Vinnie Monarch lives in a world where humans are aware that vampires and werewolves exist along with other supernatural ...
Chapter 1: Dreams In The Dark
Vinnie's POV:
I woke up in an open space with trees all around me and the wind blowing hard. The leaves were falling from them and it seemed like they were dying. This was a new thing. I looked up at the night sky and sighed. It was always night when I had this dream. Stars littered the sky as far as the eye could see, twinkling. I smiled. It was peaceful in this place and that's something I loved about being here. It was an escape from reality and it was a place I could actually be happy. Animals would be all around, just grazing and running around. Some of them would approach me so I could pet them. But this time, there were barely any animals in the clearing. Something was definitely wrong and I began to worry. I hoped he came soon so I could get answers. It was just a matter of time.
There was a crack of lightning that came down from the sky, scaring away the few animals and leaving me here alone with the strong winds. I sighed and stood up, dusting off the back of my jeans. He stood where the lightning had struck, staring at me. His face was illuminated by the lightning strikes and my eyes widened. It was the first time I'd seen how he looked and even if it was only for a few seconds, he was very attractive. He wore a serious face as he walked toward me. Thunder sounded from the sky and clouds covered up the stars. Everything was darker than before and I could barely make him out in the night. I frowned and glared at him. He shrugged and looked up. It was hard to tell, but I think he smiled. A few times a week, I had dreams like this... with him. I never learned his name, so I gave him a nickname instead. Light. It suited him.
"Such an extravagant entrance." I said, slow clapping and rolling my eyes. He rolled his blue green eyes too and stopped in front of me. Even up close, I still couldn't make out Light's face. His hair was brown though... or black.
"If you would've been here last week, you would've seen different entrances. Now, where were you?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. Tingles danced on my skin when he slid his fingers underneath my shirt. I rubbed my chin, thinking of a lie I could tell.
"Maybe we don't always have dreams together, Light" I said. He chuckled and leaned down to my ear. My heartbeat sped up.
"I know when we do. I can feel it and you were awake. You've been avoiding me." He whispered. I pushed him away.
"I just... I had homework." My heart was pounding. How could I tell him? Light frowned and stepped toward me. I closed my eyes. "I just wish you were... real okay? I think over these past few months that I... I might..." I swallowed in the middle of my sentence and turned away. He sighed and I could hear him behind me. I opened my eyes just as I heard him say something.
Loud banging came from my door and I jolted awake, sitting up. I rubbed my eyes and groaned. Light was so close to telling me something, but my dream got interrupted. What was it!? I pulled my phone out from under the pillow and checked the time. Six fifty. My eyes widened as I realized my arm didn't go off. I only had ten minutes to get ready.
"Vinnie, mom say get your ass up." Ken said from behind my door. I glared at it.
I untangled my legs from my bed sheets and ran to my closet, sliding it open. I grabbed a dark green shirt with some denim shorts. I threw them on my bed and pulled open my dresser. I couldn't find any bras matching with my underwear so I just chose whatever and took a tank top with me. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. I sat on my bed, thinking about the dream as I put on my clothes. It was just that right? A dream. That boy wasn't actually out there and even if he was, he probably wouldn't date a girl like me. Well... maybe it was possible there was someone out there for me. Every passing period, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. Maybe it's my imagination but I swear there were some eyes like his in the hall.
I shook my head. There was no time to think about this. I hurried out of my room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I turned to the mirror, quickly washing my face of any drool or crud. The time was ticking down so I had to rush as I brushed my teeth. I gargled some mouthwash as I finished and went back into my room, slipping on my checkered Vans. Once my backpack was in hand and my black jacket was on, I ran downstairs. I grabbed a piece of bread from the loaf and tied the bag closed before running out and meeting mom by the car.
Ken was already in the passenger seat and despite my grogginess, I wasn't going to let him take my seat. I opened the passenger door.
"Go to the back." I said. He frowned and buckled his seat belt. I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed his shirt.
"I'm going to tell you one more time. Go. To. The. Back."
"You'll have to pry my cold, dead body fro-"
"Just get in the back Vinnie! You're going to be late." Mom huffed, glaring at the both of us. I groaned and closed the door as Ken smirked.
I climbed in the back, placing my backpack next to me and munched on my piece of bread. Bread was good. Bread was life.
Mom buckled her seat belt and put the car in reverse, pulling out from her parking spot. I sighed and rested my head against the window, watching as the houses went by. The sky was clear except for a few clouds floating past the sun. I finished the rest of my bread and wiped any crumbs from my mouth and lap, earning a shout from mom. It was a silent car ride like usual except for the continuous humming of the engine and the radio playing a song by Dua Lipa. They played her songs way too much for my liking and I was beginning to get it stuck in my head.
I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. Because of what Light was telling me in the dream, I've been kind of antsy since I didn't get the chance to hear it all. I was worried he was going to tell me he was leaving my dreams or something of the sort. Sleeping was one of my only escapes these days and not having those dreams would take a toll on me.
The car hit a bump and my head bounced off of the window. I opened my eyes and rubbed my forehead. Looking out the window, my school was just in front with a small crowd of students heading inside. The car stopped in the drop-off zone and I put on my backpack, grabbing the door handle. I fixed my hair and opened the door.
"Oh wait, Vinnie. I won't be able to pick you up so you'll have to walk home. You'll be fine walking home with Ken." Mom said. I frowned and stopped in my tracks.
"With him?" I huffed as Ken groaned.
"Yes and you better get home together, you understand?" She looked at both of us.
"Yes mom." Ken and I said at the same time.
I stepped out and closed the door. I pulled out my phone to see that I had five minutes left before the late bell rang. I ran up the steps of my school and looked back as mom's car drove away. Ken flipped me off and I returned it before walking inside.
My first period, AP Calculus, was just a few feet away so I didn't have to run. I walked into class, giving a slight smile to our teacher and sat down in my assigned seat located in the back. I sat down and took off my backpack. I placed it next to me and unzipped it. I pulled out my journal only to have it caught on my binder and fall onto the floor. I sighed, hating how this would always happen when I was taking something out. From the corner of my eye, someone walked into the classroom dressed in bright pink as the bell. I instantly knew it was Carly, the girl I hated the most. I glanced up only to instantly regret it because she was already staring straight at me.
She walked down the row and flipped her brown hair over her shoulder. I tried reaching my notebook, but it was just out of reach. I cursed under my breath as Carly's tan knee-high boots clacked towards me. Sometimes, when she wasn't a bitch to me which was when I didn't see her, I envied her clothing style.
A tan boot attached to a pale leg stepped onto my journal, digging into the cover. I'd just bought this one too. I hid my glare as I glanced up.
"Oops, I didn't see it there." Carly chuckled, a glint in her eyes. I waited for her and her two friends, Emily and Aimme passed by. Emily stepped on it too, acting as if it wasn't there, but Aimme actually stepped over it and nudged it closer to me. She wasn't as bad as them and I knew she only followed Carly around because they'd been friends since elementary.
I finally grabbed my journal and put it on my desk, brushing off the dirt that had gotten on it from the shoes and floor. This damn vinyl tiling was way too prone to dirt. There wasn't a time these floors weren't dirty. I sighed and took out a pencil from my backpack just as the person in front of me turned away. My ex-crush Aaron Miller. My cheeks heated up slightly and I gave him a small smile. His deep blue eyes met mine and he scratched his neck. He kept opening and closing his mouth as I just stared at him. My eyes were itching to be rolled because of how girlish I was acting.
"I'm, uh, sorry about her... um..." Aaron trailed off. I internally scoffed. Of course.
"Vinnie." I mumbled and looked up. He was staring at his phone and frowning at something he read. I rolled my eyes. I needed to get over myself. He doesn't like me.
Aaron nodded and turned back around, taking out his phone as its flashlight went off. People really needed to turn that off when they received notifications. It was really annoying. The back of my head was burning and I rubbed it, knowing it was because of Carly. I bet she was jealous I had talked with her boyfriend. There was a high chance I would hear about this from her soon and I was dreading that interaction.
I glanced at the clock. This was going to be a long period.