— Friend, you need to have sex! — I hear my best friend Helena saying.
— And you need to stop wanting to find me a man! I growl.
— More friend you really need! She shrugs and rolls her eyes.
- I already have a boyfriend! - I remind her and her turn to roll her eyes and smile.
"Until now you've completely gone mad!" - She speaks with irony.
- I crazy? - I question her and I only see her nodding her head in agreement.
- Yes definitely! Since when does a dildo replace a dick? ’ She starts questioning me.
— My friend, he helps me so much! - I answer remembering the first time I bought it over the internet.
— Julia, of course he helps you! She nods and I reply:
— You see, even you agree that he helps me a lot!
"That's not the point!" She snorts and I look at her curiously as we're eating our Coke-drizzled pizzas.
— Helena was the best thing I ever did! - I answer quietly remembering that I would soon be using him again.
— Friend, on the one hand, he was just like I said, he's not going to replace a dick and I'm saying this from experience.
—Helena spares me the details about her intimate life! I mumble with a little bit of envy and that would never tell her.
— I'm just wanting to show you that a dildo, no matter how hot it is, is not a dick that when it's inside you... —She begins.
- I got it! - I interrupt.
"So when are you going out to get a man with a really big dick?" she asks curiously.
“ I'm fine! ' I groan again.
- You are not well! She's stressed out too much and a vibrator isn't enough! -She says with a lot of conviction.
—Helena, if I'm stressed it's because of work! Then you want me to be more stressed because of a man? - I question looking steady.
— Ever since you started working for that executioner of yours boss, you've been under a lot of stress! - She comments and I have to agree with her on some points.
— Yes, he is one of the reasons why I don't relate! - I comment.
"Oh for God's sake, woman!" - She grumbles taking more Coke.
"For God's sake, I say!" How am I going to have a relationship with a man when I myself have been wanting to kill them? - I question getting angry.
"Actually, you just want to throttle your boss!" - She declares smiling.
"Did I mention strangling?" — I tease her.
"Nevertheless!" And who do you think is fooling me? - She asks suddenly and I look at her and I answer without any remorse:
- For sure!
— Julia, let's be honest! - She asks now looking at me seriously.
- About what? - I ask without understanding anything.
"You don't have a crush on your boss?" - She asks curious and I feel my face heat up and there's no way I'm going to tell Helena how that man moves me and I answer:
- Not even a little! — I answer with such certainty that Helena looks at me and says in frustration.
— And I was dying to know if my friend was wanting to live a love story! She snorts and I burst out laughing.
— Helena, stop reading these cliché novels! — I scold her and even without telling my friend that yes, I was very into my boss and that when I masturbated, he was the one I imagined fucking me and not my vibrator.
"Earth to Julia!" — I hear her calling me and I keep mentally cursing myself to stop thinking about him.
" What happened?" - I ask without understanding why she was calling me.
"You looked like you were dreaming." - She comments.
- Was not! — I quickly change the conversation and continue: — What were we talking about?
"We were just talking about your hot boss!" "She teases me."
"And since when do you think my boss is hot?" - I ask curiously.
"Since you said he was a handsome man and so I guess he's hot, right?" She teases me and I glare at her.
"Only if it's for you!" — I grumble, not giving up and remembering how that man, what was hot, was bossy.
"Oh come on, don't tell me you haven't had any erotic fantasies about him yet?" -She teases me again and I try not to fall for her.
- No! - I lie in the biggest dick face.
— Oh, you're fooling me, I like it! - She mocks and I show her the finger who laughs.
—I have no crush on my boss! He's not my type! —I comment.
- Know! — Helena laughs and I glare at her and I hear her cell phone ring and I say:
"Your hubby has arrived!" — I made fun of her smiling knowing that my best friend was happily married to Adriano.
"Oh friend, I have to go!" she says with regret.
— Ata doesn't come with that regretful face! That I know that when I leave here, I'm going to jump in his lap! -I speak with irony and I hear her laughing.
— I love you, my friend, and I'm telling you for your sake that it's time for you to have a boyfriend who makes you see the stars while you come!
— And I already told you that the vibrator does that, very well!
— Look, I love you, my friend, it's a shame I don't like women! - She jokes winking at me and I laugh and answer
- I love you too! But that doesn't mean I want to have sex with you! — I make fun of her laughing at my face.
- I love you! -She says getting up and going to the door of my apartment and when I open the door we come face to face with her husband.
— Hi Adriano! — I greet him affectionately and he comes over and gives me a kiss and says:
— How beautiful! - He says hugging me and I return and look at him and ask
"I'm fine, do me a favor?" — I ask him to look at me curiously.
"What has my beautiful wife done now?" —He asks with humor, knowing that Helena and I had a great friendship and I look at him and say:
"Take care of your wife?" - I ask with all feigned sweetness and he laughs hugging her.
"What do you want me to do what?" - He asks hugging Helena affectionately.
- Whatnot! The woman is yours do something for her to stop meddling in my life! I snort and he laughs again.
—Oh, leave it, I'll teach her a good lesson! - He says answering with a malice and I roll my eyes and answer:
"Spare me the sordid details!" ' I groan again. They laugh and hug me and when they were saying goodbye to me Helena says:
— Julia! - She speaks.
- Yes? - I answer.
— You're invited to have a threesome with us! - She teases me in the biggest dick face and I answer:
— Get out, you bunch of perverts that now I'm going to date! —I answer by waving goodbye to them who laugh and I hear Adriano asking if there was a man there and Helena simply replies that it was my vibrator and I scream: — Helena I'm going to kill you!
"I know you don't have the guts!" - She screams and I hear the noise of the elevator arriving and I shout in response:
"You're not so sure!" — I threaten her and I close the door of my apartment and I put the leftover pizza and I drink some more Coke and I put the bottle away too and I turn everything off and I go to my room and when I get there I take off my clothes and lie down on the bed. my bed with my legs apart and I take my vibrator and start to touch my breasts very slowly, imagining that it was my boss Giovanni, that Italian who must be very good in bed!
I introduce the vibrator into my pussy and it doesn't take long and I start moaning and screaming calling my boss's name and when I finish cumming I stay there remembering how I lied to my friend, saying I didn't feel anything for him. Oh how I want to do perverted things with this man, I think!