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Chapter 3: Sexy Dance

Cole licks his lips as his eyes remain on mine. His eyes have significantly darkened from where I can see him, and as I look away, I see in my peripheral vision him approaching me. The smoke around the room adds to this intense atmosphere. Every step he takes is slow, and for some reason, it doesn't make me uncomfortable like I would have initially thought.

When he gets up to us, he mumbles a hey to Ralph but keeps his eyes solely on me. Under this lighting, they are a deeper blue, almost navy like from how dark every room is in the frat. However, I see the redness around his outer rims, indicating that he's been smoking. I watch as they rake over my appearance slowly, taking the time to observe everything, and mustering up a smirk when he sees my combat boots.

I decide to return the favor and shift my eyes down his muscular frame. He's confident and proud standing there. His head is held high, chin up and straight shoulders. The muscles on his arm are covered with a leather jacket, open, with a white v neck to hide the skin underneath. However, I can see dark ink trailing from the bottom of the shirt, and peeking out the top of the collar. Black jeans wrap around his long legs, making them appear longer than they are. As my eyes trail lower to his boots and back to his face, I can distinctly piece together the contours of muscles along his arms and legs.

He is impeccably gorgeous, that I can't deny. But I clear of those thoughts that appear in my mind, turning my attention back to the two people beside me.

"Cole. Do a shot with us!" Ralph shouts over the blaring music and slides an empty shot glass over to him. He pours the alcoholic liquid to the brim and proceeds to follow the same process for himself and Amy.

Cole shrugs as if to say 'what do I got to lose' and downs his shot in one gulp.

I look down onto the counter, tracing the granite pattern with my pointer finger. My forehead begins to break out with beads of sweat from how hot it is in this stuffy house. I take another glance at the group, trying not to grimace at how careless they're downing shot after shot.

I shake my head to stop mindlessly thinking of my father as it happens, it's driving me nuts. Images of his drunken body, of him throwing up with alcohol poisoning, of him getting behind the wheel because he's out of his reality escaper. The thought alone of him wrecking into someone has the room spinning. I suddenly can't breathe, I'm gasping before I know it and when I turn, nobody has any idea. I'm alone in this.

The music is deafening, my throat is closing, I'm gasping and choking on my own breath. The air in the house is making it impossible for me to calm down, it's foggy and the scent of sweat mixes with weed and alcohol, creating a suffocating atmosphere.

When Amy finally notices me, a look of worry crosses her features, but I'm already rushing past bodies to the front door.

I heave and forcefully push drunk teenagers aside. I wanna say apologies, but my anxiety is becoming too much. My chest is constricting violently with fear.

I need air.

The only thought in my mind, my only goal, is to get to fresh air.

My first night here and already I'm flipping out. I'm not sure where this worry is blossoming from, but it's taken me under its current and I feel like there's no escape.

When I make it to the door, I burst through and immediately welcome the open oxygen. My heart rate begins to decrease as I take in deep breaths and exhale the same way.

I take a seat on some steps as I return to normal. My mind however, is racing. How am I suppose to start a new life if my old one keeps haunting me? I mean, the panic attack was not as bad as it could have been, and maybe it was just the overwhelming change of today. I'm officially in a place out of my comfort zone, and I only have this chance to make it. I need to get it together.

I stay on the steps for long minutes, thinking and processing. At one hand, I could go back inside and try to have a good time, and on another I could leave and finish unpacking my stuff. I just met this new group, and skipping out wouldn't look great on my part.

Making a last minute decision, I stand and enter back inside the house. I pass by bodies and search faces for the group I left unexpectedly. They probably already think I'm a freak for that. I hope that my little episode does not taint what they think of me overall.

I find them on the dance floor, everybody is with someone, letting loose and being free, no worries hidden under their belts.

I see Amy and Ralph dancing, ridiculously close may I add, and Brandon and Rachel. Cole on the other hand is grinding against a curvy blonde, gripping her hips tightly as he moves in sync with her.

I approach the group steadily.

"Hey! Where'd you go? We searched the whole house for you, are you okay?" Amy slurs when she notices me walking up on them.

I nod, and it seems as though everyone is suddenly looking at me. "I'm fine, just got hot for a moment."

"You sure?" Rachel asks, stopping her hips from swaying.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

I smile for reassurance.

Cole catches my line of vision, and his hips stop moving but the blonde continues. She grinds hard into him, and I can see him visually tighten his grip on her hips.

I quickly look away before I see something that I really don't want to.

"Dance with us." The two girls grab each of my hands and pulls me toward them. I've never really danced aside from when I'm alone and feeling wild-aside from a few lessons I took as a younger adolescent- but I am not afraid to show what I got.

We're all laughing again when we start to move. The music playing is more so for grinding and partners, but for someone without one, I'm doing a relatively good job. The girls both wolf whistle and laugh along as they dance.

I move my hips to the beat and wave my hands above my head in sync. My body follows the movements my arms are making, and it creates the nicest rhythm. I close my eyes and let the music control my body, the panic I had only minutes ago nowhere to be found in my newly found good mood.

Rachel and Amy are back dancing with the boys, and I create a wave all my own, swaying my hips and rolling them to the bass of the song.

It's only when a third sing rolls over the speakers do I feel hands come around my waist.

Startled and slightly sweaty, I spin around to find a guy with a crooked smile. His eyes are a light brown under the dark light, and the way their glossy let's me know he's had more than a few.

"Can I dance with you?!" He slurs, his breath laced with the smell of whiskey and cigarettes. It makes me want to vomit.

I shake my head with a sympathetic smile. "No thanks!" I pitch my voice so it's louder than the music.

"Oh, come on. One dance." He persists.

"Really, I'm good. I'm actually a little tired."

I attempt to brush him off once more, but when I turn after a final say he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

My back clumsily hits his chest and I gasp in shock a how rough the action felt.

"Excuse me," I break free from him and glare. "But I said no."

"Excuse me," he mocks cockily. "but I asked nicely."

"She said no," a cold voice interjects. "And she already has a partner so go find your own, Ash."

Cole comes into my view and grabs ahold of my hand. I try to pull away but he gives me a look as if to say 'just go with it'. I press my lips together tightly and listen.

Ash, who hasn't tried anything else, gives me one last glance and stumbles onto another girl.

Puzzled, I look at Cole. "How did you get him to leave me alone?"

He shrugs, "I have a rep. People don't mess with me."

His careless reply makes me laugh.

"Well..thank you." I say and attempt to pull my arm from his grip. I hadn't noticed he was still holding it.

He tightens his own grip and smirks. "How did you learn to dance like that?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Dance like what?"

"You had practically every guys attention in here. Don't tell me you didn't notice." He deadpans, his bloodshot eyes holding a 'duh' look.

"I really didn't. I wasn't giving them any mind." I shrug.

"Sure you weren't." His eyes roll.

"I wasn't." I say.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say. You're just a prude that's all." He remarks and my eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" I fume. "First you don't know anything about me," I hold up a finger and rip my arm from his hand. "And second I'm not a prude. I just didn't care about them. I was having fun."

I am not sure why I feel the need to defend myself to him, but I find myself doing so.

"Fun? All by yourself? Your weird." He laughs, mocking me and it pisses me off.

"No, not weird. It's actually pretty cool if you think about it. I don't need anyone else to have a good time." I defend, more weak than I would've accepted, but I don't back down and instead fold my arms.

"Is that suppose to be intimidating?"

He gestures to my arms.

I roll my eyes, "No. Just... nevermind. I said thank you and that's all."

I turn to walk away from him but he stops me and grabs me, pulling me back. Only this time the action is not rough, he only uses a bit of force to get me to move.

"Wanna dance?" He asks me in my ear.

His hot breath hits the back of my neck, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Can you even dance?" I tease and face him once more.

He looks at me with mischief and bites his lip.

"I guess you'll have to find out." He winks and backs up further into the dance floor, keeping his pretty blue eyes on me, taunting.

I decide to follow him and see how far this playful yet flirtatious mood will take us. Just moments ago he was insulting me and now I'm accepting a dance? What the hell is wrong with me?

I grin confusedly at Cole, but follow his lead and grab his hands as he holds them out for me. He takes them swiftly and turns me around, pressing me carefully against him.

(Cole's P.O.V.)

I press her firmly against me and hold her curved hips with my hands. I can tell she is hesitant, but she slowly begins to move as an upbeat song begins to play.

Watching her...holy fuck. The girl has moves, and nobody can say anything against it. Hell, every guy in this room had his eyes on her, except for the ones pulled by their girlfriends. It was intoxicating to watch, so hot, and so damn addicting to witness.

Seeing that, itching to be near that, makes me wanna mess with this girl even more.

The blonde from earlier got pissed because I kept stealing glances at her, but I couldn't exactly help it. She was like one of those sirens; the ones that pull you under a love spell with their looks and voice, and never release you until you are completely gone.

The way her hips sway against me causes my hands to tighten and pull her closer. I move in sync with her, intertwining our fingers and lifting them above her head. Her scent wafts into my face, and I have to stop myself from leaning further into her.

Fuck, this girl is on fire.

It seems Jules did not completely satisfy me earlier because I'm hard as ever with her grinding against me.

Maybe I'm too high and tipsy and she's just clouding my rational thoughts, but in this moment, I don't particularly care.

She moves perfectly in rhythm with the drumbeat of the song, moving her body and twisting it just the same. I didn't notice just how flexible she is. The way her hips move, it's almost as if she's the back up dancer for a Shakira video. Her fucking hips sure as hell don't lie.

Seeing that guy earlier, and the way he held her even when she tried to pull away, was nerve wracking. I may be an asshole, but I draw a line when it comes to women and sticking my hands on them in any violent way. That's not the kind of asshole I am. If I'm gonna hurt a woman, it'll be emotionally; with my words not my hands.

I did love the way he didn't fight me, though. He must've seen what I did to Jeremy Hicks just two days ago. Stupid prick thought he could beat me, but one swing and he was a goner. That's what the fuck gets for throwing his drink in my face, all because his girl was hitting on me. Not my fault girls throw themselves at me. If I could stop it I would...oh who am I kidding? I love it.

But I'm not the type to steal someone's girl.

Thoughts of only months ago flood through my mind for the second time today. I try to push them back, and it only pushes them further. She's gone. I remind myself, over and over so it'll seem more real.

Doing my best, I blink away the girl whose made me who I am now and instead look down at the sexy girl before me.

Clad in a velvet black dress, her curves are outlined and legs are on display. Her feet are covered in black combat boots, and oddly it makes her outfit look more appealing.

Like more her, if that makes sense. I don't really know her, but something tells me she isn't all that worried about what she wears. Although her style is pretty damn good. And everyone in here can tell.

Using my hands, I spin her around and pull so she's face to face with me. I angle my knee between her legs and get close, having no problem getting into her personal space. She smirks at the look on my face and grinds herself downward, rolling her tight hips into mine. I place one hand on her waist and use the other to pull her flush against my body, letting it rest at the crest of her back. She must be able to feel how hard I am.

We dance for a few more songs, adding flavor and style to our moves. At one point, Amara twists around me, taunting me as she shimmies down and then back up in one fluid motion, her nails drifting over the back of my shirt. A shiver travels from top to bottom at the soft pressure she used. Not enough to satisfy but enough to get a reaction.

At some point, we stop dancing. I breathe heavily to catch some breath and observe her face closely.

The make-up she's wearing makes her eyes hypnotize me. Although she's sweating, the small beads of water give her face a tantalizing glow under the light.

She's not just hot, she's beautiful, but I can tell that she isn't like the girls I fool around with.

Those girls seem to have one thing on their mind, while this girl obviously has millions. I could tell earlier when we were walking; the way her eyes searched the shops and people, as if looking for an answer to an unspoken question. It's for this also that makes me wanna mess with her, to fuck with her and see what just is going on inside of her head.

I didn't think I would ever want that with a girl again. And earlier today, I didn't want to know what was in her head, just fuck with her until her face turned red more.

I think it's her sexy outfit that's clouding my mind this way.

I look at her, and she looks at me, slightly out of breath from how much dancing we just did. Her eyes are dilated, but I can't tell if it's from how dark the place is, or from something else.

"Fun, huh?" She breaks the silence with a smile.

"Sure." I shrug, masking my face to appear unaffected.

The small smile disappears from her face at my passiveness. I did have fun, more fun than I'll ever admit to myself, but I won't let her know that. She doesn't need to.

I look around us for the others, and my gaze catches Ralph and Brandon's. They're in a corner of the room, talking quietly to some guys, and they send me winks and thumbs up at the sight of my hands still on Amara's waist. Ralph wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and makes motions with his elbows that insinuate sex.

I roll my eyes, and drop my hands to my sides, shaking my head dismissively.

Sure, I find her attractive, but that doesn't mean I wanna screw her. I really just wanna annoy her and make her face flush.

Keep telling yourself that.

I roll my eyes internally at myself and walk away from her without a word. I see Ralph and Brandon again, and head to their spot.

Luckily my jeans are dark, so with the places lightning, it is easy for me to cover my hard on. It should go down soon, without her presence it should not be very hard. No pun intended.

When I reach them, they give me shocked looks, as if I'm crazy.

"What the hell is wrong with you man?!"

"Are you nuts?!" They both speak at the same time.

"What?" I give them a confused look although I know what they're talking about.

"Um, you're crazy for not pursuing that," Ralph nods his head to Amara across the dance floor. "because she is fucking hot."

"Watch it. You're into my sister." I tell him, and he blushes slightly.

"I told you that in confidence!" He mewls childishly.

"Look, ignore him. What he's trying to ask is why you didn't pursue. I mean, any guy would." Brandon says matter-of-factly, sipping from his red solo cup.

I shake my head, "she's not my type."

"Yeah, and I like dudes." He deadpans, giving me a 'what the fuck' look.

I shrug carelessly, "whatever man, she just isn't. Besides, I have plenty of girls who want me."

"Yet none of them can wear combat boots and make it look sexy." Ralph snorts, looking her over. I do the same and watch as she talks mindlessly to Amy and Rachel. It seems she isn't effected by our dance. I mean, why would she be anyway? It was only dancing.

"Hey," I snap my fingers at Ralph, making him look back to me. "don't be checking out other girls when I know who your really after."

"First of all, I'm single so I can do what I want. And second, I don't even think Amy is into me like that." He says. I detect more than a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Part of me feels bad, but it's not like I can go to Amy about it. She's my sister and he's like my best friend. Sure, there's guy code, but I don't mind it because I know Ralph is a good guy. Besides he'd know what would happen if he was to hurt her. I am protective of my sister.

"Never know till you ask." Brandon smugly points out.

"You know why I can't ask," he fires back to him.

"Oh, please. They broke up weeks ago."

"Keyword weeks. No girl is ready to date after just weeks."

"Okay, could you two discuss getting with my sister while I'm not around?" I look between the two guys.

"Technically were discussing not getting with her." Ralph smirks.

"Whatever," I huff and take his red solo cup, taking a swig.

"She's looking at you." Brandon whispers cockily, making my eyes shift to the other side of the room. Sure enough, her eyes are looking at me, a mix of annoyance and something else swirling in her orbs.

What does she have to be annoyed for? I didn't do anything. I shake my head and look away, ignoring her stare and prying around for a random girl. This girl is making me need to blow off steam.

With her beckoning hips and tanned legs, it's gonna be hard, but I have to manage. As I said... she's not my type.

(Amara's P.O.V.)

He looks away from me and his eyes search, for what, I'm not sure. But with the gleam in his eyes I can take a wild guess.

I have to admit, his dancing skills earlier left me breathless and hot, but when he walked away without a word, all the desire left and in came the annoyance. Like..who does that? Just helps someone, then dances phenomenally with them, and the just leaves without a word. Without a qualm.

I guess I should expect it. I mean, after our dance Amy was telling me about him more. He's a player, of course. I suspected that. I mean if I was a guy and looked like that, then hell yeah I'd be one too. He is, well to be blunt, an asshole.

Amy advised me not to try anything, because that's how he worked, and she could tell that I am not the type he goes for. Although my attraction to him is obvious.

I guess I have to be okay with it, I mean I did just meet him, so it's not like I'm in love or some stupid shit like that, but he is extremely attractive. But Amy is right, he's an asshole, and I'm not looking to get hurt.

I'm here to start a new life. Not repeat my old one.

Although I doubt Cole is anything like Logan, in some ways, at least.

Shivers travel down the length of my spine, but I lock away all those memories that pop up. He's not here, he'll never be here, and I need to remember that.

"I'm ready to blow this place!" Rachel slurs as Ralph and Brandon approach us.

"Me too." Amy replies, slurring equally. Ralph grabs her to keep her steady and I offer up a hand as well.

"I got it, I've done it before." Ralph assures me. I ask once more if he's sure, and he happily assures me.

"Do you need help?" I ask Brandon as he holds up his unstable girlfriend.

"Nah, I've got it. Thanks though."

I nod and press my lips together. I'm ready to go too, I just have no idea if I'm taking these girls back home.

"Hey! Um, do you want to take them to my car and I'll drive them back?" I ask the two guys.

"Nah, I'll take her back to my place." Brandon replies, kissing Rachel's cheek.

"Yeah, I'll help her to your car." Ralph says, gesturing for me to lead the way.

I nod and begin leading him and her our of the house.

The cooler air brushes along us and my slightly sweaty body begins feeling a bit rejuvenated.

We reach my car and he puts her up front in haste, buckling the seat belt with finality. She's already passed out from what I can see.

"You know it was nice meeting you Amara." Ralph says when he's standing by my driver's side.

"Thank you. You too." I smile.

"Uh..sorry for uh..unloading her on you, I just figured since you guys live together..." He trails off.

"Oh no. You're fine. I think I'll manage."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," I nod.

I've dealt with this before. I want to say, but refrain myself. If barely.


"Up you go." I mumble as I help Amy out of my front seat. She mumbles a string of incoherent words and I laugh slightly.

It's quiet as we walk up the sidewalk and into our dorm building. As we take the seemingly endless hallway down, I begin to think I should have just pulled around back and used the back door closest to ours.

Yet, we manage to reach fairly quickly, well..as quick as a drunk girl can go. I unlock the door and enter our dark dorm. Reaching over, I flick the switch and light floods into the room. I help Amy lay on her bed and walk to my suit case. I return to her and hand her the bottle of water I retrieved.

"This will help with the hangover in the morning." I tell her and she shakily grabs the bottle. I try and help her the best I can as she swallows the liquid.

"Thank you." She says quietly, laying back down. Within seconds her breathing is slowing and she's asleep.

I cover her up a bit more with her blanket, and then walk over to my bed. I sit down and sigh, thinking today over. It was good, very good. Even with my panic attack, or whatever that was, it hasn't been my worse day.

I actually had fun, and I didn't drink. I danced and actually hung out at a party. I never really did it. I am the person who likes to smoke at home, or with friends somewhere. I wasn't interested in drinking. In fact I loathed it because of what it did to my father. And what it could potentially do to me.

I shake my head and take off my boots. I glance over and realize Amy's heels are still on. Thinking it over, I decide what the hell and go over to take hers off. I set them beside her bed, turn off the lights, then walk back to mine.

Laying down, I rethink today again. It was good, and part of me is thinking about my dances, Cole's in particular. It was..fun. I liked it. But that's all it was, fun.

I look back over at Amy and smile. I made new friends on my first day, not gonna lie, pretty proud of that. Not because I'm antisocial, but I'm in a new place, a new atmosphere. The people are totally different.

I'm hours away from home. And I can't stop thinking about my dad. I don't want something to happen to him, and I fear that something might if I'm not there for him to call when he's too drunk to get up for his phone.

Yawning, I try my best to analyze my situation. I think it's worth it for me to try.

I made this choice, now I have to live it out.

I drift off minutes after, realizing just how late it is, versus how early I woke up this morning.

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