you nothing. Good bye Chlo.
_Bye Ali! I walk a little anxious in the alley of mr Brown. Spending the evening at his place terrifies me a bit, I don't know why. In any case, once in front of the big wooden door of my employer, I rang with some apprehension. I hear a loud barking, they seem to have a dog. It's Stacy opening the door.
_ Good evening Aliyah. So you are very beautiful. Is it to seduce my father?, she said with a wink.
_Haha! I laugh yellow. It is almost painful this adolescent of 14 years. She's been trying to convince me to go out with her dad for a while but it doesn't work, so she leaves me. I walk in and she gently closes the door behind. She motions for me to follow her and leads me straight into the living room where her father and brothers are.
_Here is the complete Adams family, she jokes. Mr Brown was scolding his 11 year old son but when he saw me he immediately stopped and stared at me for a long time. I knew this dress was effective but not as effective. Maybe I should have changed my outfit after all because with my cleavage and the fact that my dress is tight, I look like a real piece of meat.
_You are... You are lovely Aliyah, compliments me mr.
_Thank you very much Mr. I was going on a date, I say to put things in context. _Ah. Why did you change your mind and end up here?
_Let's focus on my presence here instead. Here is the Collins file mr, I handed him.
_Thanks a lot. But I hope I didn't really disturb your evening?
_No at all, don't worry. Want me to watch your kids while you work?
'' No, I wouldn't want to disturb you. You told me you were busy tonight. Mr. Brown considerate? We will have seen it all. Maybe it's the dress that does it. Finality, it wasn't such a bad idea.
_Yes but I'm here now, ready to help.
_Really, I do not want to abuse. It's the weekend. Good God, are you going to shut up and just accept my help!? What a pipette this mr! After several minutes, I finally get him to accept the idea and he shows me the different rooms of his pretty house and disappears into his office.
_So, what do you want to do?, I asked them.
_What would you say to a console game Aliyah?, offers me her first daughter.
Why not! Tyler turns on the console and inserts a game into the slot. The kids put on a family game and we all have a great time playing it. I have to admit, these kids are a breath of fresh air. They are the complete opposite of their father, kind, lively and good humoured. It's a change from my boss's sourness. I can't believe he's from the same family. A dog, a powerful German shepherd, waddles into the living room. The kids wave me off, but I'm not afraid. I love dogs. This one, moreover, immediately comes to rub up against me, and I take the opportunity to stroke it. Then I was introduced to Black. I didn't know that Mr Brown had a dog, or that he could look after other people than himself. I didn't really pay attention to the pictures on his desk, there must be some frames with the family in them.
_But tell me, why don't you have a nanny?, I inquired curiously.
_The last one, dad fired her, Jessy told me nonchalantly. It seems almost normal. These kids are amazing.
_Can I tell you something Aliyah?, said Stacy to me.
_Go ahead.
_We fired the last nanny. She was too strict and she beat us on the system. So we tricked dad into thinking she was stealing from us and he fired her.
"But it's horrible!" I said indignantly. Why did you do this?
_To force dad to spend time with us. He almost never has time to take care of his children.
_We absolutely do not regret it, completes Tyler. It takes what it takes to be able to spend time with our father. Since our parents divorced, dad no longer has time to take care of us. Not to mention his new girlfriend coming out through our pores. It only pushes him further away.
_I understand you. But what should I conclude from this? That I'm going to get fired too?
_No, we think you're nice, announces the biggest solemnly. You don't have to worry about it. I burst out